Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Portuguese History Timeline

Events in Portuguese History

  • 1128-06-24 Afonso I of Portugal defeats army of his mother Theresa
  • 1139-07-25 Count Alfonso I of Portugal proclaimed King
  • 1143-10-05 King Alfonso VII of Leon recognises Portugal as a Kingdom
  • 1147-10-25 King Afonso I of Portugal occupiers Lisbon
  • 1227-01-06 Ferrand, Count of Flanders, freed from the Louvre after being held prisoner for 12 years by the French
  • 1276-09-08 John XXI [Peter Juliani] elected Pope, only Portuguese Pope
  • 1325-01-07 Afonso IV succeeds Denis as King of Portugal
  • 1340-10-30 Battle of Rio Salado (or Tarifa): King Afonso IV of Portugal and King Alfonso XI of Castile defeat Sultan Abu al-Hasan 'Ali of Morocco and Yusuf I of Granada, last Marīnids invasion of Iberian Peninsula

World's Oldest Treaty

1373-06-13 Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of Perpetual Alliance (world's oldest still in existence) signed in London between King Edward III of England and King Ferdinand I of Portugal [1]

  • 1383-10-22 The 1383-85 Crisis in Portugal: A period of civil war and disorder begins after King Fernando dies without a male heir to the Portuguese throne

King John I of Portugal

1385-04-06 The Portuguese Council of the Kingdom meets in Coimbra and declares John, Master of the Order of Aviz, King John I of Portugal

  • 1385-08-14 Portuguese defeat Castilians at Aljubarrota, retain independence
  • 1386-05-09 Treaty of Windsor between Portugal and England is ratified at Windsor cementing and strengthening ties between the two kingdoms. The treaty guarantees the mutual security of both nations and strengthens commercial ties. It is the oldest diplomatic alliance still in force. [1]
  • 1479-03-06 Treaty of Alcaçovas: Portugal gives the Canary Islands to Castile in exchange for claims in West Africa
  • 1479-09-04 King Alfonso I of Portugal recognizes Isabella as queen of Castile
  • 1484-07-06 Portuguese sea captain Diogo Cão finds the mouth of the Congo River

Dias Returns Home

1488-12-15 Bartolomeu Dias returns to Portugal after becoming 1st known European to sail round the Cape of Good Hope

  • 1491-05-03 Kongo monarch Nkuwu Nzinga is baptized by Portuguese missionaries, adopting the baptismal name of João I
  • 1493-05-04 Spanish Pope Alexander VI divides America between Spain and Portugal

Treaty of Tordesillas

1494-06-07 Treaty of Tordesillas: Spain and Portugal divide the new world along a meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands, off the west coast of Africa

  • 1496-12-05 Jews are expelled from Portugal by order of King Manuel I

First Voyage of Vasco da Gama

1497-07-08 Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama departs on his first voyage, will become the 1st European to reach India by sea

Cabral Departs Lisbon

1500-03-09 Pedro Álvares Cabral departs Lisbon, Portugal at the head of a 13 ship expedition to India that will also claim Brazil for Portugal

  • 1500-08-10 Portuguese sea captain Diego Diaz is first European to sight Madagascar
  • 1500-09-13 Predro Álvares Cabral and his Portuguese expedition arrive in Calicut, India
  • 1501-01-16 Portuguese navigator Pedro Álvares Cabral and 6 ships set off from Kannur, India, on their return voyage to Lisbon
  • 1501-07-15 Portuguese explorer Pedro Cabral arrives back in Lisbon after successfully discovering Brazil and returning from India
  • 1502-01-01 Portuguese expedition under Pedro Álvares Cabral are first Europeans to discover Bay of Guanabara naming it Rio de Janeiro after mistaking it for a river entrance
  • 1502-02-12 Vasco da Gama sets sail from Lisbon, Portugal, on his second voyage to India
  • 1502-05-21 Portuguese explorer João Da Nova discovers the uninhabited Saint Helena island in the South Atlantic Ocean

Conquest of Hormuz

1507-10-27 Portuguese admiral Afonso de Albuquerque captures the Persian fortress of Ormuz on Hormuz Island

  • 1509-02-03 The Battle of Diu, naval battle at port of Diu, India between Portugal and the Ottoman Empire, establishes Portuguese trading control
  • 1510-02-17 Portuguese admiral Afonso de Albuquerque first conquers the city of Goa, entering it with little conflict
  • 1510-05-30 Portuguese forces under Afonso de Albuquerque abandon Goa after its former ruler Yusuf Adil Shah, the Muslim King of Bijapur reconquers the city
  • 1510-12-10 Muslim ruler of Goa, Yusuf Adil Shah and his Ottoman allies surrender to Portuguese forces led by Afonso de Albuquerque who puts the Muslim population to the sword
  • 1511-07-25 Portuguese forces under Afonso de Albuquerque first assault the prosperous trading city of Malacca, Malay Peninsula
  • 1511-08-10 Portuguese troops occupy parts of Malacca
  • 1511-08-24 Afonso de Albuquerque of Portugal conquers Malacca, the capital of the Sultanate of Malacca
  • 1515-04-01 Portuguese fleet under Afonso de Albuquerque captures the Persian fortress of Hormuz, renaming it the Fort of Our Lady of the Conception
  • 1517-08-15 Seven Portuguese armed vessels led by Fernão Pires de Andrade meet Chinese officials at the Pearl River estuary.

Magellan Expedition

1519-09-20 Spanish expedition led by Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan sets off on the 1st successful circumnavigation of the globe (Magellan killed on route)

1st Jesuit Missionary

1541-04-07 Spanish missionary Francis Xavier leaves Lisbon for the Portuguese East Indies as the first Jesuit missionary

  • 1541-08-18 A Portuguese ship drifts ashore in the ancient Japanese province of Higo (modern day Kumamoto Prefecture). (Traditional Japanese date: July 27, 1541)
  • 1542-02-02 Portuguese under Christovão da Gama capture a Muslim-occupied hillfort in northern Ethiopia in the Battle of Baçente.
  • 1542-05-06 Francis Xavier reaches Old Goa, then capital of Portuguese India
  • 1542-08-28 Turkish-Portuguese War (1538-1557) - Battle of Wofla: the Portuguese are scattered, their leader Christovão da Gama is captured and afterwards executed.
  • 1543-02-11 Battle at Wayna Daga: Ethiopian and Portuguese troops beat Muslim army
  • 1556-04-13 Portuguese converted Christian Marranos who revert to Judaism burned by order of Pope
  • 1565-03-01 Portuguese soldier Estácio de Sá founds the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 1570-02-28 Anti-Portuguese uprising on Ternate, Moluccas
  • 1572-03-12 Poet Luís Vaz de Camões publishes the epic poem "Os Lusíadas" in Portugal
  • 1578-08-04 Battle of The Three Kings [Battle of Alcazar quivir): Moroccans defeat a Moroccan-Portuguese alliance in northern Morocco with 10,000 killed
  • 1580-06-27 Duke of Alva's army occupies Portugal
  • 1580-08-25 Battle of Alcantara, Spain defeats Portugal

Philip II

1581-03-25 Portuguese Cortes (King's Court) calls Philip II King of Portugal, further legitimatizing his rule

Gregory Conquers Julius Caesar

1582-10-04 Last Julian calendar day in Spain, Portugal and pontifical states. To sync to the Gregorian calendar, 10 days are skipped and the next date is Oct 15.

  • 1590-07-06 English admiral Francis Drake takes Portuguese Forts at Taag
  • 1605-02-25 Portuguese garrison on Ambon surrenders to Admiral Van der Haghen
  • 1607-04-25 Battle at Gibraltar: Dutch fleet beats Spanish Portuguese fleet
  • 1612-08-29 Battle of Surat, India: English fleet beats Portuguese
  • 1625-05-01 Portuguese and Spanish expedition recaptures Salvador (Bahia) from the forces of the Dutch West India Company

Battle in the Bay of São Salvador

1627-03-03 Dutch privateer Piet Heyn attacks and conquers 22 Portuguese ships in Bay of Salvador, Brazil

  • 1627-06-10 Dutch privateer Piet Heyn attacks Portuguese ships in the Bay of All Saints, Brazil
  • 1640-12-01 Portugal regains independence after 60 years of Spanish rule following a revolution by Portuguese nobility; the Portuguese Restoration War begins and lasts until 1668 with recognition by Spain of the country's independence
  • 1640-12-15 Duke of Braganca crowned King Johan IV of Portugal
  • 1641-06-01 France and Portugal sign anti-Spanish covenant
  • 1653-01-03 The Coonan Cross Oath is taken in the Saint Thomas Christian community in an effort to avoid submission to Portuguese rule in India
  • 1654-01-26 Portuguese troops conquer last Dutch base on Recife
  • 1654-07-20 Anglo-Portuguese treaty is reinforced, England guarantees Portugal’s independence and receives trade concessions
  • 1658-06-23 Dutch troops occupy last Portuguese Fort at Jafnapatnam in Ceylon
  • 1659-01-14 Battle at Elvas: Portuguese beat Spanish

Anglo-Portuguese Marriage Treaty

1661-06-23 Marriage contract for King Charles II of England and Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganza agreed, giving Tangier and Bombay to England

  • 1661-08-06 The Treaty of The Hague is signed whereby the Dutch Republic sells New Holland (Brazil) for 63 tonnes of gold to Portugal
  • 1663-06-08 Battle at Amegical: English & Portuguese fleet defeats the Spanish
  • 1665-06-06 Battle at Monte Carlo: English and Portuguese armies beat Spain
  • 1665-06-17 Battle of Viciosa (Monte Claros): English & Portuguese army beat Spain
  • 1665-10-29 Battle of Mbwila [Ambuila]: Portuguese defeat forces of the Kingdom of Kongo and decapitate King Antonio I of Kongo / Nvita a Nkanga
  • 1667-05-23 King Afonso VI of Portugal flees
  • 1668-02-13 Treaty of Lisbon: Spain recognizes Portugal
  • 1675-08-10 Portuguese-Jewish synagogue opens in Amsterdam
  • 1703-05-02 Portugal signs treaty with England to become a Great Covenant
  • 1703-09-12 English army under Arch Duke Charles of Austria lands in Portugal
  • 1703-12-27 England & Portugal sign Methuen-Asiento-trade agreement
  • 1707-01-01 John V succeeds his father Pedro II as King of Portugal
  • 1707-04-25 Battle of Almansa; Franco-Spanish forces defeat British and Portuguese
  • 1712-07-17 Great Britain, Portugal and France sign ceasefire [or 19th]
  • 1713-04-11 Great Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, Prussia, Savoy, Portugal & France agree the Treaty of Utrecht; France cedes Maritime provinces in North America to Britain
  • 1739-09-01 35 Jews sentenced to life in prison in Lisbon Portugal
  • 1755-11-01 Lisbon earthquake kills more than 50,000 in Portugal

Battle of Cape St. Vincent (1797)

1797-02-14 Battle of Cape St. Vincent: British fleet under Admiral Sir John Jervis defeats larger Spanish fleet under Admiral Don José de Córdoba y Ramos near Cape St. Vincent, Portugal. Captain Horatio Nelson distinguishes himself.

  • 1801-06-06 Peace of Badajoz: Spain-Portugal
  • 1803-03-03 Colégio Militar is founded in Portugal by Colonel Teixeira Rebello
  • 1804-04-02 Forty merchantmen are wrecked when a convoy led by HMS Apollo runs aground off Portugal.

Portuguese Royal Family Escape

1807-11-27 Portuguese Royal Family and its court of nearly 15,000 people leave Lisbon for their colony of Brazil to escape invading Napoleonic troops

  • 1808-03-07 Portugal's regent Dom Juan IV arrives in Rio De Janeiro

Battle of Vimeiro

1808-08-21 Battle of Vimeiro: British and Portuguese forces led by General Arthur Wellesley defeat French force under Major-General Jean-Andoche Junot near the village of Vimeiro, Portugal, the first Anglo-Portuguese victory of the Peninsular War.

Conquest of Cayenne

1809-01-06 Napoleonic Wars: Invasion of Cayenne, by combined British, Portuguese and colonial Brazilian forces, begins

  • 1820-08-24 Constitutionalist insurrection at Oporto, Portugal; see Portugal's crises of the Nineteenth Century.
  • 1820-09-15 Constitutionalist revolution in Lisbon, Portugal

Brazil Declares Independence

1822-09-07 Pedro I, son of King Joao VI declares Brazil's independence from Portugal (National Day)

  • 1823-07-02 Bahia Independence Day: End of Portuguese rule in Brazil, with the final defeat of the Portuguese crown loyalists in the province of Bahia
  • 1825-08-29 Portugal recognizes the Independence of Brazil
  • 1834-05-26 Portuguese Civil war ends, Dom Miguel capitulates
  • 1874-07-23 Aires de Ornelas e Vasconcelos is appointed the Archbishop of the Portuguese colonial enclave of Goa
  • 1878-09-30 1st Portuguese immigrants arrive in Hawaii

Treaty of Interest

1884-02-26 British & Portuguese treaty signed in Congo by Leopold II

  • 1887-12-01 Sino-Portuguese treaty recognizes Portugal's control of Macao
  • 1891-01-31 First attempt of a republican revolution breaks out in the northern city of Porto, Portugal
  • 1902-05-10 Portugal goes bankrupt, but its parliament passes a bill converting its external debt. Contributing to Portugal's troubles is recent revolt in its colony of Angola, put down 6 September
  • 1902-05-15 "Bailundo Revolt" begins after Ovimbundu kingdom & allies revolt against Portuguese Empire in Benguela Highlands, central Portuguese Angola
  • 1904-03-22 "Bailundo Revolt" ends after almost 2-years in Portuguese victory over Ovimbundu kingdom & allies
  • 1904-10-01 Netherlands and Portugal lay down boundaries splitting the island of Timor in two
  • 1906-04-13 Mutiny on Portuguese battleships Dom Carlos & Vasco da Gama
  • 1906-05-19 Portugal's King Carlos I names Joao Franco premier

How Portugal Lost Its Monarchy

1908-02-01 King Carlos I of Portugal and his heir, Prince Luis Filipe are assassinated by Republican sympathizers in Terreiro do Paco, Lisbon

  • 1910-10-04 Portugal becomes a republic, King Manuel II flees to England
  • 1910-10-05 Portugal overthrows monarchy, proclaims republic
  • 1911-04-30 Portugal approves female suffrage
  • 1911-08-24 Manuel d'Arriaga elected first president of Portugal
  • 1911-09-02 Joao Chagas forms Portuguese government
  • 1916-03-09 Germany declares war against Portugal
  • 1917-05-13 1st appearance of Mary to 3 shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal
  • 1917-07-13 Vision of Virgin Mary appears to children of Fatima, Portugal
  • 1919-02-02 Monarchist riot in Portugal
  • 1921-10-19 Portuguese Prime Minister António Granjo and other politicians are murdered in a Lisbon coup
  • 1926-05-28 Military coup by General Manuel Gomes da Costa in Portugal
  • 1926-05-31 Portuguese president Bernardino Machedo resigns after coup
  • 1926-07-09 Coup under General Sinel de Cordes in Portugal
  • 1927-02-03 Uprising against regime of general Carmona in Portugal
  • 1927-02-13 Uprising against Portuguese regime of Gen Carmona defeated

Estado Novo Regime

1932-07-05 António de Oliveira Salazar becomes the premier and dictator of Portugal (1932-1968), founding the authoritarian Estado Novo (New State) regime

  • 1933-08-30 Portuguese dictator António de Oliveira Salazar forms secret police (PIDE)
  • 1934-09-17 USSR joins League of Nations (Netherland, Switzerland & Portugal vote no)
  • 1935-11-12 Egas Moniz performs the first modern brain surgery on the frontal lobes to treat mental disorders, at Santa Marta Hospital in Lisbon, Portugal
  • 1941-12-17 Dutch and Australian troops land on Portuguese Timor
  • 1946-02-08 Portuguese Dictator António de Oliveira Salazar forbids opposition parties
  • 1946-06-18 Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, a Socialist calls for a Direct Action Day against the Portuguese in Goa. A road is named after this date in Panjim
  • 1949-07-06 Freak heat wave sent central coast of Portugal to 158°F for 2 minutes
  • 1951-06-11 Mozambique becomes an oversea province of Portugal
  • 1951-07-22 General Francisco Craveiro Lopes appointed President of Portugal
  • 1953-11-08 Salazar's party wins all parliamentary seats in Portugal
  • 1961-01-21 Portuguese rebels seize cruise ship Santa Maria
  • 1961-04-18 CONCP is founded in Casablanca as a united front of African movements opposing Portuguese colonial rule
  • 1961-07-06 Portuguese ship explodes near Mozambique, kills 300
  • 1961-07-08 Portuguese steamer "Save" breaks up off Mozambique, 227 die
  • 1961-12-17 India seizes Goa & 2 other Portuguese colonies
  • 1961-12-18 India annexes Portuguese colonies of Goa, Damao & Diu
  • 1962-01-30 UN General Assembly censures Portugal over Angola
  • 1963-08-12 Portuguese dictator Salazar firm on African colonization
  • 1964-07-26 Train from Povoa de Varzin, Portugal derails near Oporto, 94 die
  • 1968-03-03 Greek, Portuguese & Spanish embassies bombed in the Hague

Event of Interest

1968-03-21 Portuguese socialist Mário Soares banished to Sao Tomé, having been arrested by secret police under dictator António de Oliveira Salazar

  • 1968-09-26 Marcelo Caetano elected premier of Portugal
  • 1968-11-10 Portuguese socialist Mário Soares released from banishment in Sao Tomé under new regieme of Marcello Caetano
  • 1969-04-24 Car firm British Leyland launch the Austin Maxi in Oporto Portugal
  • 1973-09-24 West African nation of Portuguese Guinea declares independence from Portugal as the Republic of Guinea-Bissau
  • 1973-11-23 Arab summit conference adopts open and secret resolutions on the use of the oil weapons; embargo extended to Portugal, Rhodesia, and South Africa
  • 1973-12-13 MPLA/FNLA accord about combat against Portuguese Libya
  • 1974-04-25 Portuguese Prime Minister Marcello Caetano is overthrown in the Carnation revolution, bringing Portugal's authoritarian Estado Novo (New State) government to an end
  • 1974-06-01 Arab oil ministers decide to end most restrictions on exports of oil to the United States but continue embargo against the Netherlands, Portugal, South Africa, and Rhodesia
  • 1974-07-02 Fernando Mameda of Portugal sets record for 10,000 m (27:13.81)
  • 1974-09-10 Portugal recognizes independence of Republic of Guinea-Bissau, their foremer West African colony
  • 1974-09-30 General Francisco da Costa Gomesz succeeds General António de Spínola as President of Portugal
  • 1974-11-17 Aliança Operário-Camponesa (Worker-Peasant Alliance) founded in Portugal as a front of PCP(m-l).
  • 1975-01-15 Portugal signs accord for Angola's independence
  • 1975-03-11 Rightist military coup in Portugal under General António de Spínola fails
  • 1975-04-25 Mário Soares' Socialist Party wins Portugal's first free election since 1925 following the Carnation Revolution of 1974
  • 1975-06-25 After a prolonged liberation struggle against Portuguese colonial rulers, Mozambique becomes independent as People Republic of Mozambique
  • 1975-07-05 Cape Verde Islands gain independence after 500 years of Portuguese rule
  • 1975-07-12 Sao Tomé e Príncipe gains independence from Portugal (National Day)
  • 1975-09-05 Portugal Prime Minister Vasco Gonçalves dismissed
  • 1975-09-19 Indonesia sends troops to Portuguese East Timor
  • 1975-11-11 Angola gains independence from Portugal (National Day)
  • 1975-11-25 Portuguese leftist officers occupy 4 airbases
  • 1976-04-02 Portuguese constitution assumed
  • 1976-04-25 Portugal adopts new constitution
  • 1976-06-17 Indonesia annexes Portuguese East-Timor
  • 1976-06-27 Portuguese general Antonio Eanes elected president
  • 1976-07-01 Portugal grants autonomy to Madeira.
  • 1976-11-19 Jaime Ornelas Camacho takes office as the first President of the Regional Government of Madeira, Portugal
  • 1978-01-26 Mário Soares forms Portuguese government
  • 1978-07-27 Portuguese President António Ramalho Eanes fires Premier Mário Soares
  • 1978-09-14 Portugal government of Da Costa falls
  • 1979-06-07 Portugal government of Mota Pinto resigns
  • 1979-08-01 Maria de Lurdes Pintasilgo forms government in Portugal
  • 1981-01-09 Francisco Balsamao elected President of Portugal

Assassination Attempt on John Paul II

1982-05-12 In Fatima Portugal, a Spanish Traditionalist priest who opposed Vatican II reforms and saw Pope John Paul II as a perpetrator of them, is stopped prior to his attempt to attack the Pope with a bayonet

  • 1982-10-30 Portugal revises constitution
  • 1983-04-25 Portugal's Mário Soares' Partido Socialista wins parliamentary election
  • 1985-06-26 Portugal's Socialist Prime Minister Mário Soares resigns amid predictions that Parliament would be dissolved and elections called
  • 1986-01-01 Spain & Portugal are 11th & 12th to join European Economic Community
  • 1986-02-16 Mário Soares from the Socialist Party is elected the 1st civilian President of Portugal
  • 1987-04-13 Portugal signs agreement to return Macau to China (in 1999)
  • 1991-01-13 President Mário Soares of Portugal re-elected
  • 1992-12-21 Dutch DC-10 in fire at landing on Faro Portugal, 56 die
  • 1998-03-29 Vasco da Gama Road bridge opens in Lisbon, Portugal as the longest bridge in Europe

Nobel Prize in Literature

1998-10-08 José Saramago is the first person from Portugal to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature

  • 1999-12-20 Portugal returns Macau to China
  • 2001-03-04 Hintze Ribeiro disaster, a bridge collapses in northern Portugal, killing up to 70 people
  • 2002-05-20 The independence of East Timor is recognized by Portugal, formally ending 23 years of Indonesian rule and 3 years of provisional UN administration (Portugal itself was the former colonizer of East Timor until 1976)
  • 2007-02-11 A national referendum in Portugal legalises non-therapeutic abortion when requested by the woman during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.
  • 2007-05-03 British girl Madeleine McCann disappears from her bed in a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal
  • 2009-08-15 Portugal leaves recession after three consecutive quarters of negative growth having its GDP recover by 0.3% in the second quarter of 2009
  • 2010-02-20 On the Portuguese Atlantic island of Madeira heavy rain causes floods and mudslides, leaving at least 32 deaths in the worst disaster on the history of the archipelago.
  • 2011-05-13 Portugal slips into double-dip recession after the economy contracts by 0.7% in the first quarter of 2011, with a 0.6% contraction in the last quarter of 2010, it is reported today
  • 2012-11-14 A series of protests against austerity measures occur across Europe including Spain, Portugal, and Greece
  • 2013-01-27 A bus crash into a ravine in Serta, Portugal, kills 11 people and injures an additional 32
  • 2015-11-10 Portugal's minority government is toppled by left-wing opposition 2 weeks after coming to power

Guterres Secretary General

2017-01-01 Portuguese politician and diplomat António Guterres becomes United Nations Secretary General, replacing South Korean Ban Ki-Moon

  • 2017-06-17 Forest fires in Pedrógão Grande, Portugal begin, kill 62 people, more than 1,600 firefighters fight 156 fires
  • 2017-08-15 Falling tree kills 13, injures 49 at a religious festival in Funchal, on Portuguese island of Madeira
  • 2017-10-15 500 wildfires occur in Portugal and Northern Spain fanned by winds from Hurricane Ophelia, killing at least 35
  • 2017-11-08 Brazilian surfer Rodrigo Koxa breaks the world record for surfing the biggest-ever wave at 24.4m at Nazaré, Portugal
  • 2018-09-04 400-year old sunken Portuguese spice trade ship discovered near port of Cascais, Portugal