Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

32nd US President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Full Name: Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Profession: 32nd US President

United States of America

Political Party: Democratic Democratic Party
Political Titles: Governor of New York

Presidential Term: March 4, 1933 - April 12, 1945
Preceded By: Herbert Hoover
Succeeded By: Harry Truman

Biography: Previously a member of the New York State Senate, the Assistant Secretary for the Navy and the Governor of New York, Roosevelt defeated Herbert Hoover in the 1932 presidential election.

The early years of his presidency took place in the midst of the Great Depression. To combat this he instituted his wide-ranging New Deal policies, which included a large number of programs to produce relief in the form of government jobs for the unemployed, recovery through spurring economic growth and reform through new Wall Street regulations.

As World War II approached, Roosevelt's initial policy was neutrality, but he supported the Allies with armaments and financial payments. Following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, which he declared a "date which will live in infamy", he declared war on Japan, and Germany declared war on the United States in return.

In this position he oversaw the successful American war effort. By the time of his unexpected death in April 1945, Germany was days from final surrender and Japan was also nearing defeat.

Born: January 30, 1882
Birthplace: Hyde Park, New York, USA
Star Sign: Aquarius

Died: April 12, 1945 (aged 63)
Cause of Death: Stroke

Articles and Photos

Married Life

  • 1905-03-17 Eleanor Roosevelt (20) marries Franklin D. Roosevelt (23) later 32nd US President in New York, & given away by her uncle, 26th President Theodore Roosevelt

Historical Events

  • 1903-11-22 Franklin Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt are engaged
  • 1921-08-10 FDR stricken with a paralytic illness at summer home on Canadian island of Campobello. At the time it was thought to be polio, but could possibly have been Guillain–Barré syndrome
  • 1932-07-01 NY Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt nominated for president at Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois
  • 1932-07-02 FDR makes 1st presidential nominating conventional acceptance speech
  • 1932-09-24 New York Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt visits Los Angeles, California
  • 1932-11-08 Amidst the Great Depression, Democrat candidate Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected President of the United States, defeating Republican incumbent Herbert Hoover
  • 1933-02-15 President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt survives assassination in Miami, Florida, attempt but Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak is mortally wounded, he would die on March 29
  • 1933-03-04 Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated as the 32nd US President, pledges to pull the US out of the Depression, stating in his inaugural address "that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself".
  • 1933-03-05 FDR proclaims 10-day bank holiday in the US in attempt stem bank failures and restore confidence
  • 1933-03-06 FDR declares a nationwide bank holiday, to shut down the banking system, pass the Emergency Banking Act and restore public confidence
  • 1933-03-09 US Congress is called into special session by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, beginning its "100 days" in which it passes 77 laws
  • 1933-03-12 Franklin D. Roosevelt conducts his first "fireside chat" as US President via radio, speaking directly to 60 million listening Americans, eight days after his inauguration
  • 1933-03-22 FDR signs the Cullen-Harrison Act, legalizing the sale of beer and wine with up to 3.2% alcohol
  • 1933-04-19 FDR announces US will leave gold standard
  • 1933-05-18 Tennessee Valley Act (TVA) Act signed by FDR, to build dams
  • 1933-05-21 Mount Davidson Cross, San Francisco, lit by FDR via telegraph
  • 1933-06-02 FDR authorizes 1st swimming pool built inside the White House
  • 1933-06-10 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt issues executive order making Mount Rushmore, in the Black Hills of South Dakota, part of the National Park Service
  • 1933-11-08 US President FDR creates Civil Works Administration
  • 1933-11-16 US President Franklin Roosevelt establishes diplomatic relations with USSR
  • 1933-12-04 FDR creates Federal Alcohol Control Administration
  • 1934-01-31 FDR devalues US dollar in relation to gold at $35 per ounce
  • 1934-04-28 US President FDR signs Home Owners Loan Act
  • 1934-06-26 FDR signs Federal Credit Union Act, establishing Credit Unions
  • 1934-07-10 1st sitting US President to visit South America, FDR in Colombia
  • 1934-07-11 FDR became 1st US President to travel through Panama Canal
  • 1935-05-27 Supreme Court declares FDR's National Recovery Act unconstitutional
  • 1935-06-28 FDR orders a federal gold vault to be built at Fort Knox, Kentucky
  • 1935-07-05 FDR signs US National Labor Relations Act, effective the next day
  • 1935-08-31 FDR signs an act prohibiting export of US arms to belligerents
  • 1935-09-30 The Boulder Dam (later the Hoover Dam), astride the border of Arizona and Nevada, is dedicated by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • 1935-11-14 FDR proclaims Philippine Islands a free commonwealth
  • 1936-02-29 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs 2nd Neutrality Act
  • 1936-08-24 US President FDR gives the FBI the authority to gather intelligence on fascist and communist groups
  • 1936-10-28 FDR rededicates Statue of Liberty on its 50th anniversary
  • 1936-11-03 President Franklin D. Roosevelt wins a second term in office, defeating Republican candidate Alf Landon in the most lopsided election in American history in terms of electoral vote
  • 1937-02-05 FDR proposes enlarging Supreme Court, "court packing" plan failed
  • 1937-05-01 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Neutrality Act, banning travel on belligerent ships and imposes an arms embargo on warring nations
  • 1937-07-22 US Senate rejects FDR's proposal to enlarge Supreme Court
  • 1937-09-14 President Franklin D. Roosevelt bans US ships from trading arms with China or Japan
  • 1937-09-28 FDR dedicates Bonneville Dam on Columbia River (Oregon)
  • 1937-10-02 FDR visits Grand Coulee Dam construction site in Washington State
  • 1938-07-03 President Franklin Roosevelt dedicates the Eternal Light Peace Memorial and lights the eternal flame at Gettysburg Battlefield
  • 1938-08-18 FDR dedicates Thousand Islands Bridge connecting US & Canada
  • 1939-04-30 FDR becomes 1st US President to appear on TV when NBC-RCA television broadcasts the opening of 1939 New York World's Fair
  • 1939-06-11 British ruler King George VI and Queen Elizabeth taste their first "hot dogs" at a party at FDR's Hyde Park residence during their US visit
  • 1939-08-02 Albert Einstein writes to US President FDR informing him of recent research on fission chain reactions making possible the construction of "extremely powerful bombs"
  • 1939-09-05 FDR declares US neutrality at start of WW II in Europe
  • 1939-09-08 FDR declares "limited national emergency" due to war in Europe
  • 1939-10-11 FDR and advisor Alexander Sachs meet to discuss Albert Einstein's letter warning of the possibilities of an atomic bomb
  • 1939-11-15 FDR lays cornerstone of Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C.
  • 1940-07-18 Democratic Convention nominates FDR for a historic third term
  • 1940-08-17 FDR and Canadian PM William M. King agree to mutual defense abroad and to establish the Permanent Joint Board of Defense in the Ogdensburg Agreement
  • 1940-09-16 US President FDR signs Selective Training & Service Act - 1st US peacetime draft
  • 1940-11-05 Franklin D. Roosevelt is re-elected President of the United States for an unprecedented third term, defeating Republican candidate Wendell Willkie
  • 1940-11-06 Franklin D. Roosevelt re-elected US President
  • 1941-01-06 US President Franklin Roosevelt makes his "Four Freedoms" speech (freedom of speech and worship; freedom from want and fear) during his US State of Union address
  • 1941-03-11 FDR signs Lend-Lease Bill, allowing US to provide material support to Great Britain's war effort in return for future use of land for US military bases in England
  • 1941-05-27 FDR declares state of emergency after a German U-boat sinks the American flagged SS Robin Moor
  • 1941-06-19 US President Franklin Roosevelt signs the Two Ocean Navy Expansion Act - increases the size of US Navy by 70%
  • 1941-06-25 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Executive Order 8802, which forbids racial discrimination in the defense industry
  • 1941-07-19 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt appoints the Fair Employment Practice Committee (FEPC)
  • 1941-07-24 FDR demands Japanese troops out of Indo-China
  • 1941-07-25 FDR bans selling benzine/gasoline to Japan
  • 1941-08-09 Winston Churchill reaches Newfoundland for talks with FDR
  • 1941-08-10 FDR & Churchill's 2nd meeting at Placentia, Newfoundland
  • 1941-08-14 US President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill issue the joint declaration that later becomes known as the Atlantic Charter
  • 1941-09-11 FDR orders US Navy that any Axis ship found in American waters be shot at on sight
  • 1941-10-09 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt approves an atomic program that would become the Manhattan Project
  • 1941-12-08 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivers his famous "Day of Infamy" speech to a joint session of Congress a day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor
  • 1942-01-15 US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt sends his famed "Green Light Letter" to MLB Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis, encouraging baseball to continue playing during World War II
  • 1942-02-08 Congress advises FDR that, Americans of Japanese descent should be locked up en masse so they wouldn't oppose the US war effort
  • 1942-02-19 FDR orders detention & internment of all west-coast Japanese-Americans
  • 1942-02-22 World War II: President Franklin Roosevelt orders General Douglas MacArthur out of the Philippines as American defenses collapse
  • 1942-03-18 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9102, creating the War Relocation Authority, which was charged with overseeing the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II
  • 1942-03-19 FDR orders men between 45 & 64 to register for non-military duty
  • 1942-06-21 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British PM Winston Churchill arrive at Hyde Park for the hastily convened Second Washington Conference
  • 1942-07-30 FDR signs bill creating women's Navy auxiliary agency (WAVES)
  • 1942-10-03 FDR forms Office of Economic Stabilization
  • 1942-11-07 1st US President to broadcast in a foreign language - FDR, in French
  • 1942-12-04 FDR orders dismantling of Works Progress Administration
  • 1943-01-10 First US President to visit a foreign country in wartime - FDR leaves for Casablanca, Morocco
  • 1943-01-14 World War II: Franklin D. Roosevelt travels from Miami to Morocco to meet with Winston Churchill, becoming the first American president to travel overseas by airplane
  • 1943-01-14 World War II: Casablanca Conference begins between Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and other Allied representatives
  • 1943-02-09 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs an executive order setting a minimum 48-hour work week in a number of critical war industries
  • 1943-04-08 U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, in an attempt to check inflation, freezes wages and prices, prohibits workers from changing jobs unless the war effort would be aided thereby, and bars rate increases to common carriers and public utilities.
  • 1943-04-13 FDR dedicates the Jefferson Memorial in honor of former President Thomas Jefferson
  • 1943-06-09 US President FDR signs Current Tax Payment Act into law - tax is withheld from worker's wages to go straight to government
  • 1943-06-10 FDR becomes 1st US President to visit a foreign country during wartime
  • 1943-07-28 US President FDR announces end of coffee rationing in US
  • 1943-11-22 The Cairo Conference: FDR, Churchill and Chinese President Chiang Kai-shek meet in Egypt to discuss ways to defeat Japan
  • 1943-11-28 Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin meet at the Tehran Conference in Iran to map out strategy
  • 1943-12-01 At the end of the Tehran Conference, the Big Three (Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt) agree that the invasion of Normandy should take place in May 1944
  • 1943-12-04 Second Cairo Conference: FDR, Winston Churchill and Turkish President İsmet İnönü meet (till Dec 6)
  • 1943-12-24 US President FDR appoints General Eisenhower Supreme Commander of the Allied forces
  • 1944-06-22 US President Franklin Roosevelt signs "GI Bill of Rights" (Servicemen's Readjustment Act)
  • 1944-07-11 Franklin Roosevelt announces that he will run for a fourth term as President of the United States
  • 1944-07-19 Democratic convention opens in Chicago, goes on to nominate President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • 1944-07-20 US President FDR nominated for an unprecedented 4th term at Democratic convention
  • 1944-09-12 Second Quebec Conference: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and the Combined Chiefs of Staff meet in Quebec City, Canada to discuss Allied occupation zones, the Morgenthau Plan, U.S. Lend-Lease aid to Britain and the role of the Royal Navy
  • 1944-11-07 Franklin D. Roosevelt is re-elected President of the United States for a record fourth term, defeating Republican candidate Thomas E. Dewey
  • 1944-11-19 World War II: U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt announces the 6th War Loan Drive, aimed at selling $14 billion USD in war bonds to help pay for the war effort.
  • 1945-01-20 Franklin D. Roosevelt sworn-in for an unprecedented (and never to be repeated) 4th term as US President
  • 1945-02-11 Declaration of Liberated Europe signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin after the Yalta Conference
  • 1945-03-01 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt announces success of the Yalta Conference
  • 1945-04-12 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt dies in office and Vice President Harry Truman is sworn in as 33rd US President
  • 1945-04-15 34th US President FDR buried in grounds of his Hyde Park home, New York state

Biographies and Sources

Famous US Presidents