Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events on November 11

Events 1 - 200 of 224

Constantine Made Caesar

308 The Congress of Carnuntum: Attempting to keep peace within the Roman Empire, the leaders of the Tetrarchy declare Maxentius and Licinius to be Augusti, while rival contender Constantine I is declared Caesar of Britain and Gaul.

  • 725 English pilgrim Willibald (later St. Willibald) arrives in Jerusalem. One of the first known Europeans to visit the Holy Land.
  • 887 Parliament in Tribur: King Charles III resigns

Frederick I Barbarossa

1158 Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa declares himself ruler of North Italy

  • 1208 Otto van Wittelsbach chosen German king
  • 1215 4th Lateran Council (12th ecumenical council) opens in Rome
  • 1400 Battle of Aleppo: Timur and his army defeat the forces of Sultan Faraj, Mameluke ruler of Egypt, 20,000 people reportedly massacred and a pyramid of their skulls built
  • 1417 Oddo Colonna elected as Pope Martinus V

Columbus Sights Leeward Islands

1493 Explorer Christopher Columbus sights the island of Saba in the Leeward islands, but does not land

  • 1500 Treaty of Granada: France & Aragon divide the Kingdom of Naples

Julius II

1503 Julius II elected pope - rules till his death in 1513, one of the most powerful popes of the Renaissance

  • 1572 Duke of Alva's son Don Fredrik begins siege of Haarlem

Siege of Rouen

1591 French King Henry IV begins his unsuccessful siege of Rouen, capital of Normandy

  • 1606 Turkey & Austria sign Treaty of Zsitva-Torok

The Mayflower

1620 Mayflower Compact signed by Pilgrims at Cape Cod, the 1st framework of government in the territory that is now the USA [N.S. Nov 21]

  • 1620 Mayflower Pilgrims make their first landing in America, at Provincetown Harbor, Massachusetts [1]
  • 1634 Following pressure from Anglican bishop John Atherton, the Irish House of Commons passes "An Act for the Punishment for the Vice of Buggery".
  • 1640 Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, impeached by the House of Lords on the evidence of John Pym, and imprisoned in the Tower of London; he was later executed.
  • 1647 Massachusetts passes first compulsory school attendance law in the American colonies
  • 1648 Dutch & French agree to divide St Maarten, Leeward Islands
  • 1671 Dutch States-General forbids importation of French wine
  • 1673 Second Battle of Khotyn in the Ukraine, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth forces under the command of Jan Sobieski. defeat the Ottoman army. In this battle, rockets of Kazimierz Siemienowicz were successfully used.

Integral Calculus

1675 German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz demonstrates integral calculus for the first time to find the area under the graph of y = f(x) function

Fleet Sails for England

1688 Prince William of Orange's invasion fleet sails to England

  • 1714 A highway in Bronx is laid out, later renamed East 233rd Street

Jacobite Army Invades

1745 Bonnie Prince Charlie's Jacobite army invades England, in attempt to restore House of Stuart to the British throne

  • 1750 The F.H.C. Society, also known as the Flat Hat Club, was formed at Raleigh Tavern, Williamsburg, Virginia. It was the first college fraternity.
  • 1752 Theresianische Military Academy opens in Vienna

Visit by Mohawk Leader

1775 Mohawk military leader Joseph Brant goes to London to solicit more support from the government and to persuade the Crown to address past Mohawk land grievances in exchange for their participation as allies in the impending war

  • 1778 British Soldiers and Loyalists, allied with Iroquois and Seneca raiders, slaughter 40 in the "Cherry Valley Massacre" in central New York
  • 1790 Chrysanthemums are introduced to England from China

Battle of Dürenstein

1805 Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Dürenstein - 8000 French troops attempted to slow the retreat of a vastly superior Russian and Austrian force.

First Gotham - NY Association

1807 Washington Irving's Salmagundi periodical published - first to associate the name "Gotham" with New York City

  • 1811 Cartagena Colombia declares independence from Spain
  • 1813 Dresden surrenders to allied armies
  • 1836 Chile declares war on Bolivia & Peru
  • 1839 The Virginia Military Institute is founded in Lexington, Virginia.
  • 1851 Alvan Clark patents telescope
  • 1864 Sherman's troops destroy Rome, Georgia
  • 1864 Skirmish at Shoal Creek, AL
  • 1865 Mary Edward Walker, the first US Army female surgeon, awarded Medal of Honor
  • 1865 Thomas William Robertson's play "Society" premieres in London
  • 1865 Treaty of Sinchula is signed in which Bhutan ceded the areas east of the Teesta River to the British East India Company.
  • 1868 1st American amateur track & field meet (NYC)

Allies Win Battle of Avay

1868 War of the Triple Alliance: Allied victory in the Battle of Avay leaves 3,000 Paraguayan soldiers dead, 600 wounded and the road to Asunción open

Ned Kelly Hanged

1880 Australian Bushranger and outlaw Ned Kelly is hanged at Melbourne Gaol

  • 1887 Anarchist Haymarket Martyrs August Spies (b. 1855), Albert Parsons (b. 1848), Adolph Fischer (b. 1858) and George Engel (b. 1836) are executed.
  • 1887 Construction of the Manchester Ship Canal starts at Eastham.
  • 1889 Washington admitted as 42nd state of USA
  • 1890 D McCree patents portable fire escape
  • 1895 Bechuanaland becomes part of Cape Colony
  • 1896 Jules Vandenpeereboom becomes Belgium's minister of War
  • 1896 Samuel Pierpont Langley's Number 6 'heavier-than-air' aircraft model flies over 1,500 m (5,000 ft).
  • 1899 Stuart/Rubens/Boyd-Jones' "Floradora" premieres in London

Jeux d'eau

1901 Maurice Ravel's piano composition "Jeux d'eau" premieres

  • 1905 High Commissioner Prince George declares amnesty for all leaders of the insurrection that has been disturbing Crete during the recent months - but which never gained mass support
  • 1906 Ethel Smyth's "Standrecht" premieres in Leipzig
  • 1909 Construction of US navy base begins at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
  • 1909 J M Synge's "Tinker's Wedding" premieres in London
  • 1911 Many cities in the U.S. Midwest broke their record highs and lows on the same day as a strong cold front rolls through. (see The 11/11/11 cold wave).
  • 1911 Russia issues an ultimatum to Persia and follows it with an invasion of North Persia to impose political control
  • 1918 Dutch SDAP leader Troelstra announces revolution
  • 1918 Emperor Charles I of Austria-Hungary abdicates

Polish Independence Proclaimed

1918 Independence of Poland proclaimed by Józef Piłsudski

The War's Over, But Don't Get Too Excited

1918 WWI Armistice signed by the Allies and Germany comes into effect and World War I hostilities end at 11am, "the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month"

  • 1919 Pope Benedictus XV states Roman Catholics political and business views
  • 1920 Great Britain's monument to her war dead, the Cenotaph in Whitehall, designed by Edwin Lutyens, unveiled
  • 1920 The burials of unknown soldiers take place simultaneously in Westminster Abbey, London, and at the Arc de Triomphe, Paris

Tomb of Unknown Soldier

1921 US President Warren G. Harding dedicates Tomb of Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetery

  • 1922 Largest US flag displayed (150' X 90') expanded in 1939 (270' X 90')
  • 1923 Eternal flame lit for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier under the Arc de Triomphe in Paris
  • 1924 Martin Beck Theater opens at 302 W 45th St NYC
  • 1924 Palace of Legion of Honor dedicated in San Francisco

Cosmic Rays

1925 American scientist Robert A. Millikan announces discovery of cosmic rays

  • 1925 City of Chicago, Illinois renames Municipal Grant Park Stadium, as Soldier Field, in honor of US soldiers killed in combat during World War I
  • 1925 Earnest Thalmann becomes chairman of German KPD

Louis Armstrong and his Hot Five

1925 Louis Armstrong and his Hot Five begin their first recording session at Okeh Records in Chicago

  • 1925 Night of Kersten - Prime Minister Hendrikus Colijn's Dutch government falls by SGP-amendement

Eddie Collins Released

1926 Future Baseball Hall of Fame second baseman Eddie Collins is released as Chicago White Sox player/manager; replaced by another future HOF'er catcher Ray Schalk

  • 1926 U.S. Route 66 is established from Chicago, Illinois to Santa Monica, California 2,448 miles (3,940 km)

Poincaré Government

1928 France's 5th government of Raymond Poincaré forms

  • 1928 KXO-AM in El Centro CA begins radio transmissions
  • 1928 WGL-AM in Ft Wayne IN begins radio transmissions
  • 1928 WMT-AM in Cedar Rapids IA begins radio transmissions
  • 1928 WOL-AM in Washington, D.C. begins radio transmissions

Einstein Refrigerator

1930 Patent number US1781541 is awarded to Albert Einstein and Leó Szilárd for their invention of the Einstein refrigerator

  • 1931 Cornerstones laid for Opera House & Veteran's Building in San Francisco, California
  • 1933 "Great Black Blizzard" 1st of the great dust storms that created the dust bowl rips through South Dakota

Holiday's First Hit

1933 Billie Holiday's second song and first hit, "Riffin' the Scotch", is released

  • 1934 WOC-AM in Davenport Iowa splits from WHO-WOC & becomes KICK-AM
  • 1935 Explorer 2 balloon sets altitude record of 72,000 feet over South Dakota
  • 1937 German aircraft Messerschmidt ME-109V13 flies a new world air speed record for landplanes with piston engines of 610.95 km/h (379.62 mph)
  • 1937 Nobel prize for physics awarded to American Clinton Joseph Davisson and Briton George Paget Thomson "for their experimental discovery of the diffraction of electrons by crystals"
  • 1938 German & Austrian Jewish suffer 1 billion Mark damage in nazi

God Bless America

1939 Kate Smith first sings Irving Berlin's "God Bless America"

  • 1940 Blizzard strikes midwestern US killing over 100
  • 1940 British Fleet Air Arm attack destroys half of Italian fleet at Taranto
  • 1940 Thousands of Paris students lay a wreath at the Grave of the Unknown Soldier
  • 1940 Willys unveiled its General Purpose vehicle ("Jeep")
  • 1941 Czech premier General Eliasj arrested by Nazis
  • 1942 -12] last German offensive in Stalingrad

French Jews To Auschwitz

1942 745 French Jews deported to Auschwitz

  • 1942 Germany completes its WWII occupation of France
  • 1942 Jews in the Free Zone of France ordered to wear a yellow star of David
  • 1942 Lt-general Kumakashi Harada becomes Japanese commander on Java
  • 1942 Transport #45 departs with French Jews to Nazi-Germany

Second Battle of El-Alamein

1942 WWII: British led Allied forces defeat Erwin Rommel's German and Italian Army Panzers in Second Battle of El-Alamein, North Africa, helping to secure the Suez Canal

Chandler and Musial MVP

1943 New York Yankees pitcher Spud Chandler wins AL MVP; St. Louis Cardinals outfielder Stan Musial wins NL MVP

  • 1943 US air raid on Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
  • 1944 New York Rangers beat Detroit Red Wings, 5-2 to end NHL record 25 game winless streak (0-21-4)
  • 1946 New York Knicks play their first Basketball Association of American (BAA) home game at Madison Square Garden; lose, 78-68 to Chicago Stags in overtime

Gentlemen's Agreement

1947 "Gentlemen's Agreement" directed by Elia Karan and starring Gregory Peck and Dorothy McGuire premieres in New York (Best Picture 1948)

  • 1949 WTTV TV channel 4 in Bloomington-Indianapol, IN (IND) 1st broadcast

Two Towers

1954 Publication of "Two Towers", 2nd volume of "Lord of the Rings", by J. R. R. Tolkien by George Allen and Unwin in London

  • 1957 Demolition begins on cable car barn at California & Hyde, San Francisco

Great Balls of Fire

1957 Sun Record's release single "Great Balls of Fire" by Jerry Lee Lewis; sells a million copies in first ten day

  • 1958 AL announces Kansas City will play AL record 52 night games in 1959
  • 1959 1st episode of Jay Ward's cartoon series "Rocky & His Friends", featuring Rocket J. ("Rocky") Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose. airs on NBC
  • 1959 Seals Stadium, a minor league baseball park and temporary home of MLB Giants) in San Francisco, California demolished
  • 1960 Record New York Knicks' crowd for the third Madison Square Garden venue on 49th Street, NYC; 18,499 see Knicks beat Syracuse Nationals, 112-108
  • 1961 "Catch-22" by Joseph Heller is published by Simon and Schuster in New York
  • 1961 Adulterous couple ride a dung cart through Staphorst, Netherlands
  • 1961 City of Stalingrad renamed Volgograd
  • 1961 Congolese soldiers murder 13 Italian UN pilots

Stalinists Expelled

1961 Stalinists Anti-Party Group Molotov, Malenkov and Kaganovitsj expelled from USSR's communist party for opposing liberalization

  • 1962 Kuwait's National Assembly ratifies the Constitution of Kuwait
  • 1965 Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith signs Unilateral Declaration of Independence, proclaiming independence from Britain
  • 1965 William Alfred's "Hogan's Goat" premieres in NYC
  • 1966 Gemini 12 (Lovell & Aldrin) launched on 4-day flight
  • 1966 Methodist Church & Evangelical United Brethren Church unite as United Methodist Church (USA)
  • 1966 NASA launches spaceship Gemini 12

Lennon and Ono Nude

1968 John Lennon and Yoko Ono appear nude on cover of "Two Virgins" album

  • 1968 Maldives (in Indian Ocean) becomes a republic
  • 1968 Ron Hill sets record 10-mile run (46:44) at Leicester England

Get Back

1969 Apple Records releases single "Get Back" by 'The Beatles with Billy Preston' in UK

Morrison Arrested

1969 Jim Morrison arrested on an airplane by the FBI for drunkenness

  • 1970 Baltimore Oriole Boog Powell wins AL MVP
  • 1971 Man-made earthslide at Kawasaki Japan, kills 15
  • 1972 Dow Jones Index moves above 1,000 for 1st time
  • 1972 US Army turns over Long Bihn base to South Vietnamese army

Callas' Final Appearance

1974 Operatic soprano Maria Callas makes her final public appearance in Sapporo, Japan

  • 1975 Angola gains independence from Portugal (National Day)
  • 1975 Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam removed from office by Governor General Sir John Kerr - 1st elected PM removed in 200 yrs
  • 1975 James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (the first "modern treaty") signed between Quebec government and Grand Council of the Crees of Quebec and the Northern Quebec Inuit Association [1]

Malcolm Fraser PM

1975 Liberal leader Malcolm Fraser sworn in as caretaker Prime Minister of Australia after sacking of the Whitlam Government by Governor General John Kerr

  • 1977 Wings release "Mull of Kintyre" & "Girl's School"
  • 1978 Maumoon Abdul Gayoom becomes president of Maldives
  • 1979 Boston Court issues occupancy permit for Cambridge Buddhist Center
  • 1980 Crew of Soyuz 35 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 37

Bossy Scores Four

1980 NY Islanders' future Hockey Hall of Fame right wing Mike Bossy scores 4 goals in 6-6 tie against visiting Minnesota North Stars

First Rookie Wins Cy Young

1981 LA Dodgers starter Fernando Valenzuela becomes first MLB rookie to win a Cy Young Award; Milwaukee Brewers' Rollie Fingers takes AL Award

  • 1982 5th NASA Space Shuttle Mission: Columbia makes the first officially "operational" shuttle mission
  • 1982 Gas explosion in Israeli army headquarters near Tyre; kills 60

Altobelli Succeeds Weaver

1982 Joe Altobelli succeeds retiring Earl Weaver as Baltimore Orioles manager

  • 1983 1st US cruise missiles arrive in Great Britain
  • 1983 Australian cricket wicketkeeper/batsman Wayne Phillips scores 159 on Test debut vs Pakistan at WACA, Perth

Reagan's Legislature Address

1983 President Reagan became 1st US President to address Japanese legislature

  • 1985 1st AIDS themed TV movie - "An Early Frost" screens in US on NBC
  • 1985 Challenger flies back to Kennedy Space Center via Davis-Monthan Air Force Base
  • 1985 Yonkers is found guilty of segregating schools & housing
  • 1986 Houston's Astro Mike Scott (18-10) wins NL Cy Young Award
  • 1986 Suriname government proclaims gold purification

Clemens Wins Back-To-Back

1987 Boston Red Sox starter Roger Clemens wins back-to-back AL Cy Young Awards; Philadelphia Phillies starter Steve Bedrosian takes NL Award

  • 1987 Moscow party secretary Boris Jerusalem resigns

Van Gogh Record Price

1987 Van Gogh's "Irises" sells for record $53.6 million at auction

  • 1988 Oldest known insect fossils (390 million yrs) reported in Science
  • 1989 Romanian students protest in Bucharest before the Communist Party congress, shouting "we want reforms", in a sign of the revolution to come
  • 1990 California Angel Chuck Finley & Seattle Mariner Randy Johnson combine to pitch a no-hitter in exhibition game between US & Japanese all-star teams
  • 1992 The Church of England approves the ordination of female priests

A Polish Requiem

1993 Krzysztof Penderecki conducts premiere of his revised version of "A Polish Requiem" in Stockholm, Sweden

John Paul II Hospitalized

1993 Pope John Paul II hospitalized for 2 days for fractured shoulder

Gates Buys da Vinci's Codex

1994 Bill Gates buys Leonardo da Vinci's "Codex" for $30,800,000 - then the most expensive manuscript ever sold

Film & TV History

1994 Gothic horror film "Interview with a Vampire", based on the book by Anne Rice, directed by Neal Jordan is released, starring Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Christian Slater

  • 1994 Progress M-25 launched to space station Mir
  • 1996 Atlanta Braves starting pitcher John Smoltz wins NL Cy Young Award; Pat Hentgen of the Toronto Blue Jays claims AL Award
  • 1997 Canadian based players win Cy Young Awards for best MLB pitcher; Toronto Blue Jays' Roger Clemens wins his 4th AL Award; Pedro Martinez of Montreal Expos takes NL Award

Rather Renews

1997 CBS News anchor Dan Rather renews his contract to 2002

  • 1997 NHL’s new Columbus franchise (scheduled to begin play in 2000) announce team’s name would be “Blue Jackets” after soldiers in the Union army during the American Civil War
  • 1997 WNBA announces franchises in Detroit (Shock) and Washington D.C. (Mystics) would join the League as expansion teams for the 1998 season
  • 1999 Last upside down date until January 1, 6000
  • 2000 155 skiers and snowboarders die when a funicular railway catches fire in an alpine tunnel near Kaprun, Austria
  • 2001 Journalists Pierre Billaud, Johanne Sutton and Volker Handloik are killed in Afghanistan during an attack on the convoy they were traveling on top off.

Clijsters Defeats Williams

2002 Belgian tennis star Kim Clijsters beats American Serena Williams 7–5, 6–3 to win the season-ending WTA Tour Championship at the Staples Center, Los Angeles


2003 Josh Groban releases his second album "Closer"; it goes to #1 on US charts and becomes his biggest seller

  • 2004 New Zealand Tomb of the Unknown Warrior dedicated at the National War Memorial, Wellington.

Mahmoud Abbas

2004 Yasser Arafat's death through unidentified causes confirmed by Palestine Liberation Organization, Mahmoud Abbas elected PLO chairman minutes later.

  • 2006 New Zealand war memorial monument unveiled by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in London, United Kingdom, commemorating the loss of soldiers from the New Zealand Army and the British Army

Henin Wins WTA

2007 Justine Henin of Belgium beats Russian Maria Sharapova 5–7, 7–5, 6–3 to win $1m winners cheque and her 2nd straight season-ending WTA Tour Championship in Madrid, Spain

  • 2008 RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2) sets sail from Southampton, England on her final voyage to Dubai


2008 Taylor Swift releases her second studio album "Fearless" (Billboard Album of the Year, 2009; Grammy Album of the Year, 2010, American Music Awards, 2009)

  • 2012 12 people are killed by a magnitude 6.8 earthquake in Burma

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

2013 "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" directed by Francis Lawrence starring Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson premieres in London

  • 2013 100 people are killed in a tropical cyclone in the Puntland region, Somalia
  • 2013 4 people are killed and 8 are injured after a building catches fire in Mumbai, India

Đoković Wins Back-To-Back

2013 Novak Đoković claims back-to-back ATP World Tour Finals tennis titles with a 6-3, 6-4 win over Spaniard Rafael Nadal in the final in London, England

  • 2014 58 people are killed in a bus crash in the Sukkur District, Pakistan
  • 2014 An Italian appeals court overturns a manslaughter conviction against 6 scientists for failing to give adequate warning of a deadly earthquake
  • 2014 Samsung Lions beat Nexen Heroes, 11-1 in Game 6 at Jamsil Baseball Stadium, Seoul to win the Korean Series