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Guy Mollet

Prime Minister of France Guy Mollet

Full Name: Guy Alcide Mollet
Profession: Prime Minister of France


Biography: Guy Alcide Mollet was a French politician who led the socialist French Section of the Workers' International (SFIO) from 1946 to 1969 and served as the French Prime Minister from 1956 to 1957.

As Prime Minister, Mollet carried out several domestic reforms, however he was unpopular as a result of his foreign policy; partly for the turbulent era during the Suez Crisis and Algerian War. These crises ran contrary to his intent of focusing on domestic issues.

The tragedy of Mollet's tenure was that his domestic reforms, while significant, were obscured by the international situation. He was responsible for an increase to pension for elderly and the ill, as well as better housing conditions for the working class.

Mollet was the son of a textile worker and became an English teacher in Arras Grammar School. He joined the French Army in 1939, was captured by the Germans, released after seven months, and then joined the French Resistance.

In October 1945, Mollet was elected to the French National Assembly representing Pas-de-Calais. He became Secretary-General of the SFIO in 1946, serving in this role for over two decades. Mollet also served as Mayor of Arras during this period. He held various government positions, including deputy prime minister and Minister for European Relations. Mollet was an advocate for European integration and supported a Western European Federation.

During his tenure as Prime Minister, Mollet's government passed significant domestic reforms and worked towards European integration, including signing the Treaty of Rome, which created the European Economic Community. His administration also saw major foreign policy challenges, notably the Suez Crisis and the Algerian War. Mollet's policy in Algeria was controversial, involving a campaign of counterterrorism and opposition to French colonialism.

Mollet's government lasted from 1956 to 1957 and was the last stable government of the Fourth Republic. He supported Charles de Gaulle in forming the Fifth Republic but did not hold office again after resigning from de Gaulle's cabinet in 1959. Mollet's leadership was challenged within the SFIO, and following a poor election result in 1969, the party merged with left-wing clubs to form the new French Socialist Party.

Born: December 31, 1905
Birthplace: Flers, France

Generation: Greatest Generation
Chinese Zodiac: Snake
Star Sign: Capricorn

Died: October 3, 1975 (aged 69)
Cause of Death: Heart attack

Historical Events

  • 1956-01-31 French government of Guy Mollet forms
  • 1956-02-06 French Prime Minister Guy Mollet pelted with tomatoes in Algiers
  • 1957-05-21 French government of Guy Mollet resigns

Biographies and Sources

Famous French People