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Eugène de Beauharnais

Nobleman Eugène de Beauharnais

Profession: Nobleman


Biography: Eugène Rose de Beauharnais was a French nobleman in the Napoleonic era, serving as an officer in the French army, a viceroy of the Kingdom of Italy under Napoleon, and later, a prince in his own right. He was the son of Alexandre de Beauharnais and Joséphine de Beauharnais, later known as Empress Joséphine after her marriage to Napoleon Bonaparte.

Eugène's early life was marked by the French Revolution. His father was executed during the Reign of Terror when Eugène was just a boy, and his mother was imprisoned. After Joséphine's marriage to Napoleon, Eugène's fortunes changed. Napoleon saw promise in him and ensured he received a solid military education.

Rising through the military ranks, Eugène distinguished himself in several campaigns. His loyalty and competence earned him Napoleon's trust, and in 1805, he was appointed as the viceroy of the Kingdom of Italy, a position he held until 1814. As viceroy, Eugène was well-liked and respected for his leadership and efforts to reform the Italian legal and educational systems.

Eugène married Princess Augusta of Bavaria, and their union produced two children, Joséphine and Eugénie. Through these children, Eugène became connected to several European royal families.

With Napoleon's fall in 1814 and the subsequent restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in France, Eugène's political career came to an end. He was not allowed to live in France and moved to Munich with his wife's family. Despite the political upheaval, he remained popular among the French and Italian veterans who had served under him.

Born: September 3, 1781
Birthplace: Paris, France
Star Sign: Virgo

Died: February 21, 1824 (aged 42)

Famous French People