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Ivan the Terrible Kills His Son

The painting "Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan" by Russian painter Ilya Repin
The painting "Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan" by Russian painter Ilya Repin

Why was Ivan so terrible?

Ivan the Terrible transformed Russia in his forty year reign as Tsar, often at immense human cost, and not without leaving an historical legacy known primarily for his episodic outbreaks of mental illness and rage.

The most infamous of these outbreaks occurred on or around the night of November 16, 1581, when the Tsar killed his son and heir, Ivan Ivanovich in a fit of rage.

Why did Ivan the Terrible kill his son?

The Tsar had assaulted his pregnant daughter-in-law, who he felt was wearing unconventionally light clothing. When the younger Ivan rushed in and confronted his father, the elder struck him on the head with his scepter, and he died on November 19.

What was Ilya Repin's inspiration?

Ilya Repin was inspired by the famous painting “The Return of the Prodigal Son” by Dutch painter Rembrandt, among others. The result is one of the most famous and controversial paintings in Russian history.

Painting Info

Artist: Ilya Repin

Source: Wikimedia Commons

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  • 1581-11-16 Tsar Ivan the Terrible attacks his son and heir, Ivan Ivanovich, with a scepter after an argument leading to the latter's death three days later
  • 1581-11-19 Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich dies after being attacked by his father Ivan the Terrible three days earlier

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