Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events on November 7

  • 680 Third Council of Constantinople (6th ecumenical council) opens
  • 921 Treaty of Bonn: East France & West France recognize each other
  • 1492 Ensisheim Meteorite strikes a wheat field near the village of Ensisheim in Alsace, France. Oldest meteorite with a known date of impact.

First Black Englishman Depicted

1507 First named reference to royal trumpeter John Blanke, the first black person whose image survives from Tudor England, in payment for services by Henry VII [1]

Niccolo Machiavelli

1512 Medici's discharge Niccolo Machiavelli from Florence

  • 1519 University of Leuven convicts teaching of Luther

French Occupy Calais

1558 French King Henry II occupies Calais

  • 1631 Pierre Gassendi observes 1st ever transit of Mercury predicted by Kepler
  • 1637 Anne Hutchinson tried in Massachusetts Bay Colony as a heretic

Louis XIV Comes of Age

1651 King Louis XIV of France (13) declared of full age

  • 1659 The Treaty of the Pyrenees signed by representatives of French King Louis XIV & Spanish king Philip IV
  • 1665 1st edition of "London Gazette" published as "The Oxford Gazette"


1667 Jean Racine's "Andromaque" premieres in Paris

The Conscious Lovers

1722 Richard Steele's sentimental comedy play "The Conscious Lovers" premieres in London

  • 1733 France & Spain sign the Treaty of the Escorial (the first 'Pacte de Famille' between the Bourbon kings of France and Spain)

Elizabeth of Russia's Heir

1742 Empress Elizabeth of Russia proclaims her nephew Peter of Holstein-Gottorp (later Peter III) her heir

  • 1747 Organgist in Netherlands revolt under Daniel Raap
  • 1775 Lord Dunmore promises freedom to male slaves who join British army
  • 1786 The oldest musical organization in the United States is founded in Boston, Massachusetts as the Stoughton Musical Society
  • 1794 French troops conquer Nijmegen
  • 1800 It becomes illegal for women in Paris to wear trousers without a Police permit (annulled 2013)

Battle of Tippecanoe

1811 Battle of Tippecanoe: General William Henry Harrison defeats the Native Americans of the Tecumesh Confederation

  • 1814 1st sitting of States-general in Hague
  • 1824 St Petersburg floods to 4.20m, city's greatest flood
  • 1831 State of Gran Colombia disbands
  • 1837 In Alton, Illinois, abolitionist printer Elijah P. Lovejoy shot dead (age 34) by pro-slavery mob while attempting to protect his printing shop from being destroyed a third time.

Zachery Taylor

1848 General Zachary Taylor elected as 12th President of US

Battle of Belmont

1861 Battle of Belmont, fought in Mississippi County, Missouri begins, first combat test for Brigadier General Ulysses S. Grant, Union victory (US Civil War)

  • 1861 Battle of Port Royal, fought in Port Royal Sound, South Carolina ends, Union forces capture Fort Walker and Fort Beauregard (US Civil War)
  • 1863 Battles of Rappahannock Station & Kelly's Ford, Virginia
  • 1864 2nd session of congress of Confederate States of America reconvenes
  • 1872 Cargo ship Mary Celeste sails from Staten Island for Genoa; mysteriously found abandoned four weeks later

Republican Party Symbol

1874 First cartoon depicting an elephant as the Republican Party symbol is published by Thomas Nast

  • 1875 Verney Cameron is 1st European to cross equatorial Africa
  • 1876 Edward Bouchet is 1st African American to receive a Ph.D from a US college (Yale)
  • 1876 Meharry Medical College forms at Central Tennessee College

Rutherford B. Hayes

1876 President Rutherford B. Hayes and challenger Samuel J. Tilden claim presidential victory as Tilden (D) wins popular vote but Electoral College votes are disputed with Hayes (R)

  • 1885 Canadian Pacific Railway completed at Craigellachie - connects British Columbia with Eastern Canada
  • 1893 US State Colorado accepts female suffrage
  • 1900 Battle of Leliefontein, a battle during which the Royal Canadian Dragoons win three Victoria Crosses.

Laurier Government

1900 In Canada, the Liberal Government led by Wilfrid Laurier retains its majority

  • 1901 A French fleet seizes the customs house on the Turkish-ruled island of Mytilene after Turks refuse to settle France's indemnity claims for losses suffered by French subjects in 1896

Foundation of Delta Sigma Pi

1907 Delta Sigma Pi, a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities is founded at New York University.

  • 1907 Dynamite explodes on locomotive kills engineer Jesus Garcia in Mexico
  • 1907 Test tokens are struck in 1st production of Canadian coins
  • 1908 Dutch capture Venezuelan navy
  • 1909 Knights of St Peter Claver founded in Mobile, Alabama; Ladies Auxiliary formed in 1922
  • 1910 The first air freight shipment (from Dayton, Ohio, to Columbus, Ohio) is undertaken by the Wright Brothers and department store owner Max Moorehouse.

Deutsche Opernhaus

1912 The Deutsche Opernhaus (now Deutsche Oper Berlin) opens in the Berlin neighborhood of Charlottenburg, with a production of Beethoven's Fidelio

  • 1913 Great Lakes Storm the "White Hurricane" begins with 90 mph winds and 35 foot waves, (lasts till 10 Nov), will sink 19 ships and strand 19 more, killing over 250 people [1]
  • 1914 German Chinese concession of Kiaochow Bay and its center at Tsingtao are captured by Japanese forces
  • 1914 Japanese attack German concession on Chinese peninsula of Shanghai
  • 1914 The first issue of The New Republic magazine is published.

Woodrow Wilson Re-elected

1916 Amidst the Mexican Revolution and World War I, Woodrow Wilson is re-elected as President of the United States, defeating Republican candidate Charles E. Hughes

  • 1916 Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich warns Tsar of uprising

First Woman to Congress

1916 Jeannette Rankin (Rep-R-Montana) is elected to Congress as its first woman Representative

  • 1917 British capture Gaza, Palestine, from Turks

Soviet Government Forms

1917 The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic is proclaimed; first Council of People's Commissars is formed with Vladimir Lenin as leader and including Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin


1917 [OS Oct 25] October Revolution in Russia; Lenin and the Bolsheviks seize power, capture the Winter Palace and overthrow the Provisional Government.

  • 1918 Kurt Eisner overthrows the Wittelsbach dynasty in the Kingdom of Bavaria as a revolutionary uprising spreads throughout Germany

Goddard's Rocket

1918 Robert Goddard demonstrates tube-launched solid propellant rockets


1918 Soviet dramatic play "Mystery-Bouffe" by Vladimir Mayakovsky premieres in Petrograd

The 1918 Flu Pandemic

1918 The 1918 influenza epidemic spreads to Western Samoa, killing 7,542 (about 20% of the population) by the end of the year

End of World War I

1918 United Press erroneously reports WWI armistice had been signed

  • 1919 US police raid offices of Union of Russian Workers
  • 1921 Ed Wynn's musical revue "The Perfect Fool" premieres in NYC
  • 1921 Hungary passes a law invalidating the Habsburg line of succession to the throne
  • 1925 Italians liberal-national party joins fascist

MOMA Opens

1929 Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) opens in the Hecksher Building in New York - its first exhibition features Cezanne, Gauguin, Seurat and van Gogh

Chinese People's Republic

1931 Chinese People's Republic proclaimed by Mao Zedong

  • 1932 1st broadcast of "Buck Rogers in the 25th century" on CBS-radio

Fiorello La Guardia

1933 Fiorello La Guardia is elected the 99th Mayor of New York City

  • 1933 Pennsylvania voters overturn blue law, by permitting Sunday sports
  • 1934 Arthur L. Mitchell, becomes first African American Democratic US congressman (Illinois)

Joseph Stalin Proclaims

1935 Addressing a meeting of Stakhanovites, Joseph Stalin utters his famous phrase "life has become better"

  • 1936 Battle of Madrid begins
  • 1940 Stravinsky's Symfonie in C premieres in Chicago
  • 1940 Tacoma Narrows (Galloping Gertie) Bridge collapses, Wash
  • 1941 British air attacks on Berlin, Mannheim & Ruhrgebied

FDR Broadcasts French

1942 1st US President to broadcast in a foreign language - FDR, in French

Fausto Coppi

1942 Italian cyclist Fausto Coppi establishes world hour record 45.798km in Vigorelli, Milan, Italy

  • 1943 Detroit Lions 0, NY Giants 0; last scoreless tie in NFL
  • 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt is re-elected President of the United States for a record fourth term, defeating Republican candidate Thomas E. Dewey
  • 1944 Train crashes in tunnel of Aguadilla Spain; about 500 die
  • 1949 King Faruk disbands Egyptian parliament
  • 1950 Carlo Terron's "Processo Agli Innocenti" premieres in Milan
  • 1950 French women & children leaves Hanoi/Tonkin-delta
  • 1951 Constitution of Jordan passes
  • 1953 WIS TV channel 10 in Columbia, SC (NBC) begins broadcasting
  • 1954 Cleveland Browns' Chet Hanulak sets club record with 7 punt returns & win by their largest margin of victory (59) beating Wash 62-3
  • 1954 US spy plane shot down North of Japan
  • 1955 Supreme Court of Baltimore bans segregation in public recreational areas

Suez Crisis

1956 Suez Crisis ends with a ceasefire as the United Nations Emergency Force is established at instigation of Canadian diplomat Lester B. Pearson and UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld

  • 1957 Cold War: The Gaither Report calls for more American missiles and fallout shelters.
  • 1957 Phillies pitcher Jack Sanford wins NL Rookie of Year
  • 1957 WEEQ (now WWTO) TV channel 35 in La Salle, IL (IND) 1st broadcast
  • 1960 KNRR TV channel 12 in Pembina, ND (IND) begins broadcasting
  • 1961 France performs underground nuclear test at Ecker Algeria
  • 1962 Columbia Records completes a three-night live recording of Barbra Steisand at the Bon Soir nightclub in Greenwich Village, NYC for her debut album; technical issues force them to shelf the release and bring her to a studio to record

Glenn Hall

1962 Glenn Hall set NHL record of 503 consecutive games as goalie

Nixon Loses

1962 Richard Nixon tells press he won't be available to kick around any more after losing election for Governor of California

Elston Howard AL MVP

1963 New York Yankee catcher Elston Howard is first African-American to be voted AL MVP

  • 1963 Wunder von Lengede: In Germany, eleven miners are rescued from a collapsed mine after 14 days.
  • 1964 NL keeps Braves in Milwaukee in 1965, may move to Atlanta in 1966
  • 1966 Jean-Claude van Itallie's "America Hurrah" premieres in NYC

John Meets Yoko

1966 John Lennon meets Yoko Ono at an avante-garde art exposition at Indica Gallery in London [1]

  • 1966 Lunar Orbiter 2 launched by US
  • 1967 Carl Stokes elected first African American mayor of a major US city - Cleveland, Ohio

Public Broadcasting

1967 LBJ signs a bill establishing Corporation for Public Broadcasting

  • 1967 MLB St Louis Cardinals infielder Orlando Cepeda is 1st unanimous NL MVP
  • 1967 Richard G Hatcher elected 1st African-American mayor of Gary, Indiana, served 1968-88
  • 1967 Surveyor 6 launched for soft landing on Moon
  • 1968 USSR performs nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya USSR
  • 1969 John Lennon and Yoko Ono release their second album "Wedding Album" in UK

Monzon vs. Benvenuti

1970 Argentine boxer Carlos Monzon upsets defending champion Nino Benvenuti of Italy in 12th round KO in Rome to win WBC, WBA middleweight titles

  • 1970 Race riots in Daytona Beach Florida

Biden to Senate

1972 Attorney Joe Biden is elected to the US Senate, representing the state of Delaware after defeating longtime incumbent J. Caleb Boggs by just over 3,000 votes; Biden would win re-election 6 times

  • 1972 Incumbent President Richard Nixon is re-elected, defeating Democrat candidate George McGovern in a landslide by winning 49 states
  • 1973 NJ becomes 1st state to allow girls into little league
  • 1973 US & Egypt announce restoration of full diplomatic links
  • 1975 Kidnapped AKZO director Herrema freed in Ireland

Gone With The Wind

1976 "Gone With The Wind", 1939 Oscar-winning film epic starring Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable, makes broadcast television debut on NBC; aired in two parts over consecutive nights; earns a then record 65% share of TV viewers

  • 1978 Boston Red Sox Jim Rice wins AL MVP
  • 1978 CDA-chairman W Aantjes resigns due to his war past
  • 1978 Marion Barry Jr. elected as Washington, D.C.'s first African American mayor
  • 1979 MLB Chicago Cubs reliever Bruce Sutter wins NL Cy Young Award
  • 1981 France performs nuclear test
  • 1982 Turkey adopts constitution
  • 1983 Ali Haji-Sheikh kicks his 2nd NY Giant record 56 yard field goal
  • 1983 Bomb explodes in US Capitol, causing heavy damage but no injuries
  • 1984 STS 51-A launch scrubbed because of high shear winds
  • 1985 Colombian troops end 27-hr siege of Bogota's Palace of Justice
  • 1987 Tunisian premier Zine al-Abidine fires President Habib Bourguiba
  • 1988 MLB all stars beats Japan 16-8 (Game 3 of 7)

Leonard vs. LaLonde

1988 Sugar Ray Leonard KO's Donnie LaLonde

  • 1989 Baltimore Orioles Gregg Olson is 1st relief pitcher to win AL Rookie of Year

NYC Firsts

1989 NYC elects it's 1st African American mayor (David Dinkins) & 1st female comptroller (Elizabeth Holtzman)

  • 1990 Cleveland Indian Sandy Alomar Jr wins AL Rookie of Year, unanimously
  • 1990 Mary Robinson elected as 1st female president of Ireland
  • 1991 "Park Your Car in Harvard Yard" opens at Music Box NYC
  • 1991 1st NBA game in Delta City, Utah Jazz beats Seattle 103-95

Magic Johnson

1991 Magic Johnson announces he has HIV virus & retires from LA Lakers

  • 1992 1st NBA game at America West Arena, Phoenix Suns beat Clippers 111-105

Alain Prost

1993 French Williams driver Alain Prost finishes 2nd in season ending Australian Grand Prix in Adelaide to claim his 4th F1 World Drivers Championship by 26 points from Ayrton Senna; Prost announces his retirement from F1 racing

  • 1995 Howard Stern Radio Show premieres in Pittsburgh PA on WXDX 105.9 FM
  • 1996 "3 Sisters" opens at Lunt-Fontanne Theater NYC
  • 1996 Ex-NFL running back and Heisman Trophy winner Mike Rozier, is shot several times in his hometown of Camden, New Jersey; recovers
  • 1996 Wasim Jaffer gets 314* in 2nd cricket FC game for Mumbai v Saurashtra


1997 "Bean" film directed by Mel Smith and starring Rowan Atkinson as Mr. Bean opens in the US

  • 1997 Two surgeons who performed plastic surgery on Amado Carrillo Fuentes are found dead, encased in concrete drums showing signs of torture

Sports History

1999 Dale Jarrett wins the NASCAR Winston Cup Series championship

2000 "" 4th studio album by R. Kelly is released (American Music Awards Favorite Male Soul/R&B Artist, 2001; Billboard Album of the Year, 2001)

Bush vs. Gore

2000 Controversial US presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore is inconclusive; the result, in Bush's favor, is eventually resolved by the Supreme Court

Hillary Clinton

2000 Hillary Clinton is elected to the US Senate, becoming first US First Lady to win public office and while still the First Lady

Election of Interest

2000 Joe Lieberman is elected to a third Senate term, defeating Republican candidate Philip Giordano

The Blind Assassin

2000 Margaret Atwood wins the Booker Prize for her novel "The Blind Assassin"

  • 2000 The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration discovers one of the country's largest LSD labs inside a converted military missile silo in Wamego, Kansas

Florida, Florida, Florida

2000 Tim Russert famously declares the outcome of the 2000 Presidential election will depend on "Florida, Florida, Florida" during NBC coverage

  • 2001 The supersonic commercial aircraft Concorde resumes flying after a 15-month hiatus.
  • 2002 Iran bans advertising of products from the United States
  • 2004 War in Iraq: The interim government of Iraq calls for a 60-day "state of emergency" as U.S. forces storm the insurgent stronghold of Fallujah.
  • 2006 Joe Lieberman wins re-election to the U.S. Senate as an independent candidate
  • 2007 Jokela school shooting in Tuusula, Finland, resulting in the death of nine people.

NBA Record

2009 Jerry Sloan becomes the first coach in NBA history with 1,000 wins for one team after defeating the Oklahoma City Thunder

  • 2012 48 people are killed by a magnitude 7.3 earthquake in Guatemala
  • 2012 Voters in Maine, Maryland and Washington approve measures for same-sex marriage
  • 2015 Sierra Leone is declared free of Ebola by the World Health Organization (death toll 4,000)
  • 2017 Danica Roem becomes the first US transgender person to be elected to a state legislature in the US in North Virginia
  • 2017 Extreme smog in Delhi, India, leads Indian Medical Association to declare "a state of medical emergency"
  • 2017 Melbourne Cup: Joseph O’Brien at 24 is the youngest trainer to win with Rekindling jockeyed by Corey Brown
  • 2017 Opera soprano Audrey Luna sings highest-ever note at Met Opera in New York, A above high C
  • 2017 South Korean golfer Park Sung-hyun becomes the first LPGA rookie to be ranked no. 1
  • 2017 US Democrats dominate off-year elections; Ralph Northam wins Governor of Virginia, Philip Murphy Governor of New Jersey

Emma Thompson

2018 Actress Emma Thompson is made a Dame of the British Empire by Prince William at Buckingham Palace, London

  • 2018 Ex-marine opens fire at a bar in Thousand Oaks, California, shooting 12, including a police officer, and himself

Political History

2018 US President Donald Trump fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions and appoints Matthew Whitaker in his place as acting Attorney General

  • 2018 World's oldest figurative painting of a beast at least 40,000 years old identified in Lubang Jeriji Saléh cave, Indonesian Borneo
  • 2019 Congolese rebel leader Bosco Ntaganda, the "Terminator" is the to be convicted of sexual slavery by the International Criminal Court and is sentenced to 30 years in prison on 18 charges
  • 2019 Humans 1st walked upright 12 million years ago (not 6 million as previously thought), according to study a new species of ape found in Bavaria, Germany, published in "Nature"

Donald Trump

2019 Queen Elizabeth II confirms she is no longer buying clothes made with real fur

  • 2019 Song lyrics have gotten sadder says researchers who studied 50 years of lyrics at University of Exeter, published in journal "Evolutionary Human Sciences"

35th Inductees

2020 35th Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees: Depeche Mode; The Doobie Brothers; Whitney Houston; Nine Inch Nails; The Notorious B.I.G.; T-Rex; Jon Landau; and Irving Azoff

  • 2020 Former Vice-President Joe Biden declared the winner of the US Presidential race, four days after the US election, defeating sitting President Donald Trump

Kamala Harris

2020 Kamala Harris makes US history as the 1st woman and 1st woman of color to be elected to the vice presidency (date election called)

Rudy Giuliani

2020 Rudy Giuliani holds infamous Trump Campaign press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Philadelphia to contest the US election results

  • 2021 Attempt to assassinate Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi through drone attack on his home in Baghdad
  • 2021 Kyle Larson holds off Martin Truex Jr in the NASCAR Cup Series Championship Race at Phoenix Raceway to earn his 10th win of the season and claim his first Cup Series championship
  • 2022 French tennis star Caroline Garcia scores the biggest title win of her career beating Aryna Sabalenka 7–6, 6–4 in the WTA Finals in Fort Worth, Texas

Albanese Meets Li Qiang

2023 Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese meets Chinese Premier Li Qiang in Beijing, re-establishing dialogue between the countries two leaders after a seven-year gap [1]

  • 2023 Australian cricket all-rounder Glenn Maxwell hits 201 not out to guide his team to a 3 wicket World Cup win over Afghanistan in Mumbai; first to score double-ton in a ODI run chase; first non-opener to 200
  • 2023 Cherelle Parker (51) is elected 100th Mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - first woman and first Black woman mayor [1] [2]
  • 2023 Israeli forces cut off north Gaza, severing it from the southern part of the territory as Hamas Health Authority says Palestinian death toll is now over 10,000 [1]
  • 2023 Ohio votes in two referendums to protect abortion rights under its constitution, and legalize the use of marijuana [1]