Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1722

  • Jan 24 Edward Wigglesworth appointed 1st north American divinity professor (Harvard)

Russian Civil System Begins

Jan 24 Tsar Peter the Great begins civil system

  • Mar 8 Afghan monarch Mir Mahmud occupies Persia
  • Mar 17 William IV Prince of Orange appointed mayor of Drente

Europeans Discover Easter Island

Apr 5 Dutch navigator Jacob Roggeveen is the first European to discover Easter Island / Rapa Nui in the southeastern Pacific

  • Apr 22 19 VOC "komplotteurs" in Batavia executed
  • Apr 30 Game of Billiards is mentioned in New England Courant
  • May 3 Pierre de Marivaux's play "La Double Inconstance" premieres in Paris

Hungary Condemns Accession Plans

Jun 30 Hungarian Parliament condemns Emperor Charles VI's Pragmatic Sanctions - to recognise his daughters as his heirs

  • Jul 25 The Three Years War begins along the Maine and Massachusetts border
  • Sep 12 Russian troops occupy Baku & Derbent in Persia
  • Oct 19 French C. Hopffer patents the automatic fire extinguisher in England
  • Nov 2 Willem IV Prince of Orange (11) appointed Stadtholder Gelderland

The Conscious Lovers

Nov 7 Richard Steele's sentimental comedy play "The Conscious Lovers" premieres in London