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Paul VI

Pope Paul VI
Olga Popova /

Full Name: Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini
Profession: Pope


Biography: Paul VI was the Pope from 1963 until 1978. In his role he was a strident reformer, touching every aspect of Church life during his papacy. He closed the Second Vatican Council, and implemented a number of its reforms. His rejection of birth control, as outlined his writings in Humanae vitae, were contested during his lifetime.

He was also known as a follower of Marianology (the study of Mary, Mother of Jesus) and named her as Mother of the Church. Upon his death in 1978, he was succeeded by John Paul I, who died only a month later, and who was then succeeded by John Paul II. Thus 1978 is known as the Year of Three Popes.

In 1993 the process of canonizing Paul VI commenced. He was beatified by Pope Francis in 2014 and canonized in 2018.

Born: September 26, 1897
Birthplace: Concesio, Brescia, Italy

Generation: Lost Generation
Star Sign: Libra

Died: August 6, 1978 (aged 80)
Cause of Death: Heart attack

Articles and Photos

Historical Events

  • 1963-06-21 Cardinal Montini elected Pope Paul VI, 262nd head of Roman Catholic Church, succeeding John XXIII
  • 1963-12-04 Pope Paul VI closes second session of 2nd Vatican Council
  • 1964-01-05 Pope Paul VI visits Jordan & Israel
  • 1964-08-06 Pope Paul VI publishes encyclical Ecclesiam Suam
  • 1964-11-13 Pope Paul VI gives up the jewel-encrusted gold papal crown, donating it to the poor at a service in Rome
  • 1964-11-21 Pope Paul VI signs 3rd sitting of 2nd Vatican council
  • 1965-09-03 Pope Paul VI publishes encyclical Mysterium Fidei
  • 1965-10-02 Pope Paul VI named MR Perey bishop's helper of New Orleans
  • 1965-10-04 Pope Paul VI becomes 1st Catholic Pope to leave Italy since 1809, and 1st to visit Western Hemisphere, spending 14 hours in NYC to address the UN, meet with US President Lyndon Johnson, visit the World's Fair and St. Patrick's Cathedral, and celebrate mass at Yankee Stadium
  • 1965-10-28 Pope Paul VI proclaims Jews not collectively guilty for crucifixion
  • 1965-12-07 Roman Catholic Pope Paul VI and Orthodox Patriarch Athenagoras I simultaneously lift mutual excommunications that led to the split of the two churches in 1054 in the Great Schism.
  • 1965-12-08 Pope Paul VI closes final session of the Second Vatican Council - an influential ecumenical council that significantly modernized church practices
  • 1967-03-26 Pope Paul VI publishes encyclical Populorum progressio
  • 1967-06-24 Pope Paul VI publishes encyclical Sacerdotalis coelibatus
  • 1967-06-26 Pope Paul VI names 27 new cardinals including Karol Józef Wojtyła, the Archbishop of Cracow and future Pope John Paul II
  • 1967-08-06 Pope Paul VI publishes constitution Pro comperto sane
  • 1967-08-15 Pope Paul VI publishes constitution Regimini Ecclesiae Universae
  • 1968-07-25 Pope Paul VI publishes encyclical "Humanae vitae (Of Human Life)" which rejects any artificial forms of birth control
  • 1968-08-22 1st papal visit to Latin America, Pope Paul VI arrives in Bogota to open a Eucharistic congress.
  • 1969-03-28 Pope Paul VI names JGM Willebrands cardinal
  • 1969-05-08 Pope Paul VI publishes the Sacra Ritum Congregatio, dividing the Congregation of Rites into two different congregations: one for Divine Worship and another for the Causes of the Saints
  • 1970-11-27 Pope Paul VI wounded in chest during a visit to Philippines by a dagger-wielding Bolivian painter disguised as a priest
  • 1973-01-15 Pope Paul VI holds an audience with Israel Prime Minister Golda Meir at the Vatican
  • 1973-02-27 Pope Paul VI publishes constitution motu proprio Quo aptius
  • 1974-02-02 Pope Paul VI encyclical "To Honor Mary"
  • 1975-09-14 Mother Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton canonized as 1st US-born saint by Pope Paul VI
  • 1975-12-20 Pope Paul VI names Johannes Willebrands Archbishop of Utrecht
  • 1977-06-19 Pope Paul VI makes 19th-cen bishop John Neumann 1st US male saint
  • 1978-08-07 Thousands of mourners file past body of Pope Paul VI
  • 1978-08-11 Funeral of Pope Paul VI held in the Vatican

Biographies and Sources

Famous Popes