Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1784

  • Jan 6 Turkey & Russia sign treaty in Constantinople
  • Jan 7 1st US seed business established by David Landreth, Philadelphia
  • Jan 14 US Congress of the Confederation ratifies the Treaty of Paris, signed September 3, 1783, ending the Revolutionary War, and forwards it to Great Britain
  • Jan 15 The Asiatic Society is founded by William Jones at a meeting in Calcutta's Fort William, India

Franklin Unhappy Over Eagle

Jan 26 Benjamin Franklin expresses unhappiness over eagle as America's symbol

  • Feb 4 1st unmanned balloon flight in Ireland
  • Feb 22 1st US ship to trade with China, "Empress of China", sails from NY

First US Methodist Church

Feb 28 John Wesley charters Methodist Church

Marquis de Sade to the Bastille

Feb 29 Marquis de Sade transferred from Vincennes fortress to the Bastille

  • Mar 5 Thomas Townshend, 1st Viscount Sydney, is named President of the Board of Trade.

Emerald Buddha Moved

Mar 22 The Emerald Buddha is moved with great ceremony to its current place in Wat Phra Kaew, Thailand

  • Apr 9 Great Britain ratifies the Treaty of Paris, signed September 3, 1783, ending the American Revolutionary War

Violin Sonata No. 32

Apr 29 Premiere of Mozart's "Violin Sonata No. 32 "in B flat (K. 454) at Kärntnerthor Theater in Vienna; violinist Regina Strinasacchi, and Wolfgang Mozart on piano

  • May 8 Only known deaths by hailstones in US (Winnsborough, South Carolina)
  • May 11 Britain & Tippu Sahib of Mysore sign peace treaty
  • May 12 Ratified copies of the Treaty of Paris, ending the Revolutionary War exchanged between US and Great Britain, in Paris
  • May 20 Britain & Netherlands sign peace treaty (Peace of Paris)
  • May 25 Jews are expelled from Warsaw by Marshall Mniszek
  • Jun 3 US army officially established by Congress of the Confederation
  • Jun 4 Madame Elizabeth Thible becomes the first female balloonist
  • Jun 9 John Carroll appointed supervisor of US Catholic Missions
  • Jun 16 Holland forbids the wearing of orange clothes
  • Jun 23 Edward Warren makes the 1st US balloon flight, aged just 13 years old
  • Aug 13 British parliament accepts East India Company Act 1784, bringing the East India Company's rule in India under the control of the British Government.
  • Aug 23 Eastern Tennessee settlers declare their area an independent state & name it Franklin; a year later the Continental Congress rejects it
  • Sep 21 Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser becomes the 1st successful daily newspaper in the United States
  • Sep 22 Russian trappers establish a colony on Kodiak Island, Alaska
  • Nov 1 Maryland grants citizenship to Lafayette and his descendants
  • Nov 26 Catholic Apostolic Prefecture of the United States established

Jay Secretary of State

Dec 21 John Jay becomes acting US Secretary of State (1789-90)