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Éamon de Valera

Revolutionary and President of Ireland Éamon de Valera

Full Name: George de Valero
Profession: Revolutionary and President of Ireland


Biography: Éamon de Valera is one of the most significant figures in modern Irish history His long career as a revolutionary then statesman dominated Irish politics throughout Ireland's struggle for independence.

De Valera was the only leader from the 1916 Easter Rising not to be executed by the British, partly due to his joint American, Irish citizenship. After being imprisoned, he was released in 1917 and elected president of Irish political party Sinn Féin. The party went on to win the majority of Irish seats in the 1918 UK general elections.

Initially de Valera rejected the treaty signed to end the Anglo-Irish War and create an Irish Free State, because of its allegiance to Britain component. He established a new political party Fianna Fáil and joined the Dáil Éireann, (Irish parliament) in 1927 and began working to sever further ties with the UK.

In 1937 de Valera helped introduce a new Irish constitution with himself as Taoiseach (Prime Minister). In 1939 he declared Ireland neutral in WWII. De Valera served two further terms as Taoiseach (1951-54, 1957-59) and was Ireland's third president in 1959, holding office until he retired in 1973.

Born: October 14, 1882
Birthplace: New York City, New York, USA
Star Sign: Libra

Died: August 29, 1975 (aged 92)

Articles and Photos

Historical Events

  • 1919-04-05 Eamon de Valera becomes President of Dail Eireann, the Irish parliament
  • 1921-12-08 Eamon de Valera publicly repudiates Anglo-Irish Treaty
  • 1922-01-15 Arthur Griffith is elected president of the Irish Free State after Eamon de Valera resigns in opposition to the Anglo-Irish Treaty (De Valera will lead a military opposition seeking a unified and independent Ireland)
  • 1922-02-21 Irish Nationalist Eamon De Valera calls a convention of the Sinn Féin, declaring the Republican Government the only legitimate one in all Ireland
  • 1923-08-15 Eamon de Valera arrested in Irish Free State
  • 1932-03-09 Fianna Fáil head Eamon De Valera elected President of Ireland's Executive Council
  • 1937-07-21 Irish premier Eamon de Valera re-elected president of the Irish Dáil at the head of a Fianna Fáil government.
  • 1957-03-05 Eamon de Valera's Fianna Fail-party wins election in Ireland
  • 1957-07-08 Irish premier Eamon de Valera arrests Sinn Féin leaders
  • 1959-06-17 Eamon de Valera elected President of Ireland

Famous Revolutionaries