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Ayatollah Khomeini

Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khomeini

Full Name: Ayatollah Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini
Profession: Supreme Leader of Iran


Biography: Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini is best known for leading the 1979 Iranian Revolution, which overthrew the Shah and established the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Khomeini began studying Islamic theology and philosophy at a young age, eventually becoming a respected scholar and author.

In the 1960s, he became a vocal critic of the Shah's regime, leading to his arrest and exile in 1964. While in exile, Khomeini developed his political theories and gained a significant following among Iranians.

He returned to Iran in 1979, sparking the Iranian Revolution. There Khomeini became the country's first Supreme Leader, a position created in the new constitution, and held this role until his death.

During his leadership, Khomeini implemented policies based on his interpretation of Islamic law. He took a strong anti-Western stance, supported the Iran hostage crisis, and issued a fatwa against author Salman Rushdie. He also led Iran through the lengthy and costly Iran-Iraq War.

When Khomeini died in 1989, his funeral drew millions of mourners, making it one of the largest gatherings in history.

Born: September 24, 1902
Birthplace: Khomeyn, Persia

Generation: Greatest Generation
Chinese Zodiac: Tiger
Star Sign: Libra

Died: June 3, 1989 (aged 86)
Cause of Death: Heart attack

Articles and Photos

Historical Events

  • 1963-06-05 State of siege proclaimed in Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini arrested
  • 1974-04-01 Ayatollah Khomeini calls for an Islamic Republic in Iran
  • 1978-09-08 Iranian army fires on Khomeini followers in Tehran, 100s killed
  • 1978-09-09 Ayatollah Khomeini calls for an uprising in the Iranian army
  • 1978-10-06 Iraq declares Ayatollah Khomeini an undesirable person
  • 1978-11-05 Khomeini followers attack British embassy/El Al office in Iran
  • 1979-01-20 1 million Iranians march in Tehran in a show of support for the exiled Ayatollah Khomeini, fundamentalist Muslim leader
  • 1979-02-01 Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran after 15 years in exile
  • 1979-02-11 Iran's Prime Minister Shapour Bakhtiar resigns after losing support of the military; Ayatollah Khomeini seizes power
  • 1979-08-18 Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini demands Saint War against Kurds
  • 1979-10-18 Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini orders mass executions to stop
  • 1979-11-04 500 Iranian students loyal to Ayatollah Khomeini seize the US Embassy in Tehran, taking 90 hostages for 444 days
  • 1979-11-05 Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khomeini describes the United States as "The Great Satan" amid accusations of imperialism and the sponsoring of corruption
  • 1979-11-17 Ayatollah Khomeini frees most black & female US hostages
  • 1979-11-18 Ayatollah Khomeini charges US ambassador and embassy with espionage
  • 1982-04-24 150 Khomeini followers assault student dormitory in West Germany
  • 1989-02-14 Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini issues a fatwa calling for the death of Salman Rushdie and his publishers due to his novel "Satanic Verses". A bounty is also placed on his head.
  • 2017-06-07 Suicide bombers attack Iranian parliament in Tehran and the mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini killing 12, 1st Islamic State attacks in Iran

Biographies and Sources

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