Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1795

  • Jan 16 French army under Pichegru occupies Utrecht, Netherlands
  • Jan 18 French forces admitted to Amsterdam without resistance
  • Jan 18 Governor and Viceroy Willem V flees Scheveningen to England
  • Jan 19 Democratic revolution in Amsterdam results in establishment of shot-lived Batavian Republic

Dutch Fleet Captured

Jan 23 War of the First Coalition: French cavalry captures 14 Dutch ships and 850 guns near the port of Den Helder - rare instance of cavalry capturing a fleet

Haydn's 102nd Symphony

Feb 2 Joseph Haydn's 102nd Symphony in B premieres at the King's Theatre in London, England

  • Feb 5 Zealand, Netherlands, surrenders to French general Michaud
  • Feb 7 11th Amendment to US Constitution ratified, affirms power of states
  • Feb 7 Dutch Prince William V accepts British occupation of Dutch Indies
  • Feb 13 1st state university in US opens, University of North Carolina
  • Feb 17 Thomas Seddal harvests 8.3-kg potato from his garden in Chester, England
  • Feb 21 Freedom of worship established in France under constitution
  • Feb 25 French Politician and Educator Joseph Lakanal, defines on behalf of the French Revolution an “educational utopia” aiming to “put an end to inequalities of development that affected a citizen's capacities for judgment."
  • Mar 5 Amsterdam celebrates Revolution on the Dam; Square of Revolution
  • Mar 5 Treaty of Basel - Prussia ends war with France
  • Mar 11 Battle at Kurdla India: Mahratten beat Mogols
  • Mar 28 Partitions of Poland: The Duchy of Courland, a northern fief of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, ceases to exist and becomes part of Imperial Russia.

Beethoven's Debut

Mar 29 Ludwig van Beethoven (24) has his debut performance as a pianist at the Burgtheater in Vienna, Austria

France Adopts the Metre

Apr 7 France adopts the metre as the basic measure of length

  • Apr 23 William Hastings acquitted in England of high treason

Battle of Nuʻuanu

May 1 Kamehameha I, King of Hawaiʻi defeats Kalanikupule and conquers island of Oʻahu at Battle of Nuʻuanu [approx. date]

  • May 5 Great Britain passes a tax on hair powder - a fee of 1 guinea a year, leading to a decline in its use
  • May 16 Hedges Treaty: Bataafse Republic becomes French vassal state
  • Jun 6 Fire destroy 1/3 of Copenhagen; 18,000 injured
  • Jun 24 US and Great Britain sign Jay Treaty, 1st US extradition treaty
  • Jul 1 John Rutledge becomes 2nd chief justice of US Supreme Court
  • Jul 9 James Swan pays off the $2,024,899 US national debt
  • Jul 14 The French National Convention decrees "La Marseillaise" by Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle France's national anthem
  • Jul 25 The first stone of the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct is laid
  • Jul 27 Spain and France sign peace treaty
  • Aug 15 Austrian composer Joseph Haydn leaves England forever after calling the time spent there "the happiest of his life"
  • Aug 17 Slave revolt at Knip plantation, Curacao
  • Aug 18 Curacao governor De Veer sends militia to stop rebellious slaves
  • Aug 20 Joseph Haydn returns to Vienna from England
  • Aug 25 Curaçao slaves opponents returns to St Christopher
  • Sep 5 USA and Algiers sign peace treaty

Lyrical Ballads

Sep 15 "Lyrical Ballads" published by Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth - 1st work of English Romantic movement (probable date)

  • Sep 15 Dutch East India controlled Cape Colony (present day South Africa) surrenders to Britain
  • Sep 16 British capture Capetown, South Africa, from the Dutch
  • Sep 19 Tula, leader of Curacao slave opposition, imprisoned
  • Sep 23 Conseil of the Cinq-Cents (Council of 500), forms in Paris
  • Oct 1 Belgium is conquered by France
  • Oct 1 France annexes Southern Netherlands
  • Oct 2 Tula (leader slave uprising) sentence to death in Curacao
  • Oct 16 M von Böhms "Oorlogscantate" premieres
  • Oct 24 3rd Partition of Poland, between Austria, Prussia & Russia
  • Oct 26 The Directoire, a five-man revolutionary government of France, is created
  • Oct 27 Pinckney's Treaty [Treaty of San Lorenzo] signed by Spain and US, establishing the southern boundary of the US and giving Americans right to navigate the Mississippi River
  • Nov 20 Curacao government forbids slave work on Sunday
  • Nov 28 US pays $800,000 & a frigate as tribute to Algiers & Tunis
  • Dec 19 1st state appropriation of money for road building, Kentucky