Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Brazilian History Timeline

Brazil: Brasília - Rio de Janeiro - Salvador - São Paulo

Events in Brazilian History

  • 1500-01-26 Vicente Yáñez Pinzón becomes the first European to set foot in Brazil
  • 1501-07-15 Portuguese explorer Pedro Cabral arrives back in Lisbon after successfully discovering Brazil and returning from India
  • 1549-02-10 Tomé de Sousa appointed as the 1st Governor-General of Brazil
  • 1549-03-29 The city of Salvador da Bahia, the first capital of Brazil, is founded
  • 1554-01-25 City of São Paulo founded in Brazil
  • 1565-03-01 Portuguese soldier Estácio de Sá founds the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 1567-06-20 Jews are expelled from Brazil by order of regent Don Henrique
  • 1573-11-22 The Brazilian city of Niterói is founded
  • 1599-12-25 The city of Natal, Brazil, is founded.
  • 1616-01-12 Brazilian city Belem (the entrance gate to the Amazon) founded by Captain Major Francisco Branco

Capture of Salvador Da Bahia

1624-05-10 Dutch admirals Jacob Willekens and Piet Heyn conquer Salvador da Bahia, the capital of Brazil and a Portuguese stronghold

  • 1627-03-03 Dutch privateer Piet Heyn attacks and conquers 22 Portuguese ships in Bay of Salvador, Brazil
  • 1627-06-10 Dutch privateer Piet Heyn attacks Portuguese ships in the Bay of All Saints, Brazil
  • 1630-02-14 Dutch fleet of 69 ships reaches Pernambuco, Brazil
  • 1636-08-04 Johan Mauritius appointed governor of Dutch Brazil
  • 1636-11-17 Brazilian general Henrique Dias wins a decisive battle against the Dutch in Brazil
  • 1637-01-23 Dutch governor Johan Mauritius lands in Pernambuco, Brazil
  • 1638-01-05 Petition in Recife Brazil leads to closing of their 2 synagogues
  • 1644-05-06 Johan Mauritius resigns as governor of Brazil
  • 1645-04-07 Michael Cardozo becomes 1st Jewish lawyer in Brazil
  • 1654-04-26 Jews are expelled from Brazil
  • 1661-08-06 The Treaty of The Hague is signed whereby the Dutch Republic sells New Holland (Brazil) for 63 tonnes of gold to Portugal
  • 1695-11-20 Zumbi, the last King of the Quilombo dos Palmares in early Brazil and ex-slave, is executed and decapitated, his head displayed on a pike to dispel any legends of his immortality
  • 1729-07-22 Diamonds found in Minas Geras, Brazil

Tiradentes Executed

1792-04-21 Brazilian revolutionary Tiradentes, is hanged, drawn and quartered in Rio de Janeiro

Conquest of Cayenne

1809-01-06 Napoleonic Wars: Invasion of Cayenne, by combined British, Portuguese and colonial Brazilian forces, begins

  • 1812-12-29 The USS Constitution under the command of Captain William Bainbridge, captures the HMS Java off the coast of Brazil after a three hour battle
  • 1815-12-05 Foundation of Maceió in Brazil.

Brazil Declares Independence

1822-09-07 Pedro I, son of King Joao VI declares Brazil's independence from Portugal (National Day)

  • 1822-12-01 Dom Pedro crowned emperor of Brazil
  • 1823-07-02 Bahia Independence Day: End of Portuguese rule in Brazil, with the final defeat of the Portuguese crown loyalists in the province of Bahia
  • 1824-05-26 Brazil is recognized by the US
  • 1825-08-25 Uruguay declares independence from Brazil (National Day)
  • 1825-08-29 Portugal recognizes the Independence of Brazil
  • 1828-08-27 Uruguay gains independence during Brazil-Argentina peace talks

Darwin Arrives in Bahia

1832-02-28 Charles Darwin, aboard HMS Beagle, arrives in the town of Salvador in the Brazilian state of Bahia

  • 1832-02-29 Charles Darwin walks through the tropical forests of Bahia in Brazil, describing the experience as being in "transports of pleasure"
  • 1835-09-20 Farroupilha's Revolution begins in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
  • 1836-08-01 As part of their homeward journey on the HMS Beagle, Charles Darwin returns to Bahia in Brazil
  • 1856-05-07 Argentina & Brazil sign a navigation pact
  • 1861-08-01 Brazil recognizes Confederacy
  • 1864-10-07 Naval Engagement at Bahia Harbor, Brazil - CSS Florida vs USS Wachusett
  • 1864-10-11 Campina Grande, Brazil was established as a city

War of the Triple Alliance

1866-03-01 War of the Triple Alliance: Paraguayan canoes sink two Brazilian ironclads on the Rio Paraná

  • 1869-08-16 War of the Triple Alliance: A Paraguay battalion made up of children is massacred by the Brazilian Army during the Battle of Acosta Ñu
  • 1883-09-21 First direct US-Brazil telegraph connection
  • 1888-05-13 Princess Isabel of Brazil acting as regent signs the "Lei Auréa" (Golden Law) abolishing slavery in Brazil
  • 1889-11-15 Dom Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, deposed; republic proclaimed
  • 1897-12-12 Belo Horizonte, the first planned city of Brazil, founded
  • 1903-11-17 In the Treaty of Petropolis, Bolivia cedes the territory of Arce to Brazil; Bolivia gains rail and water outlets in the east
  • 1908-03-25 Clube Atletico Mineiro, Founded in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
  • 1908-06-18 Japanese immigration to Brazil begins when 781 people arrive in Santos aboard the Kasato-Maru ship

Wilson Accepts Mediation

1914-04-25 US President Woodrow Wilson is persuaded by Argentina, Brazil, and Chile to accept mediation in the conflict with Mexico

  • 1915-08-31 Brazil becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty
  • 1917-10-26 World War I: Brazil declares it is in a state of war with the Central Powers
  • 1921-06-11 Brazil adopts women's suffrage
  • 1922-02-09 Brazil becomes a member of the Berne Convention copyright treaty
  • 1922-02-11 Influential arts festival Semana de Arte Moderna (Modern Art Week) opens in São Paulo - the beginning of Modernism in Brazil
  • 1924-07-05 Military revolt in Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • 1926-03-17 Spain & Brazil prevent Germany joining League of Nations
  • 1926-06-12 Brazil leaves League of Nations
  • 1927-09-07 University of Minas Gerais founded in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, by Governor Antônio Carlos

Brazilian Coup d'état

1930-10-24 A bloodless coup d'état in Brazil ousts Washington Luís Pereira de Sousa, the last President of the First Republic. Getúlio Vargas then installed as "provisional president."

Poon Lim's 133 Day South Atlantic Odyssey

1943-04-05 Chinese steward Poon Lim is found off the coast of Brazil by a Brazilian fisherman family after being adrift for 133 days, after British ship SS Benlomond was torpedoed by a German U-boat

FIFA World Cup

1958-06-29 FIFA World Cup Final, Råsunda Stadium, Stockholm, Sweden: Vavá & Pelé each score 2 goals as Brazil beats Sweden, 5-2

  • 1960-04-21 Brasilia becomes capital of Brazil
  • 1960-08-24 60 people die when a bus plunges off bridge into Turvo River, Brazil
  • 1960-10-03 Janio Quadros elected president of Brazil
  • 1961-08-25 Brazilian president Janio Quadros, resigns
  • 1961-12-17 Niteroi Circus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil catches fire; 323 die after disgruntled employee sets fire to the tent
  • 1962-04-16 Brazil nationalizes US businesses
  • 1964-04-01 Military coup in Brazil by General Castello Branco ousts President João Goulart
  • 1964-04-04 Deposed President João Goulart leaves Brazil under threat of arrest, moves into life of exile in Uruguay, and later Argentina
  • 1967-03-15 Marshal Arturo da Costa e Silva sworn in as President of Brazil
  • 1968-12-13 Brazilian President Da Costa e Silva issues Ato Institucional Número Cinco degree
  • 1969-11-20 Brazilian soccer icon Pelé scores his 1,000th goal
  • 1970-06-21 FIFA World Cup Final, Estadio Azteca, Mexico City: Brazil and Pelé become first team and player to win World Cup 3 times, beating Italy, 4-1 in front of 107,412
  • 1971-02-04 Government exhibit under construction in Brazil collapses, kills 65
  • 1971-04-26 Heaviest rains ever in Bahia district of Brazil, 15" in 24 hrs
  • 1973-07-11 Brazilian Boeing 707 crashes near Paris, 122 killed
  • 1974-03-15 Brazilian president Garastazu Médici resigns
  • 1974-07-28 69 die when packed bus strikes heavy truck in Belem, Brazil
  • 1974-11-01 Fire kills 189 in less than 25 min (Sao Paulo Brazil)

Catholic History

1980-07-09 Seven people die in a stampede to see Pope John Paul II in Brazil

  • 1982-06-08 Brazilian B-727 flight crashes into mountain; 135 die
  • 1984-02-25 Oil fire in Cubatao Brazil kills 500
  • 1985-01-15 Tancredo Neves becomes 1st elected President of Brazil in 21 years, but dies before taking office
  • 1985-06-21 American, Brazilian & West German forensic pathologists confirm skeletal remains exhumed in Brazil were Nazi Dr Josef Mengele
  • 1988-02-20 500 die in heavy rains in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 1988-10-05 Brazil adopts its Constitution
  • 1989-11-12 Brazil holds its 1st free presidential election in 29 years
  • 1989-12-17 Brazil elects conservative Fernando Collor de Mello as president
  • 1990-03-15 Fernando Collor de Mello sworn in as President of Brazil
  • 1991-03-15 Territories of Amapa & Roraima become states in Brazil
  • 1992-06-03 World's largest environmental summit opens in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 1992-10-02 The Carandiru Massacre takes place after a riot in the Carandiru Penitentiary in São Paulo, Brazil
  • 1992-10-02 VP Itamar Franco becomes President of Brazil
  • 1993-04-21 Brazil votes against a monarchy
  • 1993-09-07 Brazil votes over importing monarchy
  • 1994-10-03 Fernando Henrique Cardoso elected president of Brazil
  • 1995-01-01 Fernando Henrique Cardoso installed as president of Brazil
  • 1996-10-31 Transportes Aéreos Regionais (TAM) Flight 402, a Fokker F100, crashes into several houses in São Paulo, Brazil killing 98 including 2 on the ground.
  • 1997-03-04 Brazil Senate allows women to wear slacks

FIFA World Cup

1998-07-12 FIFA World Cup Final, Stade de France, Saint-Denis: Zinedine Zidane scores twice as France wins first World Cup beating Brazil, 3-0

  • 1999-06-06 Largest jailbreak in Brazilian history at the Putim maximum security prison in Brazil, 345 prisoners run from the main gate. In the ensuing manhunt, two fugitives are killed and five innocent bystanders are accidentally jailed.
  • 2000-06-12 Sandro Rosa do Nascimento takes hostages while robbing Bus #174 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; the highly-publicized standoff becomes a media circus and ends with the death of do Nascimento and a hostage.
  • 2001-03-15 The world's largest oil rig, located off Brazil and operated by Petrobras, suffers three explosions

FIFA World Cup

2002-06-30 FIFA World Cup Final, International Stadium, Yokohama, Japan: Ronaldo scores twice as Brazil beats Germany, 2-0 to win record 5th title; first World Cup held in Asia

Agreement of Interest

2004-03-03 Belgian brewer Interbrew and Brazilian rival AmBev agreed to merge in a $11.2 billion deal forming InBev, the world's largest brewer

  • 2006-03-10 Mass unrest by the PCC started in São Paulo (the biggest city in Brazil) which would eventually kill more than 152 people.
  • 2006-03-30 Marcos Pontes is the first Brazilian astronaut in space
  • 2006-05-12 A major rebellion occurs in São Paulo as members of criminal organization Primeiro Comando da Capital attack police officers and stations, eventually escalating to several prisons in Brazil leaving around 130 dead


2007-05-11 Pope Benedict XVI canonizes the first Brazilian-born saint, Frei Galvão

  • 2007-06-27 The Brazilian Military Police invades the favelas of Complexo do Alemão in an episode which is remembered as the Complexo do Alemão massacre.
  • 2007-07-17 TAM Airlines (TAM Linhas Aéreas) Flight 3054 crashes upon landing during rain in São Paulo. Brazil's deadliest aviation accident to date with estimated 199 deaths.

Thieves Steal a Picasso

2007-12-20 Painting "Portrait of Suzanne Bloch (1904)", by the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso, is stolen from the São Paulo Museum of Art, along with "O Lavrador de Café", by the major Brazilian modernist painter Candido Portinari

Neymar Debuts

2009-03-07 Despite only being 17 years old, Brazilian soccer star Neymar makes his professional debut for Santos

  • 2009-06-01 Air France Flight 447 crashes into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Brazil on a flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. All 228 passengers and crew were killed.
  • 2009-06-09 Brazil officially enters recession
  • 2009-09-11 The Brazilian economy technically leaves the recession when GDP grew 1.9% in the second quarter of 2009 after having fallen in the first quarter of 2009 and last quarter of 2008
  • 2012-11-29 Luiz Felipe Scolari takes over as Brazilian Football coach
  • 2013-03-13 An Embraer 821 aeroplane crashes and kills 9 people in Para, Brazil
  • 2013-03-19 16 people are killed by mudslides in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 2013-05-14 Brazil becomes the 15th country to legalize same-sex marriage
  • 2013-07-13 Ten people are killed after a bus crash in Minas Gerais, Brazil

Rousseff Re-elected

2014-10-26 Dilma Rousseff is re-elected President of Brazil

  • 2015-11-05 Fundão dam in Brazil collapses, killing about 23, causing a second dam to fail, releasing a massive flood of mud down the Rio Dulce
  • 2015-12-26 Floods in Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay displace 150,000, blamed on El Nino
  • 2016-01-23 Zika virus outbreak in Brazil prompts Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador and Jamaica to recommend women delay pregnancies for up to 2 years
  • 2016-03-17 Brazilian federal judge blocks swearing-in of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva as Chief of Staff to President Dilma Rousseff, as part of "Car Wash" controversy
  • 2016-05-11 Brazilian senate votes to suspend President Dilma Rousseff and put her on trial for budgetary violations
  • 2016-05-12 Michel Temer, former vice-president, becomes Brazilian interim President after a vote to impeach Dilma Rousseff
  • 2016-08-31 Brazilian Senate votes to impeach President Dilma Rousseff, removing her from office
  • 2016-09-07 15th Summer Paralympics opens in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 2016-11-28 Plane carrying Brazilian Chapecoense football team crashes near Medellín, Colombia killing 71 players and journalists
  • 2016-12-04 Tens of thousands march throughout Brazil against a vote to undermine anti-corruption investigations
  • 2017-05-12 Brazil declares end to Zika national emergency as cases decrease

Temer Charged with Corruption

2017-06-26 Brazilian state prosecutors file corruption charges against President Michel Temer

  • 2017-07-01 Brazilian police arrest drug kingpin Luiz Carlos da Rocha in Sorriso
  • 2017-08-03 Brazilian soccer forward Neymar transfers from FC Barcelona to Paris Saint-Germain for a world-record transfer fee of €222M on a 5-year deal
  • 2017-08-30 Brazilian court blocks President Michel Temer from abolishing Renca, which would open parts of the Amazon to mining
  • 2017-11-08 Brazilian surfer Rodrigo Koxa breaks the world record for surfing the biggest-ever wave at 24.4m at Nazaré, Portugal
  • 2017-12-06 Brazilian drug lord Rogério da Silva arrested in Rio
  • 2018-02-06 Brazilian jockey Jorge Ricardo equals world record number of victories for a jockey - 12,844 in Rio de Janeiro

Inventing Modern Art in Brazil

2018-02-11 MOMA opens a major solo exhibition for Brazilian artist Tarsila do Amaral in New York

  • 2018-03-14 Brazilian human rights politician Marielle Franco is murdered in Rio, prompting mass protests
  • 2018-05-21 Truckers begin a 10 strike in Brazil, blocking roads in protest at the price of diesel leading to country-wide shortages
  • 2018-05-27 Oil workers for Brazilian state oil company Petrobrás join the truckers' national strike
  • 2018-09-02 Major fire at the National Museum of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro destroys most of its 20 million artifacts

Bolsonaro Stabbed

2018-09-06 Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro is stabbed at a campaign rally in Juiz de Fora, Brazil

Lula Abandons Campaign

2018-09-11 Imprisoned Brazilian Ex-president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva abandons his presidential campaign

  • 2018-09-29 Large demonstrations across Brazil against far-right presidential frontrunner Jair Bolsonaro
  • 2018-10-20 12,000 year old fossil called "Luzia", oldest known fossil in South America announced found mostly intact after devastating fire at Brazil's National Museum
  • 2018-10-29 Far-right politician Jair Bolsonaro wins Brazil's presidential election defeating Fernando Haddad
  • 2018-11-09 Mudslide after heavy rain in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil kills 10
  • 2018-11-21 RIBA’s best building in the world biennial international prize awarded to Canuanã school in Brazil
  • 2018-12-04 First successful birth resulting from uterus transplant from a deceased donor in São Paulo, Brazil
  • 2018-12-07 Brazilian spiritual healer João Teixeira de Faria accused of sexual abuse by four women, over 200 more come forward in next week