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Alexander Graham Bell

Inventor Alexander Graham Bell

Profession: Inventor

Biography: Alexander Graham Bell was a Scottish-born inventor, known for having patented the first telephone and for co-founding the American Telephone and Telegraphy Company (AT&T) in 1885.

Bell was inspired to work in hearing and speech by his family's work in the field, and the fact that his mother and wife were both deaf. It was research on hearing devices that led to the invention which would come to be known as the telephone, which he patented in 1876.

His work built upon the work of Hermann von Helmholtz, who had managed to convey vowel sounds by use of a tuning fork contraption. Bell figured that this implied the possibility of communicating articulate speech.

Bell's major break came after his use of a phonautograph, which drew the shape of sound waves on smoked glass by tracing their vibrations. He then devised a way of converting this motion to variations in electrical current which could then, at the receiving end, be converted back into sound.

Born: March 3, 1847
Birthplace: Edinburgh, Scotland
Star Sign: Pisces

Died: August 2, 1922 (aged 75)
Cause of Death: Complications from diabetes

Articles and Photos

Married Life

  • 1877-07-11 Scientist and inventor Alexander Graham Bell (30) weds Mabel Hubbard (19) at the Hubbard estate in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Historical Events

  • 1875-06-02 Alexander Graham Bell makes first sound transmission
  • 1876-02-14 Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray apply separately for telephone patents, the Supreme Court eventually rules Bell the rightful inventor
  • 1876-03-07 Alexander Graham Bell receives a patent for the telephone in the US
  • 1876-03-10 First telephone call; Alexander Graham Bell says "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you" to his assistant Thomas Watson
  • 1881-01-25 Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell form the Oriental Telephone Company.
  • 1915-01-25 Transcontinental telephone service officially inaugurated as Alexander Graham Bell in NYC calls Thomas Watson in San Francisco, California during the Panama–Pacific International Exposition
  • 1919-09-09 Hydrofoil designed by Alexander Graham Bell, his wife Mabel Bell and F.W. Casey Baldwin sets new water speed record of 114 km/h on Bras d'Or, Nova Scotia

Biographies and Sources

Famous Inventors