Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1813

  • Jan 14 Gideon Hawley becomes 1st state school superintendent in US (NY)
  • Jan 21 First reference to pineapple cultivation in Hawaii in diary entry by Francisco de Paula Marin
  • Jan 21 Spaniard Don Francisco de Paula y Marin plants coffee in Hawaii - 1st record of coffee growing in Hawaii
  • Jan 22 Americans capture Frenchtown, Michigan Territory

"Pride and Prejudice"

Jan 28 Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" is published by Thomas Egerton in the United Kingdom

  • Feb 23 1st US raw cotton-to-cloth mill founded in Waltham, Massachusetts
  • Feb 27 1st federal vaccination legislation enacted
  • Feb 27 US Congress authorizes use of steamboats to transport mail
  • Mar 3 Office of Surgeon General of the US Army forms
  • Mar 8 1st concerto of Royal Philharmonic
  • Mar 18 David Melville, Newport, Rhode Island, patents apparatus for making coal gas
  • Mar 20 Lady Hester Stanhope sets out for ancient city of Palmyra, the first western woman to visit
  • Mar 25 1st US flag flown in battle on the Pacific by the frigate Essex
  • Apr 27 Americans under General Zebulon Pike capture York (now Toronto) from British regulars, militia and Ojibwe natives forcing a British withdrawal to Kingston; Pike is killed
  • Apr 29 Ist US Rubber patent granted to Jacob F. Hummel
  • May 11 In Australia, William Lawson, Gregory Blaxland and William Wentworth, lead an expedition westwards from Sydney. Their route opens up inland Australia for continued expansion throughout the 19th century.

El Libertador

May 23 South American independence leader Simón Bolívar enters Mérida, leading the invasion of Venezuela, and is proclaimed El Libertador (The Liberator)

  • May 27 Americans capture Fort George, Canada
  • May 31 In Australia, Lawson, Blaxland and Wentworth reach Mount Blaxland, marking the end of a route across the Blue Mountains
  • Jun 1 Captain John Lawrence utters Navy motto "Don't give up the ship"
  • Jun 6 US invasion of Canada halted at Stoney Creek (Ontario)
  • Jun 21 Peninsular War: Battle of Vitoria results in a victory for a Spanish, Portuguese and British alliance against the French
  • Jun 24 Battle of Beaver Dams - British and native forces defeat US forces (War of 1812)
  • Jul 5 War of 1812: Three weeks of British raids on Fort Schlosser, Black Rock and Plattsburgh, New York begin
  • Jul 31 British invade Plattsburgh, NY

Robert Southey Poet Laureate

Aug 12 Robert Southey is appointed British Poet Laureate by King George III

  • Aug 14 British warship Pelican attacks & captures US war brigantine Argus
  • Aug 19 Gervasio Antonio de Posadas joins Argentina's second triumvirate
  • Aug 23 Battle of Grossbeeren - Prussians under Von Bulow repulse French

Battle of Dresden

Aug 27 Battle of Dresden; Napoleon defeats Austrians

  • Aug 30 Battle of Kulm: French forces defeated by Austrian-Prussian-Russian alliance
  • Sep 4 First US religious newspaper (Religious Remembrancer (Christian Observer))
  • Sep 7 "Uncle Sam" 1st used to refer to the US, by Troy Post of New York
  • Sep 10 American Naval Commander Oliver Hazard Perry defeats the British in Battle of Lake Erie
  • Sep 30 Battle of Bárbula: Simón Bolívar defeats Santiago Bobadilla

Battle of the Thames

Oct 5 Battle of the Thames; American forces under General William Henry Harrison defeat Tecumseh's Confederacy and their British allies led by Henry Procter near Chatham, Upper Canada

  • Oct 8 Treaty of Ried between Bavaria & Austria
  • Oct 16 Battle of Leipzig, largest battle in Europe prior to WWI, Napoleon's forces defeated by Prussia, Austria and Russia
  • Oct 20 German Kingdom of Westphalia abolished
  • Oct 23 The Pacific Fur Company trading post in Astoria, Oregon is turned over to the rival British North West Company (the fur trade in the Pacific Northwest was dominated for the next three decades by the United Kingdom).
  • Nov 2 Treaty of Fulda signed in Germany after Battle of Leipzig
  • Nov 3 US troops under General Coffee annihilate the Red Stick Creek Indian village at Tallasseehatchee, Alabama
  • Nov 6 Chilpancingo congress declares Mexico independent of Spain

Jackson Repels Creek Attack

Nov 9 During Creek War General Andrew Jackson, responding to White Stick Creek Indian plea at Fort Leslie, drives off attacking force of Red Stick Creek Indians at Talladega, Alabama

  • Nov 11 Dresden surrenders to allied armies
  • Nov 12 Allied troops occupy Zwolle, Netherlands
  • Nov 15 Allied troops occupies Groningen
  • Nov 15 Tax revolt in Amsterdam
  • Nov 21 Stettin surrenders to allied armies
  • Nov 28 Cossacks occupy Utrecht
  • Nov 29 Dutch politician Elias Canneman (Lib) becomes Minister of Finance
  • Nov 30 Prince Willem Frederik returns to Netherlands
  • Dec 2 Prince Willem Frederik accepts constitutional monarchy
  • Dec 5 Lübeck surrenders to allied armies

Beethoven's 7th Symphony

Dec 8 Ludwig van Beethoven's 7th Symphony in A, premieres in Vienna with Beethoven conducting

  • Dec 18 British take Fort Niagara in War of 1812
  • Dec 26 Zamose, Modlin, Torgau surrenders to allied armies
  • Dec 29 British burn Buffalo, New York during War of 1812
  • Dec 30 Danzig surrenders to allied armies