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South African History Timeline

South Africa: Eastern Cape - Free State - Gauteng - KwaZulu-Natal - Western Cape

Today in South African History

Events in South African History

Events 1 - 200 of 639

First Europeans Land in South Africa

1488-02-03 Bartolomeu Dias and his crew are the first Europeans to land on South African soil at Mossel Bay (east of modern Cape Town)

Cape Colony Founded

1652-04-06 Cape Colony, the first European settlement in South Africa, established by Dutch East India Company under Jan van Riebeeck

Cook Arrives in Cape Town

1772-10-30 Captain James Cook arrives with ship HMS Resolution in Cape Town, South Africa

  • 1795-09-15 Dutch East India controlled Cape Colony (present day South Africa) surrenders to Britain
  • 1795-09-16 British capture Capetown, South Africa, from the Dutch
  • 1796-08-17 British defeat Batavian navy in Saldanha Bay, South Africa
  • 1806-01-08 Battle of Blaauwberg: British forces attack French vassal, the Batavian Republic near Cape Town, modern day South Africa
  • 1806-01-19 United Kingdom re-occupies the Cape of Good Hope following victory in the Battle of Blaauwberg over French vassal, the Batavian Republic. Establishes British rule in South Africa.
  • 1829-10-01 South African College is founded in Cape Town, South Africa; later to separate into the University of Cape Town and the South African College Schools.

Darwin Returns to Cape Town

1836-06-01 Charles Darwin returns to Cape Town in South Africa

  • 1838-12-16 Battle of Blood River: Zulu impis defeated by Voortrekkers in South Africa (Great Trek)
  • 1843-08-08 Natal (in South Africa) is made a British colony
  • 1852-01-17 British recognize independence of Transvaal (in South Africa)
  • 1852-02-26 British troopship Birkenhead sinks off South Africa, 458 die, 193 survive
  • 1854-02-17 Britain recognises independence of Orange Free State (South Africa)
  • 1856-07-15 Natal forms as a British colony separate from Cape Colony
  • 1870-07-30 The Republic of Klipdrift is proclaimed by Transvaal President Andries Pretorius after the discovery of diamonds in South Africa in 1866 resulted in a flood of treasure hunters; ownership of the diamond fields was contested by the Boer republics
  • 1871-10-17 Great Britain annexes Griqualand, South Africa
  • 1875-08-14 Society of Regte Afrikaanders establishes in Paarl
  • 1876-01-15 "Die Afrikaanse Patriot", the first newspaper in Afrikaans, is published in Paarl
  • 1877-03-12 Great Britain annexes Walvis Bay at Cape colony, Southern Africa.
  • 1877-04-12 British annex Transvaal, South Africa

Anglo-Zulu War

1879-01-11 Anglo-Zulu War begins as British Lieutenant-General Lord Chelmsford invades Zululand in South Africa

  • 1879-01-22 Zulu warriors attack British Army camp in Isandhlwana, South Africa
  • 1879-07-04 Africaner Union forms by Rev SJ du Toit at Cape colony
  • 1879-07-31 The first cable connection between South Africa and Europe is laid by the British electrical engineer Charles Tilston Bright as part of his project to link the British Empire with growing telecommunications technologies
  • 1879-11-28 Battle at Lydenburg South Africa: Gen Wolseley beats Sekhukhenes Pedi-Zulu
  • 1880-12-08 5,000 armed Boers gather in Paardekraal, South Africa
  • 1880-12-16 Beginning of the First Boer War between British Empire and Boer South African Republic
  • 1880-12-16 Transvaal region declares itself as the Republic of South Africa
  • 1881-01-28 Battle at Laing's Neck Natal: Boers beat superior powered British
  • 1881-02-07 Battle at Ingogo, Transvaal: Boers beat superior British forces
  • 1881-02-27 Battle at Amajuba: South African Boers vs British army under General Colley

Boer War Ceasefire

1881-03-04 South African politician Paul Kruger accepts ceasefire during First Boer War

  • 1881-03-23 Boers & Britain sign peace accord; end 1st Boer war
  • 1881-08-03 Boers signs Convention of Pretoria: Transvaal semi-autonomous
  • 1883-01-02 Battle of Boschberg takes place in South Africa as part of the Mapoch War
  • 1889-03-12 Start of South Africa's 1st Test, v England, Port Elizabeth
  • 1890-07-17 Cecil Rhodes becomes Premier of Cape Colony
  • 1893-01-01 The railway line from Germiston to Pretoria, South Africa, is opened to traffic
  • 1893-06-30 Excelsior diamond (blue-white 995 carats) then world's largest, discovered in Jagersfontein Mine, South Africa
  • 1893-11-04 British South Africa Company troops under Dr Jamesons occupy Bulawayo, Matabeleland
  • 1894-01-01 South African Amateur Athletic Union is founded in Johannesburg
  • 1894-06-25 Boer leader Paul Kruger meets British High Commissioner, Sir Henry Loch, on Pretoria station in South Africa and accompanies him to his hotel to discuss the grievances of the Uitlanders (Foreigners)
  • 1894-06-28 The Natal Legislature plans to introduce the Indian Franchise Bill, South Africa

Natal Indian Congress

1894-08-22 Mahatma Gandhi forms the Natal Indian Congress (NIC) in order to fight discrimination against Indian traders in the British Colony of Natal in South Africa

  • 1895-07-08 Delagoa Bay Railway opens in South Africa
  • 1895-11-11 Bechuanaland becomes part of Cape Colony
  • 1896-01-02 Battle at Doornkop, South Africa (Boers beat Dr Jamesons troops)
  • 1896-01-06 Cecil Rhodes resigns as premier of Cape colony
  • 1897-07-16 The South African Committee, investigating the Jameson Raid releases its report finding that it was conducted almost implicitly through the support and encouragement of Cecil Rhodes and the mining houses in the Transvaal
  • 1898-03-26 Sabi Game Reserve opens in South Africa, the world's 1st officially designated game reserve; now part of Kruger National Park
  • 1899-04-04 South Africa all out 35 vs England (Trott 4-19, Haigh 6-11)
  • 1899-09-08 British government sends an additional 10,000 troops to Natal, South Africa
  • 1899-09-17 1st British troops leave Bombay for South Africa
  • 1899-09-28 Transvaal mobilizes its army - leadup to Second Boer War
  • 1899-10-09 1st British troops reaches Durban, South Africa
  • 1899-10-09 South Africa President Kruger routes British authorities ultimatum
  • 1899-10-11 South African Boers declare war on Great Britain
  • 1899-10-12 South Africa Boer Republic declares war on Britain
  • 1899-10-13 7,000 laid-off black mine workers of South Africa reach Natal

Churchill goes to Africa

1899-10-14 Morning Post reporter Winston Churchill departs to South Africa

  • 1899-10-20 Battle at Talana Hill, Natal: British army vs Boers
  • 1899-10-21 Battle at Elandslaagte Natal: (Boers vs British army)
  • 1899-10-22 British troops flee Dundee, Natal South Africa
  • 1899-10-24 Battle at Rietfontein, South Africa: Boers vs British army
  • 1899-10-30 Battle of Ladysmith, Natal: Boers defeat the British, leading to the Siege of Ladysmith
  • 1899-11-02 Boers begin siege of Ladysmith, Natal
  • 1899-11-15 Morning Post reporter Winston Churchill captured by Boers in Natal
  • 1899-11-23 Battle at Belmont: General Methuen's British brigades engage Boer force during Second Boer War
  • 1899-11-25 Battle at Graspan, Cape colony: General Methuen beats Farmers

Battle of Modder River

1899-11-28 Second Boer War: Battle of Modder River (Cape Colony), British Lord Methuen defeats Boer forces of Piet Cronjé and Koos de la Rey

  • 1899-12-09 Boer War: During Siege of Ladysmith, Boers storm King's Post and Caesar's Camp - driven back
  • 1899-12-10 -15] British "Black Week" due to defeats in South Africa
  • 1899-12-10 Battle at Storm Berge South Africa - Boers vs British army
  • 1899-12-15 Battle at Colenso, South Africa: British army defeated by Boer force
  • 1899-12-18 Field Marshal Lord Roberts appointed British supreme commander in South Africa
  • 1899-12-23 British Field Marshal Lord Roberts departs Southampton for South Africa for the 2nd Boer War
  • 1899-12-25 Shelling on besieged Ladysmith during the Boer War includes one shell containing a plum pudding
  • 1900-01-06 Boers attack at Ladysmith, about 1,000 killed or injured

Second Boer War

1900-01-10 British generals Frederick Roberts and Herbert Kitchener reach Cape Town during the Second Boer War

  • 1900-01-21 The second contingent of Canadian troops sails from Halifax to fight in South Africa against the Boers
  • 1900-01-24 Battle of Spion Kop: South African Boers defeat the British army after it attempts to cross the Tugela River and relieve the besieged city Ladysmith
  • 1900-02-06 The Battle of Vaal Krantz, South Africa (Boers vs British army)
  • 1900-02-15 Boer War: Siege of Kimberley broken by British troops under Lieutenant-General John French after a 124 day siege. Kimberley defense led by Cecil Rhodes.
  • 1900-02-22 Battle at Wynne's Hill, South Africa (Boers vs British army)
  • 1900-02-23 Battle at Hart's Hill, South Africa (Boers vs British army)
  • 1900-02-27 Battle of Paardeberg: Boer General Piet Cronjé surrenders to the British after a prolonged siege
  • 1900-03-07 Battle at Poplar Grove South Africa, President Kruger flees
  • 1900-03-10 Battle of Driefontein, South Africa, British offensive against the Boers, who are forced to withdraw
  • 1900-03-13 British troops occupy Bloemfontein, capital of the Orange Free State (Boer War)
  • 1900-03-17 In South Africa, British troops relieve Mafeking, besieged by the Boers since 13 October, 1899
  • 1900-03-27 Recognising that the war in South Africa is going to take a major commitment, Parliament passes the War Loan Act, calling for £35 million to support the fight against the Boers.
  • 1900-03-31 At " Surprise of Sanna’s Post" in the Second Boer War 150 troops under Brigadier General Robert Broadwood are killed

Assassination Attempt on Edward VII

1900-04-04 Assassination attempt on Prince of Wales, later British King Edward VII when shot by Jean-Baptiste Sipido in protest over Boer war

  • 1900-04-04 British garrison of Reddersberg surrenders to Boer General De Wet
  • 1900-05-12 Lord Roberts' British forces occupy Crown city during Boer War
  • 1900-05-17 British troops relieve Mafeking (Cape Colony)
  • 1900-05-26 British troops under Ian Hamilton attack the Vaal in South Africa
  • 1900-05-27 Lord Roberts' army fights the Vaal in South Africa
  • 1900-05-28 Paul Kruger, President of the Boer Republic of South Africa, flees its capital, Pretoria, goes to Watervalboven to evade the advancing British
  • 1900-06-01 British army occupies Pretoria, South Africa
  • 1900-06-05 Pretoria, capital of the Boer Republic of South Africa, falls to the British led by General Buller
  • 1900-06-07 Boer General Christian de Law occupies British rail depot at Roodewal
  • 1900-07-03 The British evacuate Rustenburg and occupy Commando Nek and Silkaatsnek in the Anglo-Boer war
  • 1900-07-11 Boer General De la Rey captures Scots Greys and Lincolns
  • 1900-07-31 Boer Generals Prinsloo & Roux surrender in Brandwater Basin
  • 1900-08-30 Last 2,000 British prisoners in Nooitgedagt, South Africa, freed
  • 1900-09-03 With a proclamation by General Lord Roberts, Britain annexes the Boer Republic of South Africa
  • 1900-09-06 British General Buller occupies Lydenburg, South Africa
  • 1900-09-15 A Boer delegation issues an appeal at the Hague, Netherlands, that the major powers intervene in the war in South Africa
  • 1900-10-19 South African President of Transvaal Paul Kruger departs for Europe
  • 1900-10-25 Great Britain annexes the former Boer South African Republic, renaming it the Transvaal Colony
  • 1900-11-06 Battle at Bothaville: Major General Charles Knox beats Boers
  • 1900-11-22 Paul Kruger, exiled President of the Boer Republic of South Africa, is given a popular welcome when he lands at Marseilles, France
  • 1900-11-29 General Horatio Kitchener assumes command of the British forces in South Africa from General Lord Roberts
  • 1900-12-01 Exiled South African President of Transvaal Paul Kruger visits Flanders and on the same day is declined a visit from the German Kaiser
  • 1900-12-02 Exiled South African President of Transvaal Paul Kruger arrives in Germany, though the Kaiser refuses to meet him
  • 1900-12-09 President Paul Kruger of South Africa's Transvaal & Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands have a triumphant procession

Battle of Nooitgedacht

1900-12-13 Battle of Nooitgedacht: Boer Generals Koos de la Rey and Jan Smuts defeat a British brigade under the command of Major General R. Clements

  • 1900-12-16 Boer army under gen Kritzinger take Cape colony
  • 1900-12-19 General Horatio Kitchener offers protections to all Boers who will surrender and asks the Dutch community of Pretoria to convey this offer, leaders in the field refuse to surrender
  • 1901-01-31 Boer Generals Jan Smuts and Koos de la Rey conquer Mud river in Transvaal
  • 1901-02-26 British general Kitchener confers with Boer General Louis Botha about peace conditions, which break down over the question of amnesty for some Boers
  • 1901-02-27 A General Committee of National Liberal Federation meets and adopts a resolution deploring the continuation of the war in South Africa and condemning the British Government's insistence on unconditional surrender by the Boers
  • 1901-07-16 The Fawcett Commission headed by Millicent Fawcett is established as a result of an outcry against the treatment of Afrikaners in concentration camps during the South African War
  • 1901-07-25 Emily Hobhouse addresses public meetings in Britain on the concentration camps during the South African War
  • 1901-08-12 Boer General Kritzinger driven out of Cape colony
  • 1901-08-15 Great Britain issues a proclamation calling on the Boers to surrender by 15 September or face banishment and confiscation of their property
  • 1901-08-20 The Fawcett Commission visits Mafeking concentration camp in Cape Colony
  • 1901-09-03 General Jan Smuts enters Kiba Drift on the first Boer raid into Cape Colony
  • 1901-09-17 Battle at Elands River Port: Boer General Jan Smuts destroys British 17th Lancers unit
  • 1901-09-26 Boer General Botha fails to capture Fort Itala in Natal
  • 1901-10-30 The Second Boer War: Battle at Bakenlaagte - British Army Lieutenant-Colonel Benson's rear guard is overwhelmed by Boer General Botha's troops
  • 1901-12-16 Boer General Kritzinger captured
  • 1902-01-10 Although it has professed neutrality in the Boer War, German Chancellor von Bulow joins others in attacking British actions in South Africa
  • 1902-02-24 Battle at Yzer Spruit: Boer General De la Rey beats British
  • 1902-03-07 Boers beat British troops at Tweebosch, Transvaal
  • 1902-04-11 Second Boer War: British forces defeat Boer commandos in Battle of Rooiwal, South Africa
  • 1902-05-06 Zulu assault at Holkrantz, South Africa
  • 1902-05-19 Great Britain and Boers resume peace talks in Pretoria
  • 1902-05-31 Boer War Ends; Treaty of Unity signed, Britain annexes Transvaal
  • 1902-10-10 South Africa's President of Transvaal Paul Kruger visits Utrecht
  • 1904-06-22 Chinese laborers arrive in South Africa following a severe labor shortage

World's Largest Diamond Discovered

1905-01-26 World's largest diamond, the 3,106-carat Cullinan, is found in South Africa

  • 1905-04-25 Whites win right to vote in South Africa
  • 1906-01-01 The poll tax of £1 per head on all adult male inhabitants of Natal, South Africa, except indentured Indians and married Blacks, imposed by the Natal parliament in 1905, becomes payable.
  • 1906-01-04 South Africa beat England by one wicket, their 1st Test win
  • 1906-09-11 Mahatma Gandhi coins the term "Satyagraha" to characterize the Non-Violence movement in South Africa

Election of Interest

1907-02-26 Louis Botha Het Volk Party wins a majority in the election in Transvaal, South Africa

  • 1909-09-02 King Edward VII signs South Africa Act
  • 1909-09-20 The British Parliament passes the South Africa Act; it calls for union of Cape Colony, Natal, Orange River Colony, and Transvaal; and both English and Dutch as official languages
  • 1910-02-26 Gandhi supports the African People's Organisations resolution to declare the Prince of Wales day of arrival in South Africa a day of mourning, in protest against the South Africa Acts disenfranchisement of Indians, Coloureds and Africans
  • 1910-04-27 Louis Botha and J. B. M. Hertzog establish the moderately nationalist South African Party promising equality of Britons and Boers
  • 1910-05-21 Louis Botha becomes the first Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa
  • 1910-05-31 Cape of Good Hope becomes part of Union of South Africa
  • 1910-05-31 Union of South Africa declares its independence from the United Kingdom
  • 1910-07-01 Union of South Africa becomes a dominion
  • 1910-09-15 Boers & Afrikaners win 1st general elections in Union of South-Africa
  • 1910-11-04 Start of South Africa's 1st F-C game in Aust (v S Aust). It rained
  • 1911-03-13 The Colonial-Born and Settlers Indian Association is formed at a meeting in Durban, South Africa, and has at its aim to fight the infamous 3 poll tax
  • 1911-04-27 Indian passive resistance in South Africa is suspended when General Jan Smuts enters into negotiations with Mahatma Gandhi

Coronation of King George V

1911-06-22 King George V crowned King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, and all his realms and territories beyond the sea

  • 1912-10-02 Gopal Krishna Gokhale, at invitation of Gandhi, arrives in South Africa on a 26-day tour; he also visits Tolstoy Farm
  • 1913-01-02 Mahatma Gandhi leaves the Tolstoy Farm in Transvaal, South Africa
  • 1913-03-14 South African Supreme Court declares that marriages not celebrated according to Christian rites and/or not registered by the Registrar of Marriages, are invalid; all Muslim and Hindu marriages are therefore declared invalid
  • 1913-06-14 The South African Government pass the Immigration Act, which restricts the entry and free movement of Asians; it leads to widespread agitation and rioting by resident Indians, led by Gandhi
  • 1913-06-16 South African Government pass the segregationist Native Land Act, which restricts purchase or lease of land by native Africans
  • 1913-06-19 Natives Land Act, Act No 27, passed in South Africa: confines Africans to hopelessly overcrowded reserves and deprives them of rights to purchase land outside the native reserves
  • 1913-07-25 A meeting in Johannesburg, called by the South African Native National Congress, now African National Congress, is attended by a large number of people from South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland
  • 1913-09-22 The first batch of Indian passive resisters, consisting of 12 men and 4 women (including Mrs. Kasturba Gandhi) are arrested at Volksrust and imprisoned in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
  • 1913-09-23 Women protests take place in the Free State, South Africa, led by Charlotte Maxeke, resisting government attempts to impose passes on women; passes are burnt in front of the municipal offices
  • 1913-11-06 Mahatma Gandhi arrested for leading Indian miners' march in South Africa
  • 1913-12-30 Barnes takes 17 wickets vs South Africa (8-56 & 9-103)
  • 1914-01-14 The Gandhi-Smuts Agreement is reached between General Jan Smuts and Mahatma Gandhi, regarding voluntary registration, poll tax, recognition of Indian marriages and other matters in South Africa
  • 1914-01-20 The first group of Transvaal Indian women satyagrahis are released from Pietermaritzburg Prison in South Africa after three months imprisonment
  • 1914-01-25 An Indian mass meeting in Durban, South Africa unanimously endorses the agreement between General Jan Smuts and Mahatma Gandhi regarding voluntary registration, poll tax, recognition of Indian marriages and other matters
  • 1914-06-30 Mahatma Gandhi's 1st arrest after campaigning for Indian rights in South Africa
  • 1914-07-18 Gandhi leaves South Africa after successfully leading campaigns of Passive Resistance
  • 1914-08-15 The first large public gathering of Boers in South Africa who do not want to support Britain in a war against Germany; British authorities will try to repress this movement, but discontent spreads
  • 1914-09-18 South African troops land in German South West Africa
  • 1914-09-22 Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa, Louis Botha, assumes command of the armed forces after dismissing General Christiaan Frederik Beyers for his resistance to aid the British in the war against Germany
  • 1914-10-13 Pro-German Boers begin opposition to British authority in South Africa
  • 1914-12-08 Boers rebelling against the British in South Africa suffer several defeats, with one of their leaders, General Beyers, accidentally drowning
  • 1915-06-21 Anti-British revolt in South Africa ends with arrest of General De Law
  • 1915-07-09 Germany surrenders South West Africa to Union of South Africa
  • 1915-07-10 British/South African troops march into German SW-Africa
  • 1919-01-07 The Industrial and Commercial Workers' Union of South Africa is founded, led by Clements Kadalie
  • 1919-05-06 Paris Peace Conference disposes of German colonies; German East Africa is assigned to Britain and France, German South West Africa to South Africa
  • 1919-09-03 General John Smuts becomes the second Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa
  • 1920-02-04 1st flight from London to South Africa departs (takes 1½ months)
  • 1920-03-20 1st flight from London to South Africa lands (took 1½ months)
  • 1920-10-23 African demonstrators shot in Port Elizabeth, South Africa
  • 1920-12-17 South Africa receives League of Nations mandate over SW Africa
  • 1921-03-03 The Asiatic Inquiry Commission, established by the South African Government, proposes a system of voluntary repatriation and segregation of Indians and prohibits Indians from buying agricultural land in a specified area along the coast
  • 1921-03-05 The Durban Land Alienation Ordinance passes, enabling the Durban City Council to exclude Indians from ownership or occupation of property in white areas, South Africa
  • 1921-06-20 At the Imperial Conference in London, V.S. Srinivasa Sastri puts forward a case for the granting of full citizenship rights to Indians in South Africa and other British colonies
  • 1921-06-30 The South African Reserve Bank is established
  • 1921-07-30 The Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA) forms; the party changed its name to the South African Communist Party (SACP) in 1953, after it had been forced underground