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Winston Churchill

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill

Full Name: Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Profession: British Prime Minister

United Kingdom

Biography: Regularly regarded as one of the greatest British prime ministers, Churchill led Britain to victory against the Axis Powers during World War II, and served a second term in office from 1951 to 1955.

Prior to being Prime Minister, Churchill served in several high offices, including Ministries of Defence, Munitions, Air, War and Chancellor of the Exchequer. As First Lord of the Admiralty during World War I, he conceived and executed the disastrous Gallipoli Campaign which caused his temporary departure from government.

When Neville Chamberlain resigned after the outbreak of World War II, Churchill was asked by the King to form the next government. During the war, he became famous for his rallying speeches, including 'we shall fight on the beaches' and 'this was their finest hour'. As the war progressed, Churchill was crucial in boosting British morale and inspiring resistance to Nazi Germany.

After Germany's defeat in 1945, he was voted out of office the same year despite being recognized as a great wartime leader. He was replaced by Clement Attlee. Churchill remained Leader of the Opposition and became prime minister again in 1951, before resigning on health grounds in 1955. Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Churchill was also the first honorary citizen of the United States; his funeral in 1965 attracted one of the largest assemblages of world statesmen ever seen.

Born: November 30, 1874
Birthplace: Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England
Star Sign: Sagittarius

Died: January 24, 1965 (aged 90)
Cause of Death: Stroke

Articles and Photos

Married Life

  • 1908-09-12 Politician Winston Churchill marries Clementine Hozier

Historical Events

  • 1899-10-14 Morning Post reporter Winston Churchill departs to South Africa
  • 1899-10-30 British Morning Post reporter Winston Churchill reaches Capetown
  • 1899-11-15 Morning Post reporter Winston Churchill captured by Boers in Natal
  • 1901-02-18 Winston Churchill makes his maiden speech in the British House of Commons.
  • 1911-01-03 The Siege of Sidney Street: fire fight breaks out in London's East End between Latvian gang and Police, who request army back-up. First Siege caught on camera by Pathé News with Winston Churchill observing
  • 1914-07-26 First Lord of the Admiralty (British Minister of Navy) Winston Churchill orders British fleet to remain in state of readiness as threat of war in Europe grows
  • 1914-07-28 First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill orders British Grand Fleet to Scapa Flow
  • 1921-02-12 Winston Churchill becomes British Minister of Colonies
  • 1934-11-28 Winston Churchill tells British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin not to under estimate German air power
  • 1938-09-21 British politician Winston Churchill condemns Germany's Adolf Hitler's annexation of Czechoslovakia
  • 1939-09-14 First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill visits British naval base Scapa Flow in the Orkney Islands
  • 1939-10-01 Winston Churchill calls Russia a "riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma"
  • 1939-10-30 German U boat fails attack of English battleship Nelson with Winston Churchill, Dudley Pound & Charles Forbes aboard
  • 1940-05-07 British House of Commons begins its Norway Debate on the conduct of the war after Germany invaded Norway - will lead to Winston Churchill becoming Prime Minister
  • 1940-05-10 Winston Churchill succeeds Neville Chamberlain as British Prime Minister at the head of a coalition government
  • 1940-05-13 Winston Churchill says "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat" in his first speech as Prime Minister to British House of Commons
  • 1940-05-16 British Premier Winston Churchill returns to London from Paris
  • 1940-05-22 UK Premier Winston Churchill flies to Paris to decide with General Maxime Weygand a strategy to save the city
  • 1940-05-31 Winston Churchill flies to Paris to meet with French Marshal Philippe Pétain who announces he is willing to make a separate peace with Germany
  • 1940-06-04 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill delivers his famous "We shall fight on the seas and oceans" speech to the UK House of Commons
  • 1940-06-09 General Charles de Gaulle's 1st meeting with Winston Churchill
  • 1940-06-11 British Premier Winston Churchill flies to Orleans
  • 1940-06-18 Winston Churchill gives his "this was their finest hour" speech to the House of Commons urging perseverance in the war after the Dunkirk evacuation and the fall of France
  • 1940-07-02 British PM Churchill meets Major General Bernard Montgomery
  • 1940-08-20 British PM Churchill says of Royal Air Force, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"
  • 1940-09-15 UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill visits Royal Air Force 11th Fighter Group on what would be the fiercest day of the Battle of Britain
  • 1941-04-03 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill warns Soviet leader Joseph Stalin that a German invasion is imminent
  • 1941-07-19 British PM Winston Churchill launches his "V for Victory" campaign
  • 1941-08-04 Winston Churchill departs on Prince of Wales to US
  • 1941-08-09 Winston Churchill reaches Newfoundland for talks with FDR
  • 1941-08-14 US President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill issue the joint declaration that later becomes known as the Atlantic Charter
  • 1941-08-30 Winston Churchill approves a nuclear program (Tube Alloys), first national leader to do so
  • 1941-12-14 Premier Winston Churchill travels to US on board HMS Duke of York
  • 1941-12-22 Winston Churchill arrives in Washington, D.C. for a wartime conference
  • 1941-12-26 Winston Churchill becomes first British Prime Minister to address a joint meeting of the US Congress, warning that Axis would "stop at nothing"
  • 1941-12-30 In an emotional speech to the Canadian Parliament Winston Churchill states Britain will never surrender to "Hitler and his Nazi gang" and that "they have asked for total war. Let us make sure they get it". Afterwards Yousef Karsh captures him in his famous photograph, "The Roaring Lion".
  • 1942-01-04 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill & US Army Chief of Staff General Marshall fly to Florida
  • 1942-06-21 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British PM Winston Churchill arrive at Hyde Park for the hastily convened Second Washington Conference
  • 1942-06-25 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill travels from US to London
  • 1942-08-04 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill arrives in Cairo, Egypt
  • 1942-08-12 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill arrives in Moscow for a conference with Joseph Stalin and US representative W. Averrell Harriman
  • 1942-08-16 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill travels back to Cairo from Moscow
  • 1942-08-19 -20] Winston Churchill visits Field Marshal Montgomery's headquarter in Burg-al-Arab
  • 1942-08-23 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill flies back to London from Cairo, Egypt
  • 1943-01-13 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill arrives in Casablanca, French Morocco for a conference of Allied forces in World War II
  • 1943-01-14 World War II: Franklin D. Roosevelt travels from Miami to Morocco to meet with Winston Churchill, becoming the first American president to travel overseas by airplane
  • 1943-01-14 World War II: Casablanca Conference begins between Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and other Allied representatives
  • 1943-02-16 British premier Winston Churchill contracts pneumonia
  • 1943-05-12 British premier Winston Churchill arrives in USA
  • 1943-05-26 British PM Winston Churchill and US General George C. Marshall fly from the US to North Africa
  • 1943-05-29 Algiers Allied Planning Conference between Winston Churchill, George Marshall and General Dwight D. Eisenhower finalizes the plan for the Italian Campaign
  • 1943-08-04 British premier Winston Churchill travels on the Queen Mary to Canada
  • 1943-11-28 Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin meet at the Tehran Conference in Iran to map out strategy
  • 1943-12-04 Second Cairo Conference: FDR, Winston Churchill and Turkish President İsmet İnönü meet (till Dec 6)
  • 1944-01-12 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and French General Charles de Gaulle begin a two-day wartime conference in Marrakesh
  • 1944-05-15 Dwight D. Eisenhower, Bernard Montgomery, Winston Churchill and King George VI discuss the plan for D-Day
  • 1944-07-21 British premier Winston Churchill flies to France, meets Montgomery
  • 1944-08-11 British premier Winston Churchill arrives in Italy
  • 1944-08-12 Winston Churchill and Tito meet in Naples
  • 1944-08-14 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill arrives at Corsica
  • 1944-09-05 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill travels to Scotland
  • 1944-09-12 Second Quebec Conference: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and the Combined Chiefs of Staff meet in Quebec City, Canada to discuss Allied occupation zones, the Morgenthau Plan, U.S. Lend-Lease aid to Britain and the role of the Royal Navy
  • 1944-09-17 British Premier Winston Churchill travels to US
  • 1944-10-09 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill arrives in Russia for talks with Joseph Stalin
  • 1944-10-19 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill flies back to London from Moscow
  • 1945-01-03 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill visits France
  • 1945-02-03 WWII: British Prime Minister Winston Churchill arrives in Yalta, Crimea, Soviet Union for the "Big Three" Yalta Conference
  • 1945-02-04 Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin meet at Yalta in the Crimea to discuss the final phase of World War II
  • 1945-02-11 Declaration of Liberated Europe signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin after the Yalta Conference
  • 1945-03-03 Winston Churchill visits Field Marshal Montgomery's headquarters
  • 1945-03-26 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill looks over at the Rhine (near Ginsberg)
  • 1945-03-27 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill sails to eastern banks of Rhine
  • 1945-07-17 Potsdam Conference: Harry Truman, Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill hold 1st post-World War II meeting
  • 1945-07-26 Winston Churchill resigns as Britain's Prime Minister after election defeat
  • 1945-08-02 Potsdam Conference between Joseph Stalin, Harry Truman and Winston Churchill (replaced by Clement Attlee after losing the 1945 general election) ends
  • 1946-03-05 Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech in Fulton, Missouri, popularizes the term and draws attention to the division of Europe
  • 1946-05-13 Winston Churchill welcomed in Rotterdam
  • 1948-05-10 Winston Churchill visits The Hague, Netherlands
  • 1951-10-26 Winston Churchill re-elected British Prime Minister at the age of 76
  • 1952-01-05 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill makes an official visit to the US
  • 1952-02-26 PM Winston Churchill announces Britain has its own atomic bomb
  • 1953-04-24 Winston Churchill knighted by Queen Elizabeth II
  • 1953-05-11 Winston Churchill criticizes US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles' domino theory
  • 1953-10-09 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill aproves Guyanese Constitution
  • 1955-04-05 Anthony Eden succeeds Winston Churchill as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • 1963-04-09 Winston Churchill becomes 1st honorary US citizen
  • 1965-01-30 State funeral for Winston Churchill at St Paul's Cathedral in London; at the time, the world's largest-ever state funeral
  • 2022-03-08 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy invokes Winston Churchill speaking virtually to the UK parliament "We will not fail. We will fight till the end"

Biographies and Sources

Famous British Prime Ministers