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Bonnie Prince Charlie

Pretender to the British throne Bonnie Prince Charlie

Full Name: Charles Edward Stuart
Profession: Pretender to the British throne

United Kingdom

Biography: Charles Edward Stuart, 'the Young Pretender' or Bonnie Prince Charlie as he was popularly called, was the grandson of Catholic King James II of England, deposed in the 'Glorious Revolution' of 1688. Born into exile both he and his father James Edward, 'the Old Pretender' continued to maintain their claim to the British throne.

In 1745 the Prince lead the Jacobite rebellion against the British throne in his father's name. Initially he had the support of a French naval force to invade but it was swept away in a storm. The Prince continued on and landed in Scotland to raise an army where the Stuarts still had strong support.

The Princes' forces marched on and took Edinburgh before turning south for London. They reached Derby before turning back to Scotland. The Prince's support began to fade and his remaining forces were defeated at the Battle of Culloden in 1746. Pursued by British troops, the Prince then evaded capture for 5 months, aided by local people, before escaping to France. His later life was a disappointment; he lived a life mostly of drunkenness and debauchery and his much younger wife left him amid claims of domestic abuse.

Despite this bitter end, Bonnie Prince Charlie's reputation as a popular romantic hero continues in Scotland to this day.

Born: December 20, 1720
Birthplace: Palazzo Muti, Rome, Papal States
Star Sign: Sagittarius

Died: January 30, 1788 (aged 67)
Cause of Death: Stroke

Married Life

  • 1772-03-28 Charles Edward Stuart 'the Young Pretender' (52) marries by proxy Princess Louise of Stolberg-Gedern (20)

Historical Events

  • 1745-01-06 Bonnie Prince Charlies' Jacobite army draws close to Glasgow
  • 1745-02-18 Bonnie Prince Charlie's troops occupy Inverness, Scotland
  • 1745-07-07 Bonnie Prince Charlie boards French ship ‘Du Teillay’ at St Nazaire accompanied by the warship Elisabeth bound for Scotland [OS]
  • 1745-07-09 French ships carrying Bonnie Prince Charlie to Scotland, the Du Teillay and the Elisabeth, battle HMS Lion eventually escaping, with 107 killed on both sides
  • 1745-07-23 Charles Edward Stuart, "the Young Pretender" or Bonnie Prince Charlie, lands at Eriskay Island, Hebrides beginning the final Jacobite Rebellion
  • 1745-08-19 Jacobite Rising 1745 : Bonnie Prince Charlie, raises his standard at Glenfinnan, Scotland, igniting the second Jacobite rebellion.
  • 1745-08-31 Jacobite Rising 1745: Bonnie Prince Charlie reaches Blair Castle, Scotland
  • 1745-09-17 Edinburgh occupied by Jacobites under Charles Edward Stuart (aka the Young Pretender or Bonny Prince Charlie)
  • 1745-09-22 Bonnie Prince Charlie's army returns to Edinburgh
  • 1745-11-11 Bonnie Prince Charlie's Jacobite army invades England, in attempt to restore House of Stuart to the British throne
  • 1745-11-18 Bonnie Prince Charlie's Jacobite army occupy Carlisle during its invasion of England
  • 1745-11-29 Bonnie Prince Charlie's Jacobite army moves into Manchester and occupies Carlisle
  • 1745-12-06 Bonnie Prince Charlie's Jacobite army retreats to Scotland
  • 1745-12-10 Bonnie Prince Charlie's Jacobite army reaches Manchester
  • 1745-12-20 Bonnie Prince Charlie's Jacobite army reaches the river Esk, North Yorkshire
  • 1746-01-14 "Bonnie Prince Charlie", Prince Charles Edward Stuart's Jacobite army leaves Glasgow, Scotland [OS=Jan 3]
  • 1746-01-19 "Bonnie Prince Charlie", Prince Charles Edward Stuart's Jacobite army occupies Stirling, Scotland [OS=Jan 8]
  • 1746-02-21 Jacobite Rising 1745: British forces surrender Inverness Castle to Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Jacobite forces
  • 1746-04-16 Jacobite Rising 1745: Battle of Culloden, the last battle on British soil: Royalist troops under the Duke of Cumberland defeat the Jacobite army of Charles Edward Stuart
  • 1746-06-27 Flora MacDonald helps Bonnie Prince Charlie, disguised as Betty Burke an Irish maid, evade capture by landing him on the Isle of Skye
  • 1746-07-10 Scotland's Bonnie Prince Charlie flees in disguise to Isle of Skye
  • 1746-09-20 Scotland's Bonnie Prince Charlie flees to France from Scotland
  • 1746-10-01 Scotland's Bonnie Prince Charlie flees to France

Biographies and Sources

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