Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1667

  • Jan 3 Resistance of Androsovo in Russia-Poland
  • Jan 20 Treaty of Andrussovo ends 13 year war between Poland & Russia
  • Jan 30 Treaty/Truce of Andrusovo signed between Tsardom of Russia & Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
  • Feb 9 Treaty of Andrussovo: Russia and Poland signs peace treaty
  • Feb 25 Abraham Crijnssens fleet reach Fort Willoughby on Suriname River
  • Feb 27 Abraham Crijnssen conquers Fort Willoughby (Zeelandia), Suriname
  • Feb 28 English colony Suriname comes under Dutch controls
  • Mar 31 France & England sign anti-Dutch military accord
  • Apr 6 An earthquake devastates Dubrovnik, then an independent city-state
  • Apr 9 1st public art exhibition at the Palais-Royale in Paris

Milton Sells Paradise Lost

Apr 27 Blind and impoverished, English poet John Milton sells the copyright of "Paradise Lost" for £10 [1]

  • May 23 King Afonso VI of Portugal flees
  • May 24 French troops attack into Southern Netherlands

Margaret Cavendish

May 30 Margaret Cavendish is the first woman to attend a meeting of the Royal Society, watching demonstrations by Robert Boyle and Robert Hooke [1]

  • Jun 12 Raid on the Medway: Dutch fleet sails up the Medway destroying British naval ships and capturing the flagship HMS Royal Charles
  • Jun 15 1st fully documented human blood transfusion is performed by French physician, Dr. Jean-Baptiste Denys, when a small amount of sheep blood is transfused into a 15-year old boy, who survives the procedure
  • Jun 21 Raid of the Medway: Dutch Admiral Michiel de Ruyter occupies the town of Sheerness in England
  • Jul 31 Peace of Breda: 2nd English war-Suriname vs New-Netherlands ends
  • Aug 5 State of Holland obtain Eternal Edict
  • Oct 18 English fleet plunders Suriname plantations
  • Oct 26 Arung Palakka's Bugis forces occupy Makassar, southern Sulawesi


Nov 7 Jean Racine's "Andromaque" premieres in Paris

  • Nov 18 Treaty of Bongaja: King Hassan-Udin of Makasar & VOC
  • Nov 25 A deadly earthquake rocks Shemakha, in the Caucasus, killing 80,000 people.
  • Dec 15 Brandenburg declares himself neutral in Devolutie War