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Pope John XXIII

Full Name: Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli
Profession: Pope


Biography: The 261st Roman Catholic Pope who reigned from 1958-1963.

John XXIII called the historic Second Vatican Council.

Born: November 25, 1881
Birthplace: Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy
Star Sign: Sagittarius

Died: June 3, 1963 (aged 81)
Cause of Death: Stomach cancer

Historical Events

  • 1904-08-10 Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (future Pope John XXIII) becomes a priest
  • 1925-03-19 Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (future Pope John XXIII) becomes a bishop, appointed as Apostolic Visitor to Bulgaria
  • 1958-10-28 Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli elected Pope, taking name John XXIII
  • 1958-11-04 Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli crowned as Pope John XXIII
  • 1959-01-25 Pope John XXIII proclaims 2nd Vatican council
  • 1959-06-29 Pope John XXIII publishes his 1st encyclical "On truth, unity, & peace, in charity"
  • 1959-08-01 Pope John XXIII publishes encyclical Sacerdotii nostri primordia
  • 1959-11-28 Pope John XXIII publishes encyclical Princeps Pastorum
  • 1961-05-15 Pope John XXIII publishes encyclical Mater et Magistra
  • 1962-01-03 Pope John XXIII excommunicates Fidel Castro
  • 1962-10-11 Second Vatican Council (21st ecumenical) convened by Pope John XXIII
  • 1963-04-11 Pope John XXIII publishes encyclical "Pacem in terris", that peace between all peoples must be based on truth, justice, love and freedom
  • 1963-12-06 President Lyndon B. Johnson confers Presidential Medal of Freedom on 31 recipients selected by JFK, including: contralto Marian Anderson; diplomat Ralph Bunche; cellist Pablo Casals; Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter; labor leader George Meaney; architect Mies van der Rohe; pianist Rudolf Serkin; writers E. B. White and Thorton Wilder; and painter Andrew Wyeth; as well as posthumously to JFK himself, and Pope John XXIII

Famous Popes