Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.


Physician and Alchemist Paracelsus

Full Name: Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim
Profession: Physician and Alchemist


Biography: Known as a revolutionary in his time for insisting upon using observations of nature, rather than looking to ancient texts, in open and radical defiance of medical practice of his day.

He is credited for giving zinc its name by calling it zincum. Modern psychology often also credits him for being the first to note that some diseases are rooted in psychological illness

Often called the 'Father of toxicology' Paracelsus believed in the importance of chemistry to medicine. He published just one major work during his lifetime "Grosse Wundartzney" (Great Surgery Book") in 1536 but other were printed by associates after his death.

Born: November 11, 1493
Birthplace: Einsiedeln, Switzerland
Star Sign: Scorpio

Died: September 24, 1541 (aged 47)

Historical Events

  • 1527-06-24 Paracelsus publicly burns standard medical textbooks at the University of Basel, as a protest against the current teaching and practice of medicine

Quotes by Paracelsus

  • "Consider that we should call not our brother a fool, since we know not ourselves what we are."