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Henry I of England

King of England Henry I of England

Full Name: Henry Beauclerc
Profession: King of England


Biography: Henry I of England was the fourth son of William the Conqueror and Matilda of Flanders. He was initially rendered landless by his inheritance but seized the throne when his brother, William II, died in 1100.

Henry I was known for his reform of legal and administrative systems. He also created the Exchequer, a financial department of the Royal Court, and the Charter of Liberties, which granted certain rights to the people.

Henry I was married twice and had several children, including Matilda, who was his chosen heir. However, Henry's death in 1135 led to a succession crisis that resulted in the civil war known as the Anarchy.

Birthplace: Possibly Selby, Yorkshire, England

Died: December 1, 1135
Cause of Death: Fever after eating a surfeit of lampreys against his physician's advice, see article below.

Articles and Photos

Married Life

  • 1100-11-11 English King Henry I marries Princess Matilda of Scotland at Westminster Abbey in London
  • 1121-01-24 English King Henry I marries 2nd wife Adeliza [Adela] of Louvain at Windsor Castle

Historical Events

  • 1106-09-28 Battle at Tinchebrai: English King Henry I beats his brother Robert, Duke of Normandy in Normandy

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