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Maria II

Queen of Portugal Maria II

Profession: Queen of Portugal


Biography: Maria II da Gloria of Portugal was a Portuguese monarch known as "the Educator" or "the Good Mother." Her reign was marked by the end of the civil wars that had plagued Portugal, a focus on constitutional rule, and a commitment to modernization.

At the age of seven, Maria was declared the rightful heir to the Portuguese throne following her father's abdication of the Portuguese crown in her favor. This set the stage for the Liberal Wars, a series of conflicts between liberal constitutionalists and conservative absolutists. Her uncle, Miguel I, sought to usurp her throne, leading to a civil war that lasted from 1828 until 1834.

In 1834, after years of strife and with the help of her father Pedro IV, who had abdicated his Brazilian throne to assist her, Maria was restored to her rightful throne. Miguel was defeated and sent into exile, and Maria II was recognized as the reigning monarch of Portugal.

Despite her young age, Maria quickly took to governance with the intention of stabilizing her country. Her reign saw the establishment of a constitutional monarchy in Portugal, after her father's liberal constitution was adopted in 1836.

Maria II faced considerable challenges, including multiple coup attempts and revolts. Her reign, however, is generally considered to be a period of stability compared to the preceding years of conflict.

It was also a formative era for modern Portuguese institutions and was marked by significant cultural and educational reforms. In particular, the Maria II National Theatre in Lisbon was established under her patronage.

The personal life of Maria II was marked by tragedy. She had eleven children but outlived many of them. She was married twice: first to Auguste de Beauharnais, who died before they could consolidate their union, and then to Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, who would later become King Ferdinand II of Portugal.

Maria II died at the age of 34 due to complications from childbirth. Her eldest surviving son, Pedro V, succeeded her and continued her work to modernize Portugal.

Born: April 4, 1819
Birthplace: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Star Sign: Aries

Died: November 15, 1853 (aged 34)

Married Life

  • 1835-01-26 Maria II of Portugal marries Auguste, Duke of Leuchtenberg
  • 1836-04-09 Maria II of Portugal marries Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, later known as King Dom Fernando II upon the birth of their son, Pedro V of Portugal

Historical Events

  • 1828-06-23 Miguel I declares himself King of Portugal after leading an absolutist uprising against Maria II
  • 1831-04-07 Dom Pedro I, Emperor of Brazil, passes the throne to his six year old son Dom Pedro II so that he can return to Portugal to support his daughter, Maria II, against the usurper Miguel I
  • 1846-05-16 A revolutionary insurrection begins in Portugal against the reign of Queen Maria II
  • 1847-02-22 Royalist troops of Queen Maria II of Portugal put down a revolutionary insurrection

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