Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling

Philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling

Profession: Philosopher


Biography: Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling was a German philosopher and one of the key figures in the German Idealism movement, alongside contemporaries like Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. He is known for his significant contributions to metaphysics, philosophy of nature, and aesthetics.

Schelling’s philosophy emphasized the unity of opposites and the reconciliation of nature and spirit. His early work, often referred to as his "nature philosophy," posited that nature itself is a visible manifestation of the Absolute, or the ultimate reality. This served as a rebuttal to the mechanistic understanding of the universe, advocating instead for a dynamic, evolving nature that is imbued with purpose and spirit.

In his later work, Schelling delved into the problem of freedom and the nature of evil, culminating in his "philosophy of revelation." Here he explored the idea of God and the divine attributes of love and wrath.

Born: January 27, 1775
Birthplace: Leonberg, Württemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Star Sign: Aquarius

Died: August 20, 1854 (aged 79)

Historical Events

  • 1790-10-18 Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling is granted permission to enroll at the Tübinger Stift at an earlier age than usually permitted

Famous Philosophers