Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1749

  • Jan 3 Benning Wentworth issues the first of the New Hampshire Grants, leading to the establishment of Vermont.
  • Jan 16 Hoax article advertising fictitious theatrical performer "The Bottle Conjuror" drew huge crowds to the Haymarket Theatre, London, whose inevitable non-appearance caused a riot. It's alleged the Duke of Montagu perpetrated the fiasco to win a bet.
  • Jan 21 Verona Philharmonic Theatre destroyed by fire. Rebuilt 1754.
  • Feb 28 1st edition of Henry Fieldings' novel "Tom Jones" published

Music For The Royal Fireworks

Apr 27 First performance of George Frideric Handel's "Music For The Royal Fireworks" in Green Park, London

  • May 2 Austrian Empress Maria Theresa signs new economic state reforms to be administrated by her chief advisor Friedrich Wilhelm von Haugwitz
  • May 11 British parliament accepts Consolidation Act, to reorganise the Royal Navy

Ohio Company Charter

May 19 British King George II of England grants charter to Ohio Company to settle Ohio Valley in America

  • Jun 21 Pieter Steyn installed as pension advisor of Netherlands
  • Jun 21 Town of Halifax, Nova Scotia, is founded by the British - sparks Father Le Loutre's War
  • Jun 25 General fast because of drought in Massachusetts
  • Jun 29 New Governor Charles de la Ralière Des Herbiers arrives at Isle Royale (Cape Breton Island).
  • Jul 20 Earl of Chesterfield says "Idleness is only refuge of weak minds"
  • Jul 21 Pieter Steyn becomes pension advisor of Holland
  • Oct 26 Georgia Colony reverses itself & rules slavery is legal
  • Nov 2 English Ohio Trade Company forms first trading post