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Austrian History Timeline

Austria: Vienna

Today in Austrian History

Events in Austrian History

Events 1 - 200 of 479

  • 0833-06-30 Louis crowned King of Austria
  • 0996-11-01 First recorded use of modern name for Austria in the 'Ostarrîchi Document'
  • 1082-05-12 Battle at Mailberg: Vratislav II of Bohemia defeats Leopold II, Margrave of Austria
  • 1156-09-08 Henry II, Duke of Austria leaves Bavaria

Privilegium Minus

1156-09-17 Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa issues the 'Privilegium Minus' decree, which elevated Austria to a duchy

  • 1166-07-05 Austrian town of Bad Kleinkirchheim is first mentioned, in an ecclesiastical document

Richard I Captured

1192-09-21 English King Richard I the Lion hearted, captured by Leopold V, Duke of Austria

  • 1192-12-20 Richard the Lionhearted captured near Vienna by Leopold of Austria on his way home from the Third Crusade (released 1194)
  • 1244-07-01 Duke Frederick II of Austria issues a charter extending rights and protection for Jews - 1st territorial ruler to claim Jews as his own subjects [1]
  • 1246-06-15 Battle at Leitha river between Hungarian forces of King Béla IV of Hungary and Austrian army of Duke Frederick II - Austrian victory but Frederick is killed
  • 1246-06-15 With the death of Duke Frederick II at Battle of Leitha, the Babenberg dynasty ends in Austria
  • 1283-06-01 Albert I, son of Rudolf I of Hapsburg made sole ruler of the Duchies of Austria and Styria under Treaty of Rheinfelden, removing his brother Rudolph II as co-ruler (leads later to Rudolph's son murdering his uncle)
  • 1298-06-24 Rindfleisch Persecutions - Jews of Ifhauben, Austria massacred
  • 1313-11-09 Louis the Bavarian defeats his cousin Frederick I of Austria at the Battle of Gammelsdorf
  • 1315-11-15 Battle of Morgarten: Swiss beat duke Leopold I of Austria
  • 1322-09-28 Battle of Muhldorf: the Duchy of (Upper) Bavaria defeats Austrian forces
  • 1335-05-02 Otto the Merry, Duke of Austria, becomes Duke of Carinthia
  • 1349-09-29 People of Krems Austria accuse Jews of poisoning wells
  • 1379-09-09 Treaty of Neuberg, splitting the Austrian Habsburg lands between the Habsburg Dukes Albert III and Leopold III.
  • 1386-07-09 Battle at Sempach: Swiss beat Duke Leopold III of Austria
  • 1388-04-09 Battle of Näfels; Glarius Swiss defeat Habsburg (Austrian) army
  • 1409-03-03 Austrian civil war ends
  • 1420-05-23 Jews of Syria and Austria expelled
  • 1421-05-11 Jews are expelled from Styria Austria
  • 1421-05-23 Jews of Austria imprisoned & expelled
  • 1453-01-06 Emperor Frederik III becomes archduke of Austria

Battle of Guinegate

1479-08-07 Battle of Guinegate: Burgundians led by Archduke of Austria Maximilian I defeat the army of King of France Louis XI

The Peace of Atrecht

1482-12-23 The Peace of Atrecht (now Arras) concluded between Louis XI of France and Maximilian of Austria, ending the War of the Burgundian Succession

  • 1485-06-28 Gent/Brugge/Ieper recognize Maximilian of Austria as regent of Netherlands

Treaty of Frankfurt

1489-07-22 Treaty of Frankfurt signed between Maximilian I of Austria and King Charles VIII of France

  • 1493-05-23 King of France Charles VIII, King of the Romans Maximilian I and Archduke of Austria Philip I sign the Treaty of Senlis, ending hostilities between France and the Seventeen Provinces
  • 1493-08-19 Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I becomes Archduke of Austria on the death of his father and co-ruler Frederick III
  • 1495-03-31 Pope Alexander VI forms the anti-French alliance the League of Venice with Archduke of Austria Maximilian I, Ferdinand II of Aragon, Duke of Milan Ludovico Sforza and the Republic of Venice
  • 1496-03-09 Jews are expelled from Carintha, Austria
  • 1497-01-06 Jews are expelled from Graz in Styria, Austria
  • 1501-10-13 Maximilian I of Austria and King of France Louis XII sign the Treaty of Trente
  • 1502-02-25 Austrian emperor Maximilian I reformats government machine
  • 1515-01-01 Jews are expelled from Laibach in Austria
  • 1519-05-09 Austrian adel and burgerij in uprising against central government
  • 1521-04-28 Treaty of Worms: Emperor Charles names his brother Ferdinand Archduke of Netherlands-Austria
  • 1522-02-07 Treaty of Brussels: Habsburgers split into Spanish and Austrian Branches
  • 1522-08-11 Uprising of adel/burgerij in Austria fails
  • 1526-12-17 Ferdinand of Austria chosen as King of Bohemia
  • 1527-01-01 Croatian nobles elect Ferdinand I of Austria as king of Croatia in the Parliament on Cetin
  • 1527-02-24 Ferdinand of Austria crowned as king of Bohemia
  • 1527-11-03 Ferdinand of Austria and Bohemia chosen as king of Hungary
  • 1529-08-03 "Peace of the Ladies" (Treaty of Cambrai) made between Holy Roman Empire and the French, negotiated by Louise of Savoy and Margaret of Austria
  • 1531-01-31 King Ferdinand of Austria and King John Zapolya of Hungary officially recognise each other

Truce of Constantinople

1533-06-22 Ferdinand of Austria and Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent sign peace treaty in Constantinople

  • 1538-02-24 Treaty of Nagyvarad/Peace of Grosswardein signed between Ferdinand I of Austria and John Zápolya of Hungary.
  • 1541-12-29 Isabella of Poland and King Ferdinand of Austria sign Treaty of Gyalu
  • 1547-06-13 Peace of Adrianople (Treaty of Edirne) King Ferdinand of Austria agrees to pay Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent 30,000 gold Forints for western Hungary
  • 1551-07-19 Treaty of Karlsburg: arch duke Ferdinand of Austria recognized as King of Hungary/Transsylvania

Paul IV Snubs Ferdinand I

1556-09-09 Pope Paul IV refuses to crown Ferdinand I of Austria Holy Roman Emperor

Freedom of Religion

1571-01-11 Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian II grants Austrian nobility freedom of religion

Dutch History

1595-05-02 King Philip II names Albert Archduke of Austria and his nephew Governor of the Hapsburg Netherlands

  • 1596-04-17 Albert VII Archduke of Austria occupies Calais
  • 1596-10-24 -26] Battle at Kerestes: Ottoman beat Austria-Hungary & Germany
  • 1597-03-11 Albert VII Archduke of Austria occupies Amiens, France
  • 1597-09-16 Albert VII Archduke of Austria's Spanish forces lose control of the city of Amiens to French King Henry VI
  • 1598-05-06 Albert VII Archduke of Austria and Isabella, daughter of Philip II of Spain granted rule of the Habsburg Netherlands (after they marry)
  • 1606-11-11 Turkey & Austria sign Treaty of Zsitva-Torok
  • 1607-06-25 Mentally ill Emperor Rudolf II signs Treaty of Lieben, giving up Austria, Hungary and Moravia
  • 1625-05-11 Peasants besiege Frankenburg estate in Upper Austria
  • 1625-05-15 16 rebellious farmers hanged in Vocklamarkt, Upper-Austria
  • 1626-07-05 Battle at Lenz: Rebel Austrian Boers defeated

Ferdinand II Demands Conversion

1628-08-01 Emperor Ferdinand II demands Austria Protestants convert to Catholicism

  • 1631-11-04 Ferdinand of Austria installed as land guardian of South Netherlands
  • 1642-11-02 Second Battle of Breitenfeld, aka First Battle of Leipzig; victory for the Swedish army under Field Marshal Lennart Torstenson over Holy Roman Empire army under Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria
  • 1648-08-26 People's uprising against Anna of Austria & Cardinal Mazarin
  • 1660-05-03 Sweden, Poland, Brandenburg & Austria sign Peace of Oliva
  • 1663-04-18 Osman declares war on Austria
  • 1663-09-25 Austrian Fort Neuhausl surrenders to invading Turkish army
  • 1664-08-10 Austria and the Ottoman Empire sign the Peace of Vásvár
  • 1670-02-27 Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I orders all Jews expelled from Austria, given until August to comply
  • 1670-07-25 Austrian Emperor Leopold I expels 4,000 Jews from Vienna
  • 1683-09-12 Austro-Ottoman War: Battle of Vienna - several European armies join forces to defeat the Ottoman Empire
  • 1688-09-06 Austrian armies occupy Belgrade
  • 1689-12-22 Heavy earthquake strikes Innsbruck, Austria
  • 1691-08-19 Battle at Slankamen: "the Bloodiest battle of the Century" Austrian Hapsburg force defeats Ottoman army, killing Grand Vizer Köprülü Fazıl Mustafa Pasha
  • 1699-01-26 Venice, Poland & Austria sign Treaty of Karlowitz with Ottoman Empire, ending the Great Turkish War (1683-97) - 1st time Ottomans concede significant territory
  • 1703-09-12 English army under Arch Duke Charles of Austria lands in Portugal
  • 1708-08-03 Battle at Trencsén: Austria beats Hungarian rebellion army
  • 1709-09-11 Battle at Malplaquet during War of the Spanish Succession: English, Austrian and Dutch Great Alliance defeat France

Event of Interest

1711-05-01 Habsburg Emperor Charles VI and Hungarian nobles including Sándor Károlyi sign Peace of Szatmar ending rebellion led by Francis II Rákóczi

  • 1714-03-06 Treaty of Rastatt signed by Austria and France ending hostilities between them during the War of the Spanish Succession
  • 1714-09-07 Treaty of Baden signed by the Holy Roman Empire and France, ending the War of the Spanish Succession; French retain Alsace and Landau, Austria gets east bank of Rhine
  • 1715-11-15 Barrier Treaty, Austria cedes area to Netherlands
  • 1716-06-25 Eugenius of Savoye named land guardian of Austrian Netherlands
  • 1718-07-21 Treaty of Passarowitz is signed between the Ottoman Empire, Austria and the Republic of Venice
  • 1718-08-02 Austria joins Triple Alliance of Britain, France and the Dutch Republic forming the Quadruple Alliance, to fight against Spain
  • 1718-12-17 France, Britain and Austria declare war on Spain (War of the Quadruple Alliance 1718–1720)
  • 1719-01-05 Britain, Hannover, Saxony-Poland and Austria sign anti-Prussian Russian pact
  • 1724-12-23 Emperor Charles VI names Archduchess Maria Elisabeth of Austria land guardian of the Austrian Netherlands
  • 1725-05-01 Spain and Austria sign trade treaty
  • 1725-11-05 Spain & Austria sign secret treaty
  • 1732-12-13 Prussia joins Austria and Russia in signing the Treaty of Berlin, a secret treaty regarding succession to the Polish throne
  • 1737-07-18 Battle at Banja Luka: Turkish army beats Austrians
  • 1738-11-18 France & Austria sign peace treaty
  • 1739-04-21 Spain & Naples-Austria sign peace accord
  • 1739-07-22 Ottoman Empire defeats Austria at Crocyka (Krotzka) in Serbia and then successfully lays siege to Belgrade
  • 1739-09-18 Turkey & Austria sign peace treaty - Austria cedes Belgrade to Turks
  • 1740-10-20 Maria Theresa becomes ruler of Austria, Hungary & Bohemia
  • 1741-04-10 War of the Austrian Succession: Prussia defeats Austria in the Battle of Mollwitz
  • 1741-07-31 Charles Albert of Bavaria invades Upper Austria and Bohemia.
  • 1742-02-01 Sardinia and Austria sign military alliance Convention of Turin

Battle of Chotusitz

1742-05-17 Battle of Chotusitz: Prussia led by Frederick the Great defeats Austria

Battle of Dettingen

1743-06-27 War of the Austrian Succession: King George II of Britain personally leads Allied troops to victory in the Battle of Dettingen in Bavaria. The last time a British monarch commanded troops in the field.

  • 1743-09-13 Great Britain, Austria and Savoye-Sardinia sign Treaty of Worms
  • 1744-05-17 French army takes Austrian Netherlands
  • 1744-11-25 Austrian forces pillage & kill Jews of Prague
  • 1745-01-08 Britain, Austria, Netherlands & Saxony sign anti-Prussian Quadruple Alliance
  • 1745-04-22 Austria & Bavaria sign Peace Treaty of Füssen, ending Bavaria's participation (on the French side) in the War of the Austrian Succession
  • 1745-05-11 Battle of Fontenoy (Doornik): Austrian Succession war
  • 1745-06-04 Battle at Hohenfriedberg Silezie: Frederick the Great (Prussia) defeats Austrians and Saxons
  • 1745-12-15 Battle at Kesseldorf: Prussian force beats Saksen & Austria near Dresden
  • 1745-12-25 Prussia and Austria sign Treaty of Dresden giving much of Silesia to the Prussians
  • 1746-05-22 Russia and Austria sign treaty of cooperation
  • 1746-06-02 Russia and Austria sign agreements
  • 1746-06-16 Battle at Piacenza: Austria & Sardinia beat Spanish and French army
  • 1746-10-11 Battle of Rocoux: French defeat British, Austrian and Dutch armies
  • 1747-07-01 Battle at Lafeld: France force beats British and Dutch army in Belgium during the Austrian War of Succession
  • 1748-01-26 Britain, Netherlands, Austria & Sardinia sign anti-French treaty
  • 1748-05-07 French troops conquer Maastricht in the War of the Austrian Succession
  • 1748-10-18 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle signed, ending War of Austrian Succession
  • 1748-12-26 France & Austria sign treaty about Southern Netherlands
  • 1751-09-13 Britain signs Austrian & Russian alliance
  • 1751-12-14 The first military academy in the world, the Theresian Military Academy, is founded in Austria
  • 1753-06-13 Austria, Great Britain & Modena sign secret military treaty
  • 1755-06-29 German medieval heroic poem "Nibelungenlied" (the Song of the Nibelungs) rediscovered in Hohenems Castle Library in Vorarlberg, Austria by Jacob Hermann Oreit
  • 1756-05-01 France and Austria sign First Treaty of Versailles alliance - guaranteeing Austrian neutrality in war between Britain and France
  • 1757-05-01 Austria and France divide Prussia
  • 1757-05-06 Battle of Prague: Frederick II of Prussia's forces defeat Austrian army
  • 1757-06-18 Battle at Kolin Bohemia: Austrian army beats Prussia
  • 1757-10-16 Austrian troops occupy Berlin
  • 1757-12-05 Battle of Leuthen: Prussian army beats Austrians
  • 1758-06-30 Seven Years' War: The Battle of Domstadtl results in Austrian victory over Prussia in Moravia
  • 1758-10-14 Battle at Hochkirk, Saksen: Austrian army beats Prussia
  • 1759-08-12 Battle of Kunersdorf - Russian-Austrian army overpowers Prussians
  • 1759-09-14 Austrian troops occupy Dresden
  • 1759-11-21 Battle at Maxen: Prussian army surrenders to Austrians
  • 1760-06-23 Battle of Landshut Silesia: Austria beats Prussia
  • 1760-07-26 Austrian troops occupy Fort Glatz during Third Silesian War
  • 1760-08-15 Battle at Leignitz: Prussian forces beat Austria and Russian armies
  • 1760-09-28 Russian and Austrian armies occupy Berlin
  • 1760-10-02 Russian and Austrian army evacuates Berlin [NS=10/13]
  • 1760-10-09 Seven Years' War: Russian and Austrian forces occupy Berlin [OS=Sep 28]
  • 1760-10-13 Russian and Austrian armies evacuate Berlin
  • 1760-11-03 Battle at Torgau, Saxony: Prussia beats Austria
  • 1762-06-15 Austria uses 1st paper currency
  • 1763-02-15 Austria, Prussia and Saxony sign the Treaty of Hubertusburg, marking the end of the French and Indian War and of the Seven Years' War
  • 1764-04-03 Austrian Archduke Jozef crowned himself Holy Roman Emperor Josef II
  • 1772-02-17 1st Partition of Poland signed in Vienna by Austria, Prussia and Russia
  • 1772-08-05 1st Partition of Poland between Austria, Prussia and Russia is made public
  • 1772-09-22 1st Partition of Poland is ratified by Austria, Prussia and Russia
  • 1775-05-07 Turkish state of Bukovina secedes from Austria
  • 1776-01-02 Austria ends the use of interrogation by torture
  • 1778-07-03 Prussia declares war on Austria
  • 1788-01-02 Emperor Joseph II orders Jews of Galicia Austria to adopt family names
  • 1788-02-09 Austria declares war on Russia

Louis XVI's Secret Correspondence

1789-10-12 French Revolution: King Louis XVI writes secretly to the King of Spain about complaining of harsh treatment; the Count of Artois writes to the Austrian king requesting military intervention in France

Cosi Fan Tutte

1790-01-26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera "Cosi Fan Tutte" premieres at the Burgtheater in Vienna, Austria

  • 1790-12-02 Austrian army occupies Brussels
  • 1791-09-30 Mozart's opera "Magic Flute", with German libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder, premieres at Schikaneder's Freihaus-Theater auf der Wieden in Vienna, Austria
  • 1792-02-07 Austria & Prussia sign anti-French covenant

French Revolutionary Wars

1792-04-20 Amidst the French Revolution, France declares war on Austria and Prussia, beginning the French Revolutionary Wars

  • 1793-03-05 French troops are defeated by Austrian forces and Liège is recaptured
  • 1793-03-18 Second Battle at Neerwinden: Austria army beats France
  • 1793-12-26 Battle of Geisberg: French defeat Austrians.
  • 1794-05-18 Battle of Tourcoing; French Republican army defeats a Habsburg coalition bear Lille, France, during War of the First Coalition
  • 1794-07-02 Second Battle of Seneffe: France-Austria
  • 1794-07-13 Battle of the Vosges between French forces and those of Prussia and Austria
  • 1795-10-24 3rd Partition of Poland, between Austria, Prussia & Russia

Battle of Millesimo

1796-04-13 Battle of Millesimo, Italy: Napoleon's forces defeat allied armies of Austria and of the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont.

  • 1796-05-10 Napoleon defeats Austria in Battle of Lodi Bridge
  • 1796-09-08 Battle of Bassano: Napoleon Bonaparte's French army defeat Austrian force during French Revolutionary Wars
  • 1796-11-17 Battle of Arcole: French forces under Napoleon Bonaparte defeat an Austrian force led by József Alvinczi after a 3 day battle at Arcole, Republic of Venice
  • 1797-01-26 Russia, Prussia and Austria sign treaty
  • 1797-04-18 France & Austria sign ceasefire
  • 1797-10-17 Peace of Campo Formio: Austrian Dutch possessions & France
  • 1799-03-12 Austria declares war on France
  • 1800-01-08 Austrians defeat French in Second Battle of Novi
  • 1800-06-14 Battle of Marengo (Alessandria): Napoleon Bonaparte's French army overcomes Austrian forces in Piedmont, Italy
  • 1801-02-09 France & Austria sign Peace of Luneville
  • 1804-08-11 Francis II assumes the title of first Emperor of Austria
  • 1805-10-14 Battle of Elchingen, France defeats Austria
  • 1805-11-11 Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Dürenstein - 8000 French troops attempted to slow the retreat of a vastly superior Russian and Austrian force.
  • 1805-12-02 Napoleon defeats Russians & Austrians at Austerlitz
  • 1805-12-26 France & Austria signs Peace of Pressburg
  • 1806-08-06 Holy Roman Empire ends; it was neither holy, Roman, nor an empire. Francis II renounces the title, becoming Emperor of Austria.
  • 1809-02-08 Franz I of Austria declares war on France
  • 1809-04-20 Napoleon I and French forces defeat Austria at Battle of Abensberg, Bavaria
  • 1809-04-22 Battle of Eckmühl: Napoleon's French and Bavarian force defeats the Austrians under the Archduke Charles at Eggmühl, Bavaria. Gives Napoleon the strategic initiative for the rest of the War of the Fifth Coalition.
  • 1809-05-21 Battle of Aspern-Essling: Austrian Archduke Charles beats Napoleon and his army. Napoleon's first defeat in 10 years.
  • 1809-07-06 Battle of Wagram: After a two day battle, Napoleon's French and allied army decisively defeats the Austrian army under Archduke Charles, leads to the breakup of the Austrian and British-led Fifth Coalition against France
  • 1811-02-20 Austria declares bankruptcy
  • 1813-08-27 Battle of Dresden; Napoleon defeats Austrians
  • 1813-08-30 Battle of Kulm: French forces defeated by Austrian-Prussian-Russian alliance
  • 1813-10-08 Treaty of Ried between Bavaria & Austria