Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Pius XI

259th Pope Pius XI

Full Name: Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti
Profession: 259th Pope


Biography: Bishop of Rome and head of the Catholic Church from 1922 to 1939.

Born: May 31, 1857
Birthplace: Desio, Lombardy-Venetia, Austrian Empire
Star Sign: Gemini

Died: February 10, 1939 (aged 81)

Historical Events

  • 1922-02-06 Cardinal Achille Ratti elected Pope Pius XI
  • 1922-11-16 Pope Pius XI calls on Belgian people to unite
  • 1922-12-23 Pope Pius XI pleas for peace: encyclical Ubi arcano
  • 1923-06-24 Pope Pius XI speaks against allies occupying Ruhrgebied
  • 1924-01-18 Pope Pius XI's encyclical Maximam gravissimamque
  • 1925-05-12 French priest Jean Vianney (1786-1859) canonized as Saint John Vianney by Pope Pius XI
  • 1925-12-11 Pope Pius XI publishes encyclical Quas Primas
  • 1926-03-12 Pope Pius XI names J E van Roey archbishop of Malines Belgium
  • 1926-11-18 Pope Pius XI encyclical On persecution of Church in Mexico
  • 1928-01-06 Pope Pius XI publishes encyclical Mortalium animos (against oecumene)
  • 1929-12-31 Pope Pius XI publishes encyclical Divini illius magistri
  • 1931-05-15 Pope Pius XI publishes encyclical Quadragesimo anno
  • 1931-06-29 Pope Pius XI publishes encyclical on Nun abbiamo bisogno (We do not need fascism and Mussolini)
  • 1931-10-02 Pope Pius XI encyclical On economic crisis
  • 1933-06-03 Pope Pius XI encyclical "On oppression of the Church in Spain"
  • 1935-05-19 English Cardinal John Fisher and statesman Thomas More, both executed by Henry VIII, canonized as saints by Pope Pius XI
  • 1935-12-20 Pope Pius XI publishes encyclical Ad Catholici Sacerdotii on the importance of priestly celibacy
  • 1936-06-16 Pope Pius XI receives Anton Mussert (Dutch Nazi collaborator)
  • 1936-06-29 Pope Pius XI encyclical to US bishops "On motion pictures"
  • 1937-03-14 Pope Pius XI publishes anti-nazi-encyclical Mit brennender Sorge
  • 1937-03-19 Pope Pius XI publishes encyclical Divini redemptoris against communism

Famous Popes