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Hugo Grotius

Jurist and Father of International Law Hugo Grotius

Full Name: Hugo Grotius also known as Hugo de Groot
Profession: Jurist and Father of International Law


Biography: Hugo Grotius was a Dutch humanist that did most of his work while exiled in France. He was imprisoned in the Dutch Republic as a result of religious conflicts within the Calvinist church, but was smuggled out of his prison hidden in a chest of books.

Grotius is renowned primarily for his work in philosophy, political theory, and law. This work laid the groundwork for an international law rooted in Grotius' understanding of natural law, stemming from his Protestantism. His books with the most significant impact were De jure belli ac pacis (On the Law of War and Peace) and Mare Liberum (The Free Seas).

Alongside his influence on international law, Grotius is also known for his contributions to the legal notions of rights as a thing pertaining to persons. Prior to his work, they were understood primarily as pertaining to objects.

Born: April 10, 1583
Birthplace: Delft, Holland, Dutch Republic
Star Sign: Aries

Died: August 28, 1645 (aged 62)
Cause of Death: Contracted an illness after being shipwrecked on the way to Sweden and washing ashore alive but ill.

Historical Events

  • 1619-05-18 Dutch jurist and scholar Hugo Grotius sentenced to life in prison in Loevestein Castle in the Netherlands (later escapes in a book chest)
  • 1621-03-22 Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius escapes in a book chest from Loevestein Castle in the Netherlands
  • 1621-04-15 Hugo Grotius arrives in France after escaping prison in a book chest

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