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Alexandre de Beauharnais

Politician Alexandre de Beauharnais

Full Name: Alexandre François Marie, Viscount of Beauharnais
Profession: Politician


Biography: Alexandre François Mariewas a French politician and general during the Revolutionary Wars. Born in Martinique into a wealthy French noble family, Alexandre's life was intertwined with the events of the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, through his marriage to Joséphine Tascher de la Pagerie, the future Empress Joséphine.

Educated in France, Alexandre entered the military service and then quickly transitioned into the political arena, becoming a deputy of the Estates-General for the nobility in 1789. His political career was marked by his support for the early stages of the French Revolution and he became President of the National Constituent Assembly in 1791.

His noble lineage and moderate political stance, however, soon became liabilities in the radical phase of the Revolution. He was arrested during the Reign of Terror, a period of extreme violence and paranoia. Despite his earlier support, Alexandre's status and actions did not save him from the guillotine.

His marriage to Joséphine de Beauharnais was an unhappy one, plagued by infidelity and discord, and the couple eventually separated. Despite this, they had two children, Eugène and Hortense, who would play significant roles in the Napoleonic era: Eugène was viceroy of Italy under Napoleon, and Hortense married Napoleon’s brother Louis, becoming the mother of Napoleon III.

Born: May 28, 1760
Birthplace: Fort-Royal, Martinique, France
Star Sign: Gemini

Died: July 23, 1794 (aged 34)
Cause of Death: Executed by guillotine during the Reign of Terror

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