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Justinian I

Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian I
Petar Milošević / Wikimedia Commons

Full Name: Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus Augustus
Profession: Eastern Roman Emperor

Roman Empire

Biography: Justinian I ruled the Byzantine Empire from 527 to 565 CE, during which time he transformed the empire through military conquests, legal reforms, and architectural projects.

Justinian came from humble origins in Illyria. His uncle, Justin I, adopted and educated him. When Justin became emperor, Justinian gained influence at court. He subsequently married Theodora, a former actress, in 525.

Upon becoming emperor, Justinian launched campaigns to reclaim former Roman territories. His general Belisarius conquered North Africa from the Vandals and parts of Italy from the Ostrogoths. These wars expanded Byzantine control but drained the treasury.

Justinian's most lasting achievement was the creation of the Corpus Juris Civilis. This collection of Roman laws became the basis for many modern legal systems. He also built extensively, including the grand Hagia Sophia church in Constantinople.

During his reign, Justinian faced several crises. The Nika riots in 532, for instance, nearly toppled his rule. A devastating plague further struck in 541, killing millions. Justinian himself contracted the disease but survived.

Justinian made significant efforts to unify Christianity but these often led to only more conflict. He also closed the philosophy schools in Athens and persecuted non-Christians, with these religious policies creating tension in the empire.

Ultimately he died in 565, having ruled for 38 years. Despite failing to unify Christianity, his legal code, architectural works, and territorial gains shaped the Byzantine Empire for centuries.

Birthplace: Tauresium

Died: November 15, 565

Articles and Photos

Historical Events

  • 0527-04-01 Byzantine Emperor Justin I names his nephew Justinian I as co-ruler and successor to the throne
  • 0527-08-01 Justinian I becomes the sole ruler of the Byzantine Empire after the death of his uncle Justin I
  • 0529-04-07 First draft of Corpus Juris Civilis or the Justinian Code (a fundamental work in jurisprudence) is issued by Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian I
  • 0532-01-13 Nika riots begin in Constantinople, a revolt against Byzantine Emperor Justinian I that leaves half the city burned and thousands dead. The riots were prompted by the failed execution of chariot racing supporters and only stopped after Empress Theodora refused to flee, forcing her husband to act decisively.
  • 0532-01-18 Nika uprising against Emperor Justinian I in Constantinople fails, 30,000 killed by troops loyal to the Emperor in the Hippodrome
  • 0537-12-27 Hagia Sophia inaugurated by the Emperor Justinian I as an Eastern Orthodox cathedral
  • 0558-05-07 In Constantinople, the dome of the Hagia Sophia collapses. Justinian I immediately orders the dome rebuilt.

Biographies and Sources

Famous Roman Emperors