Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

What Happened in 1522

Major Events

  • Mar 9 Martin Luther begins preaching his "Invocavit Sermons" in the German city of Wittenberg, reminding citizens to trust God's word rather than violence and thus helping bring to a close the revolutionary stage of the Reformation
  • Sep 6 Ferdinand Magellan's Spanish expedition now led by Juan Sebastián Elcano returns to Seville without their captain after three years. First to circumnavigate the globe
  • Dec 20 Suleiman the Magnificent accepts surrender of the surviving Knights of Rhodes, who are allowed to evacuate. They eventually settle in Malta and become known as the Knights of Malta.
  • More 1522 Events

Born in 1522

  • Feb 2 Lodovico Ferrari, Italian mathematician (d. 1565)
  • Mar 28 Albert the Warlike, Prince of Bayreuth, born in Ansbach, Germany (d. 1557)
  • May 24 John Jewel, English bishop, born in Buden, Devon, England (d. 1571)
  • Sep 11 Ulisse Aldrovandi, Italian biologist and naturalist, born in Bologna, Papal States (now Italy) (d. 1605)
  • Nov 9 Martin Chemnitz, German Lutheran reformer and theologian, born in Treuenbrietzen, Germany (d. 1586)

More People Born in 1522

Who Died in 1522

  • Feb 25 William Lilye, English classical scholar
  • Jun 25 Franchinus Gaffurius, Italian composer, dies at 71
  • Aug 11 Martin Siebenborger, mayor of Vienna, beheaded
  • Aug 27 Giovanni A Amadei/Amadeo, Italian sculptor/architect, dies at about 75
  • Oct 30 Jean Mouton [de Hollingue], French composer, dies at about 63 [date of birth dispute]

More 1522 Deaths