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Claude Niépce

Inventor Claude Niépce

Profession: Inventor


Biography: Claude Niépce was a French inventor and the elder brother of Nicéphore Niépce. Both brothers harbored a strong interest in science and invention, with Claude specifically focusing his work on engines.

In 1807, he and his brother patented the Pyréolophore, the world's first known internal combustion engine. It was initially designed as a boat engine and was fueled by lycopodium powder, which is derived from the spores of club moss plants.

While the Pyréolophore failed to receive widespread adoption due to its reliance on a substance that wasn't widely available, the Niépce brothers' design was remarkable and prescient.

Although Nicéphore's work in photography has perhaps received greater recognition, Claude's contributions to the field of engine design were also a significant milestone.

Born: October 28, 1764
Birthplace: Chalon-sur-Saône, Burgundy, France
Age: 259 years old
Star Sign: Scorpio

Historical Events

  • 1807-07-20 Napoleon Bonaparte grants a patent for a Pyréolophore, an early combustion engine for a boat, to brothers Nicéphore and Claude Niépce

Biographies and Sources

Famous Inventors