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What Happened in 1460

Major Events

  • Apr 4 University of Basel founded in Swiss Confederacy (now Switzerland)
  • May 9 Courtyard of the episcopal palace in Atrecht (akak Arras) has witch burnings
  • Jul 10 Wars of the Roses: Richard of York defeats King Henry VI at the Battle of Northampton, Henry VI is captured
  • Dec 30 Wars of the Roses: Battle of Wakefield (Northern England), Duke of York killed and his forces soundly defeated by forces of King Henry VI

More People Born in 1460

Who Died in 1460

  • Jul 10 Humphrey Stafford, 1st Duke of Buckingham, English military leader (b. 1402)
  • Aug 3 King James II of Scotland (b. 1430)
  • Sep 20 Gilles Binchois, Franco-Flemish composer of early Renaissance music, dies at about 60
  • Nov 13 Henry the Navigator, Portuguese Prince who sponsored Portuguese voyages of discovery, dies at 66
  • Dec 14 Guarino da Verona, Italian Renaissance figure, dies at 86

More 1460 Deaths