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Gustav Stresemann

German Chancellor Gustav Stresemann

Full Name: Gustav Ernst Stresemann
Profession: German Chancellor


Biography: Gustav Stresemann served as Chancellor of Germany in 1923, during the Weimar Republic era, and as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1923 to 1929. He is best known for his efforts to reconcile Germany with its former enemies, particularly France, in the aftermath of World War I, for which he received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Stresemann was born in 1878 in Berlin, Germany. He studied political economy, history, and international law at the universities of Berlin and Leipzig. Initially a supporter of German expansionism and militarism, Stresemann's political views evolved after Germany's defeat in World War I and the fall of the monarchy.

As Chancellor and Foreign Minister of Germany during the 1920s, Stresemann worked to stabilize the country's economy and improve its international standing. He introduced the Rentenmark currency to combat hyperinflation and negotiated the Dawes Plan in 1924 to reduce Germany's war reparations.

Stresemann signed the Locarno Treaties in 1925, which guaranteed Germany's western borders and improved relations with France. In 1926, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize alongside French statesman Aristide Briand for their efforts in promoting Franco-German reconciliation. Stresemann also signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact in 1928, renouncing war as a means of resolving conflicts.

Born: May 10, 1878
Birthplace: Berlin, Germany
Star Sign: Taurus

Died: October 3, 1929 (aged 51)
Cause of Death: A series of strokes

Historical Events

  • 1923-08-06 Gustav Stresemann is named chancellor and foreign minister during riots and strikes in Germany
  • 1923-08-13 Gustav Stresemann becomes premier of German coalition government
  • 1923-09-26 Gustav Stresemann's German government ends passive resistance against the French-Belgian occupation of the Ruhr
  • 1923-11-02 Gustav Stresemann's German coalition Government collapses after Social Democrat ministers step down
  • 1923-11-23 Germany's Gustav Stresemann's government falls to the SPD
  • 1925-02-09 German Minister Gustav Stresemann proposes security treaty with France
  • 1929-10-03 Julius Curtius succeeds Gustav Stresemann as German foreign minister after the later passed away

Biographies and Sources

Famous Diplomats