Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1668

Secret Partition Treaty

Jan 19 French King Louis XIV and Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I sign a secret Partition Treaty, dividing the Spanish Empire if Charles II of Spain died without an heir

  • Jan 23 England, Netherlands & Sweden sign Triple Alliance against French

Ballet of Peace

Feb 7 Dutch Prince William III dances in premiere of "Ballet of Peace"

  • Feb 13 Treaty of Lisbon: Spain recognizes Portugal
  • Feb 23 Fire in the Hofburg in Vienna, Emperor Leopold I rescued

Bombay to East India Company

Mar 27 English King Charles II grants Royal Charter giving control of Bombay, India to the English East India Company

  • Apr 13 John Dryden, aged 36, appointed the first English Poet Laureate by King Charles II
  • May 2 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1st peace of Aachen: ends War of Devolution, French-Spanish war in The Netherlands

Isaac Newton Graduates

Jul 7 Isaac Newton receives MA from Trinity College, Cambridge

  • Jul 13 Van Marco Cesti's opera "Il Pomo d'Oro" (the Golden Apple or Tomato) premieres in Vienna
  • Aug 15 Confederation of the Rhine disbands
  • Sep 16 Polish King John II Casimir Vasa resigns and goes to France the following year
  • Sep 29 English expedition to Hudson Bay led by Frenchman Médard Chouart Des Groseilliers arrives at Nemiscau (Rupert) River aboard the Nonsuch (beginning of Hudson Bay Company) [1]
  • Oct 9 Mass society storms palace of "heretics" Spanish governor Jose de Paternina
  • Oct 23 Jews of Barbados forbidden to engage in retail trade


Dec 13 Jean Racine's tragic play "Britannicus" premieres in Paris