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Josip Broz Tito

President of Yugoslavia and Revolutionary Josip Broz Tito

Profession: President of Yugoslavia and Revolutionary


Biography: Josip Broz - or Tito as he named himself - was the communist dictator of Yugoslavia from 1963 until his death in 1980. He spearheaded the conversion of Yugoslavia to communism, influenced by the Russian model, yet came to be the only communist leader in Europe to later successfully maintain some independence from Soviet Russia.

Tito served in the Austro-Hungarian army during WWI, was captured and spent time in a Russian POW camp where he was exposed to Bolshevik ideas. Returning home he joined the communist party, becoming its leader in 1937.

During WWII he laid the foundations for a communist state, forced the king into exile and raising a military force to fight the Axis powers. With Allied support Tito led his Partisan forces against the Germans, famously forcing them back from Yugoslav borders.

When the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was created in 1945 Tito became Prime Minister. In 1953 he became the first president of Yugoslavia and in 1963 president for life. From 1953 Tito successfully steered his nation on his own path, especially after the death of Joseph Stalin. He refused to join the East European Communist bloc and pursuing his own policies including nonalignment, alliances with countries not aligned in the East West conflict.

Born: May 7, 1892
Birthplace: Kumrovec, Croatia-Slovenia, Kingdom of Austria-Hungary

Generation: Lost Generation
Star Sign: Taurus

Died: May 4, 1980 (aged 87)
Cause of Death: Gangrene-induced infection

Articles and Photos

Historical Events

  • 1927-10-28 Josip Broz Tito begins 7 months jail sentence in Croatia
  • 1928-10-06 Yugoslav revolutionary Josip Broz Tito is convicted after police find bombs in his apartment and sentenced to 5 years in jail
  • 1934-03-12 Communist revolutionary Josip Broz Tito freed from jail
  • 1941-09-19 First meeting of partisan leaders Josip Broz Tito and Draža Mihailović in Yugoslavia
  • 1941-10-26 Second meeting of partisans Tito and Draža Mihailović in Yugoslavia
  • 1941-11-01 Yugoslav nationalist force the Chetniks attacks Tito's partisans in Uzice, Yugoslavia
  • 1941-12-22 Tito establishes first Proletarian Brigade, an elite fighting partisan unit, in Yugoslavia
  • 1942-01-21 Serbian Chetniks forces occupy Foca - will massacre thousands of the Muslim population
  • 1942-03-01 Tito establishes Second Proletarian Brigade to fight Axis occupation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 1942-03-05 Josip Tito establishes 3rd Proletarian Brigade in Bosnia
  • 1942-11-27 Tito appoints Anti-fascist Liberation board in Yugoslavia
  • 1943-01-20 Operation Weiss: German, Italian, Bulgarian & Croatian troops attempt to retake land liberated by Tito's partisans
  • 1943-11-29 Partisan Tito forms temporary government in Jajce, Bosnia
  • 1944-05-07 German assault on Tito's hideout in Drvar, Bosnia
  • 1944-05-25 WWII: Yugoslav guerrilla movement Partisan leader Josip Tito escapes Germans surrounding Bosnia
  • 1944-08-12 Winston Churchill and Tito meet in Naples
  • 1944-10-27 Tito reaches free Belgrade
  • 1945-03-07 Yugoslavia government of Josep Broz Tito forms
  • 1946-04-18 US recognizes Tito's Yugoslavia government
  • 1948-03-18 Soviet consultants leave Yugoslavia in first sign of Tito-Stalin split
  • 1953-01-13 Marshal Josip Tito chosen president of Yugoslavia
  • 1953-01-14 Yugoslavia elects its 1st president, Marshal Tito
  • 1956-06-02 Yugoslav president Tito visits Moscow
  • 1968-06-09 Yugoslav president Tito promises reforms
  • 1968-08-09 Yugoslav president Tito visits Prague
  • 1972-06-05 Yugoslav president Josip Tito visits USSR
  • 1980-05-07 Yugoslav President Josip Tito is buried

Biographies and Sources

Famous Revolutionaries