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Woodrow Wilson

28th US President Woodrow Wilson

Profession: 28th US President

United States of America

Political Party: Democratic Democratic Party
Political Titles: Governor of New Jersey

Presidential Term: April 3, 1913 - April 3, 1921
Preceded By: William Howard Taft
Succeeded By: Warren G. Harding

Biography: A progressive politician, Woodrow Wilson became President of Princeton University in 1902, Governor of New Jersey in 1910 and was nominated for President by the Democratic Party in 1912.

Wilson served two terms. His first saw the introduction of progressive legislation that would be unseen in scale until Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal in the 1930s. This legislation included the Federal Reserve Act, the Underwood Revenue Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, the Federal Farm Loan Act and child labor laws.

In 1914, World War I broke out and Wilson maintained neutrality, while pursuing a more aggressive course in Mexico's civil war. Wilson became the first Democrat since Andrew Jackson to be re-elected to consecutive terms in 1916. The following year, when Germany resumed unrestricted submarine warfare and the existence of the Zimmerman Telegram was disclosed, he changed his earlier stance on entering the war and asked the Senate to declare war on Germany, taking the country into the final stages of World War I.

After the Allied victory he was instrumental in negotiating the Treaty of Versailles and establishing the League of Nations. Wilson had first put forward the idea of a League as part of his 'Fourteen Points' speech in a Senate address. In 1919 he won the Nobel Peace Prize. The same year he suffered a severe stroke which left his power and influence diminished, and the Treaty of Versailles was eventually rejected by the Senate. He lost a bid to be re-nominated at the Democratic National Convention and left office in 1921, before dying in 1924.

Born: December 28, 1856
Birthplace: Staunton City, Virginia, USA
Star Sign: Capricorn

Died: February 3, 1924 (aged 67)
Cause of Death: Stroke

Articles and Photos

Married Life

  • 1885-06-24 College professor and future 28th US President Woodrow Wilson (28) weds Presbyterian minister's daughter and artist Ellen Louise Axson (25) in Savannah, Georgia, until her death in 1914
  • 1915-12-18 28th US President Woodrow Wilson, widowed the year before marries second wife Edith Bolling Galt, a descendant of native American Pocahontas

Historical Events

  • 1912-11-05 Democrat candidate Woodrow Wilson is elected President of the United States, defeating Republican incumbent William Howard Taft and Progressive candidate Theodore Roosevelt
  • 1913-03-04 Woodrow Wilson inaugurated as 28th US President
  • 1913-03-15 1st US presidential press conference, held by Woodrow Wilson
  • 1913-04-10 New York Highlanders play first MLB game as the New York Yankees; lose to the Washington Senators, 2-1 at Griffith Stadium, President Woodrow Wilson throws out 1st ball
  • 1913-10-03 US Federal income tax signed into law (at 1%) by President Woodrow Wilson
  • 1913-10-27 In a speech in Mobile, Alabama, President Woodrow Wilson vows the US will "will never again seek one additional foot of territory by conquest"
  • 1913-11-01 Less than a week after the US non-intervention promise, President Woodrow Wilson demands that Mexican dictator Victoriano Huerta resign
  • 1913-12-23 US President Woodrow Wilson signs Federal Reserve Act into law - creates the central banking Federal Reserve System
  • 1914-04-09 US President Woodrow Wilson refuses to recognize Victoriano Huerta as President of Mexico on the ground that the dictator has not been elected by the people
  • 1914-04-25 US President Woodrow Wilson is persuaded by Argentina, Brazil, and Chile to accept mediation in the conflict with Mexico
  • 1914-05-09 US President Woodrow Wilson proclaims Mother's Day
  • 1914-08-18 US President Woodrow Wilson issues "Proclamation of Neutrality"
  • 1914-08-19 In a message to the Senate, US President Woodrow Wilson urges the American people to be 'neutral in fact as well as name'
  • 1914-09-05 US President Woodrow Wilson orders US Navy to make its wireless stations accessible for any transatlantic communications - even to German diplomats sending coded messages; leads to interception of the Zimmermann telegram, helping bring the US into the war
  • 1914-12-14 US President Woodrow Wilson signs Harrison Narcotics Tax Act, to regulate and tax production, importation, and distribution of opiates and coca products
  • 1915-01-28 US President Woodrow Wilson refuses to prohibit immigration of illiterates
  • 1915-02-10 US President Woodrow Wilson warns Germany that the US will hold it 'to a strict accountability' for 'property endangered or lives lost'
  • 1915-02-10 US President Woodrow Wilson protests to Britain on the use of US flags on British merchant ships to deceive the Germans
  • 1915-06-09 US President Woodrow Wilson sends second Lusitania note to Germany protesting sinking of the Lusitania and refuting German claim British blockade illegal
  • 1915-07-08 The Germans reply to US President Woodrow Wilson's second Lusitania note by saying that Americans may sail on clearly marked neutral ships, but Germany does not deal with Wilson's other demands
  • 1915-07-21 Woodrow Wilson sends the third Lusitania note, warning Germany that future infringement of American rights will be deemed 'deliberately unfriendly'
  • 1915-07-28 Because of virtual anarchy, US Marines go ashore in Haiti on orders from President Woodrow Wilson; this will lead to an occupation that will last until 1934
  • 1915-10-09 Woodrow Wilson becomes first US President to attend a World Series game
  • 1916-01-07 In response to pressure from President Woodrow Wilson, Germany notifies the US State Department that it will abide by strict international rules of maritime warfare
  • 1916-01-10 In retaliation for President Woodrow Wilson's recognition of Mexico's Carranza government, members of Pancho Villa's revolutionary army take 17 US mining engineers from a train and shoot 16 of them in cold blood
  • 1916-01-28 US President Woodrow Wilson nominates Louis Brandeis for the Supreme Court of the United States
  • 1916-05-27 President Woodrow Wilson addresses the League to Enforce Peace, founded in 1915, and gives public support to the idea of a league of nations
  • 1916-06-14 Democratic Convention convenes in St Louis; Woodrow Wilson campaigns on the slogan "he kept out of the war"
  • 1916-09-03 US President Woodrow Wilson signs Adamson Act, providing an 8-hour day on interstate railroads, preventing a national railroad strike
  • 1916-09-08 US President Woodrow Wilson signs the Emergency Revenue Act, doubling the rate of income tax and adding inheritance and munitions profits tax
  • 1916-10-22 Suffragette Inez Milholland collapses during a speech in Los Angeles, California and dies weeks later. Her last word's are to President Woodrow Wilson “Mr. President, how long must women wait for liberty?”
  • 1916-11-07 Amidst the Mexican Revolution and World War I, Woodrow Wilson is re-elected as President of the United States, defeating Republican candidate Charles E. Hughes
  • 1916-11-26 Addressing the Chamber of Commerce in Cincinnati, US President Woodrow Wilson declares that 'The business of neutrality is over. The nature of modern war leaves no state untouched'
  • 1917-01-10 The Allied Governments respond to US President Woodrow Wilson's December 1916 note, giving their terms for ending the war
  • 1917-02-03 US ocean liner Housatonic is sunk by a German submarine, on the same day that US President Woodrow Wilson breaks off diplomatic relations with Germany
  • 1917-02-24 US Ambassador to Great Britain Walter Hines Page alerts President Woodrow Wilson of German plan to get Mexican help in WWI (Zimmermann telegram)
  • 1917-03-05 US President Woodrow Wilson is inaugurated for a second term
  • 1917-03-08 US Senate introduces the Cloture Rule, requiring a two-thirds majority to end debate, at the urging of Woodrow Wilson
  • 1917-03-12 A German submarine sinks an unarmed US merchant ship, the 'Algonquin' on the same day that US President Woodrow Wilson gives executive order to arm US merchant ships
  • 1917-03-20 After the sinking of 3 more American merchant ships, US President Woodrow Wilson meets with cabinet, who agree that war is inevitable
  • 1917-04-02 US President Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to declare war against Germany
  • 1918-01-08 US President Woodrow Wilson outlines his Fourteen Points for peace after the Great War
  • 1918-02-11 US President Woodrow Wilson makes another speech before Congress and announces 'the Four Principles' - freedom of navigation, and end to secret diplomacy, and similar items - that supplement his Fourteen Points
  • 1918-03-07 President Woodrow Wilson authorizes US Army's Distinguished Service Medal
  • 1918-12-04 US President Woodrow Wilson sails for Versailles Peace Conference in France
  • 1919-03-25 Woodrow Wilson's dream of a League of Nations becomes a reality after the League Covenant is adopted at the Paris Peace Conference
  • 1919-07-08 US President Woodrow Wilson returns to NYC from Versailles Peace Conference
  • 1919-07-10 US President Woodrow Wilson personally delivers Treaty of Versailles to Senate
  • 1919-09-03 President Woodrow Wilson set out on a tour of the USA to rouse public opinion behind the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations
  • 1919-09-25 US President Woodrow Wilson suffers a breakdown in Pueblo, Colorado, his health never recovers
  • 1919-10-02 US President Woodrow Wilson has a stroke, leaving him partially paralyzed
  • 1919-10-26 US President Woodrow Wilson's veto of Prohibition Enforcement Bill is overridden
  • 1919-10-28 Volstead Act passed by US Congress, establishing prohibition, despite President Woodrow Wilson's veto
  • 1919-12-10 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to US President Woodrow Wilson
  • 1920-05-05 US President Woodrow Wilson makes Communist Labor Party illegal
  • 1965-06-01 Arno Penzias and Robert Woodrow Wilson at Bell Labs detect 3°K primordial background radiation - helping confirm The Big Bang theory (1978 Nobel Prize)

Biographies and Sources

Famous US Presidents