Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in July 1853

National Black Convention

Jul 6 National Black convention meets in Rochester NY, ex-slave Frederick Douglass attends

  • Jul 6 William Wells Brown publishes "Clotel", 1st novel by an African American

Perry Sails into Tokyo Bay

Jul 8 Commodore Matthew C. Perry sails his frigate Susquehanna into Tokyo Bay, opening Japan to Western influence and trade

  • Jul 9 Commodore Matthew Perry and four US Navy vessels visit Japan to force them to open up to American trade and end their policy of isolation
  • Jul 14 Commodore Perry requests trade relations with Japan
  • Jul 14 New Zealand holds its first general election

World's Fair Opens in NYC

Jul 14 US President Franklin Pierce opens the "Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations" (a World's Fair), at the Crystal Palace in New York City (now site of Bryant Park)

  • Jul 18 Completion of Grand Trunk Line, trains begin running over 1st North American railroad between Portland, Maine and Montreal

NY Central Park Created

Jul 21 Central Park in New York created when New York State Legislature puts aside more than 750 acres of land on Manhattan Island

  • Jul 25 Joaquin Murrieta, the famous Californian bandit known as "Robin Hood of El Dorado", is killed by California Rangers

First Surgery Under Kerosene Lamp

Jul 31 First night time surgery performed at Lychakiv Hospital in Lemberg (now Lviv, Ukraine), using new kerosene oil lamps invented by Ignacy Łukasiewicz [1]