Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

What Happened in 1517

Major Events

  • Jan 22 Ottoman forces take Cairo, capital of the Mamluk Sultanate
  • Mar 16 Pope Leo X holds the last session of the Fifth Council of the Lateran, convoked to restore peace between Catholic rulers and assert the authority of Pope
  • Apr 13 Ottoman army occupies Cairo
  • May 19 Philip van Bourgondie installed as bishop of Utrecht
  • Jun 11 British admiral Sir Thomas Pert reaches Hudson Bay
  • Jul 1 1st burning of Protestants at the stake in the Netherlands
  • Jul 1 Inquisitor Adrian Boeyens (pope Adrianus VI) becomes cardinal
  • Jul 9 Gelderse crowd robber murders population of Asperen
  • Aug 15 Seven Portuguese armed vessels led by Fernão Pires de Andrade meet Chinese officials at the Pearl River estuary.
  • Oct 31 Martin Luther sends his Ninety-five Theses to Albert of Brandenburg, Archbishop of Mainz, precipitating the Protestant Reformation

Born in 1517

  • Jan 17 Antonio Scandello, Italian composer (Passion of John), born in Bergamo, Republic of Venice (d. 1580)
  • Jan 31 Gioseffo Zarlino, Italian composer and musical theorist, born in Chioggia (d. 1590)
  • Mar 29 Carlo Carafa, Italian cardinal, born in Naples, Kingdom of Naples, Spanish Empire (now Italy) (d. 1561)
  • Jun 18 Emperor Ōgimachi, 106th Emperor of Japan (d. 1593)
  • Jun 29 Rembert Dodoens [Rembert Van Joenckema], Flemish physician and botanist, born in Mechelen, Spanish Netherlands (d. 1585)

More People Born in 1517

Who Died in 1517

  • Jan 1 Hermann Vischer, the Younger, German bronze merchant, dies at 31
  • Mar 7 Maria of Aragon, queen of Portugal (1500-17), dies at 34
  • Mar 26 Heinrich Isaac, Flemish composer, dies at about 67 [birth date uncertain, c. 1450]
  • Apr 13 Tuman bay II, last Mamelukken sultan of Egypt, dies at 40
  • Sep 24 Frederik IV, of Baden, bishop of Utrecht, dies

More 1517 Deaths