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Prussia History Timeline

Germany: Baden-Württemberg - Bavaria - Berlin - Bremen - Hamburg - Hessen - Lower Saxony - Northrhine-Westfalia - Saxony

Events in Prussia History

  • 1440-02-21 The Prussian Confederation is formed
  • 1454-02-04 In the Thirteen Years' War, the Secret Council of the Prussian Confederation sends a formal act of disobedience to the Grand Master
  • 1454-03-06 Thirteen Years' War: Delegates of the Prussian Confederation pledge allegiance to Casimir IV of Poland, and the Polish king agrees to help in their struggle for independence from the Teutonic Knights.
  • 1456-10-17 The University of Greifswald is established, making it the second oldest university in northern continental Europe (also for a period the oldest in Sweden, and Prussia)
  • 1510-07-19 38 Jews are burned at stake in Berlin, Prussia

Albert's Oath

1525-02-10 Albert of Prussia pledges a personal oath to Sigismund I the Old and is invested with the duchy for himself and his heirs

Albert Frederick Duke of Prussia

1569-07-19 Albert Frederick follows his father becoming Duke of Prussia after a symbolic ceremony of feudal homage to Polish King Sigismund Augustus

  • 1656-09-19 Treaty of Labiau: Sweden gives Prussia, Brandenburg
  • 1700-11-16 Monarch of Brandenburg becomes king of Prussia
  • 1701-01-18 Frederick I and Sophie Charlotte of Hanover crowned king and queen of Prussia
  • 1707-08-22 Sweden & Prussia sign military treaty
  • 1713-04-11 Great Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, Prussia, Savoy, Portugal & France agree the Treaty of Utrecht; France cedes Maritime provinces in North America to Britain
  • 1714-06-12 Prussia and Russia sign secret treaty
  • 1715-05-01 Brandenburg-Prussia joins the Russian-led anti Swedish alliance by declaring war on Sweden during the Great Northern War
  • 1715-12-12 Russian and Prussian troops occupy Stralsund [NS=12/23]
  • 1715-12-23 Russian/Prussian troops occupy Stralsund
  • 1716-04-15 Great Northern War: Prussian troops occupy Swedish controlled German port of Wismar
  • 1717-01-05 Prussian King Frederik Willem I buys conscript for nobles
  • 1717-07-28 Prussian King Frederik Willhelm I orders compulsory education for 5-12 year olds
  • 1717-08-17 France, Russia & Prussia sign agreement
  • 1719-01-05 Britain, Hannover, Saxony-Poland and Austria sign anti-Prussian Russian pact
  • 1720-01-21 Sweden and Prussia sign a peace treaty ending hostilities between them during the Great Northern War
  • 1720-02-11 Sweden & Prussia sign peace (2nd Treaty of Stockholm)
  • 1725-09-03 Britain, France, Hannover & Prussia sign Covenant of Hannover
  • 1730-08-04 Crown prince Frederick of Prussia escapes to England
  • 1732-02-02 King Frederik Willem I moves Lutherans towards East-Prussia
  • 1732-12-13 Prussia joins Austria and Russia in signing the Treaty of Berlin, a secret treaty regarding succession to the Polish throne
  • 1733-09-15 King Frederik Willem I divides Prussia-Brandenburg in Cantons
  • 1740-06-22 King Frederik II of Prussia ends torture and guarantees religion & freedom of the press
  • 1740-12-16 Prussian Libya falls to Silezie
  • 1741-04-10 War of the Austrian Succession: Prussia defeats Austria in the Battle of Mollwitz
  • 1741-06-04 Prussia goes to the Covenant of Nymphenburg

Leonhard Euler Leaves Russia

1741-06-19 Russian mathematician Leonhard Euler leaves St. Petersburg for a position at the Berlin Academy, offered to him by Frederick the Great of Prussia

  • 1741-12-27 Prussian forces took Olmutz, Czechoslovakia

Battle of Chotusitz

1742-05-17 Battle of Chotusitz: Prussia led by Frederick the Great defeats Austria

  • 1742-07-28 Maria Theresa of Austria and Prussian King Frederick the Great sign a peace treaty in Berlin
  • 1742-11-18 Prussia and Great Britain sign an anti-French military covenant
  • 1743-08-14 Prussian army occupies Saksen, beginning 2nd Silezian War
  • 1744-06-06 France and Prussia sign peace treaty
  • 1745-01-08 Britain, Austria, Netherlands & Saxony sign anti-Prussian Quadruple Alliance
  • 1745-06-04 Battle at Hohenfriedberg Silezie: Frederick the Great (Prussia) defeats Austrians and Saxons
  • 1745-12-15 Battle at Kesseldorf: Prussian force beats Saksen & Austria near Dresden
  • 1745-12-25 Prussia and Austria sign Treaty of Dresden giving much of Silesia to the Prussians
  • 1750-09-05 Decree issued in Paderborn, Prussia allows for annual search of all Jewish homes for stolen or "doubtful" goods

Voltaire leaves Prussia

1753-03-25 Voltaire leaves the court of Frederik II of Prussia

  • 1756-01-16 Britain & Prussia sign Treaty of Westminster to respect each other's European territories
  • 1756-08-29 Frederick II of Prussia leads an Anglo-Prussian alliance into Saxony - beginning of the Seven Years' War
  • 1756-10-15 Saxon army surrenders to Prussia
  • 1757-01-17 German Diet declares war on Prussia
  • 1757-05-01 Austria and France divide Prussia
  • 1757-05-06 Battle of Prague: Frederick II of Prussia's forces defeat Austrian army
  • 1757-06-18 Battle at Kolin Bohemia: Austrian army beats Prussia
  • 1757-08-19 Battle at Gross Jagerndorf: Russian army beats Prussia [NS=Aug 30]
  • 1757-08-30 Battle at Gross Jagerndorf: Russian army beats Prussia [OS=Aug 19]
  • 1757-12-05 Battle of Leuthen: Prussian army beats Austrians
  • 1758-01-11 Russian troops occupy Königsberg, East-Prussia [NS=Jan 22]
  • 1758-01-22 Russian troops occupy Königsberg, East Prussia [OS=Jan 11]
  • 1758-08-14 Battle of Zorndorf: Prussia beats Russia, 1000s killed
  • 1758-10-14 Battle at Hochkirk, Saksen: Austrian army beats Prussia
  • 1759-08-12 Battle of Kunersdorf - Russian-Austrian army overpowers Prussians
  • 1759-11-21 Battle at Maxen: Prussian army surrenders to Austrians
  • 1760-06-23 Battle of Landshut Silesia: Austria beats Prussia
  • 1760-08-15 Battle at Leignitz: Prussian forces beat Austria and Russian armies
  • 1760-11-03 Battle at Torgau, Saxony: Prussia beats Austria
  • 1761-12-16 Seven Years' War: After four-month siege, Russian army under Pyotr Rumyantsev takes Prussian fortress of Kolobrzeg (German: Kolberg).
  • 1762-05-05 Russia & Prussia sign Treaty of Saint Petersburg ending the Seven Years' War
  • 1762-05-22 Sweden and Prussia sign the Treaty of Hamburg, reaffirming the status quo that existed before the Seven Years' War
  • 1763-02-15 Austria, Prussia and Saxony sign the Treaty of Hubertusburg, marking the end of the French and Indian War and of the Seven Years' War
  • 1772-02-17 1st Partition of Poland signed in Vienna by Austria, Prussia and Russia
  • 1772-08-05 1st Partition of Poland between Austria, Prussia and Russia is made public
  • 1772-09-22 1st Partition of Poland is ratified by Austria, Prussia and Russia

An Edict by the King of Prussia

1773-09-22 Benjamin Franklin publishes a hoax letter "An Edict by the King of Prussia" in the Public Advertiser, criticising Britain's colonial policies in the American colonies

  • 1775-03-19 Poland & Prussia sign trade agreement
  • 1778-07-03 Prussia declares war on Austria
  • 1785-09-10 Prussia signs trade agreement with US
  • 1787-09-13 Prussian army moves into Netherlands
  • 1787-09-17 Prussian troops conquer Gorinchem
  • 1787-10-10 Amsterdam surrenders to Prussian invasion army
  • 1788-04-15 Britain, Netherlands & Prussia sign peace treaty
  • 1788-08-13 Prussia joins Anglo-Dutch alliance to form Triple Alliance to prevent spread of Russo-Swedish War of 1788-90
  • 1792-02-07 Austria & Prussia sign anti-French covenant

French Revolutionary Wars

1792-04-20 Amidst the French Revolution, France declares war on Austria and Prussia, beginning the French Revolutionary Wars

  • 1792-07-08 France declares war on Prussia
  • 1792-07-11 Prussia army moves into French territory
  • 1792-09-20 French defeat Prussians at Valmy
  • 1793-01-23 Prussia and Russia sign the Treaty of Grodno, later known as the 2nd Partition of Poland, ceding large portions of Poland to their bigger neighbors
  • 1793-02-11 Prussian troops occupy Venlo, Netherlands
  • 1793-07-23 The Prussians conquer Mainz
  • 1794-07-13 Battle of the Vosges between French forces and those of Prussia and Austria
  • 1795-03-05 Treaty of Basel - Prussia ends war with France
  • 1795-10-24 3rd Partition of Poland, between Austria, Prussia & Russia
  • 1797-01-26 Russia, Prussia and Austria sign treaty
  • 1806-01-30 Prussia takes possession of Hanover
  • 1806-10-09 Prussia declares war on France
  • 1806-10-14 Battle of Auerstadt-French beat Prussians

Battle of Friedland

1807-06-14 Emperor Napoleon I's French Grande Armee defeats the Russian Army at the Battle of Friedland in Prussia (modern Russian Kaliningrad Oblast) ending War of the Fourth Coalition

Napoléon and Tsar Meet

1807-07-07 French Emperor Napoléon Bonaparte and Russian Tsar Alexander I meet on a raft in the middle of the Neman River and sign the first Treaty of Tilsit

  • 1807-07-09 Second Treaty of Tilsit signed by France, Russia and Prussia
  • 1812-03-11 Citizenship granted to Prussian Jews
  • 1813-08-23 Battle of Grossbeeren - Prussians under Von Bulow repulse French
  • 1813-08-30 Battle of Kulm: French forces defeated by Austrian-Prussian-Russian alliance
  • 1813-10-16 Battle of Leipzig, largest battle in Europe prior to WWI, Napoleon's forces defeated by Prussia, Austria and Russia
  • 1814-01-29 War of the Sixth Coalition: Russia and Prussia are defeated by France in the Battle of Brienne
  • 1814-09-05 -15] Battle of Masurische Meren: Germans chase Russians out of East Prussia
  • 1815-01-03 France, the United Kingdom, and Austria form an alliance against Russia and Prussia
  • 1815-06-16 French army under Napoleon defeats Prussia in the Battle of Ligny, Napoleon's last military victory

Battle of Waterloo

1815-06-18 Battle of Waterloo; Napoleon Bonaparte and France defeated by British forces under Duke of Wellington and Prussian troops under Field Marshall von Blücher

  • 1815-09-26 Russia, Prussia and Austria sign the Holy Alliance
  • 1815-11-20 Russia, Prussia, Austria and England sign an Alliance "for the maintenance of peace in Europe" on the same day as the Treaty of Paris
  • 1818-09-30 Congress of Aken: Russia, Austria, Prussia, France & England
  • 1830-12-20 Great Britain, France, Prussia, Austria and Russia recognize Belgium
  • 1834-05-08 Prussia, Austria and Russia sign classified accord about Belgium
  • 1839-03-09 Prussian government limits work week for children to 51 hours
  • 1840-07-15 Great Britain, Russia, Austria and Prussia sign Quadruple Alliance
  • 1848-02-29 The Principality of Neuchâtel declares itself independent of Prussia
  • 1848-04-06 Jews of Prussia granted equality
  • 1848-05-07 Prussians stop insurrection in Varsovia
  • 1849-05-28 Princess Marianne of the Netherlands and Albrecht of Prussia separate
  • 1849-06-21 Battle at Waghausel: Prussian troops beat Baden rebels
  • 1850-11-29 The treaty, Punctation of Olmütz, signed in Olomouc means diplomatic capitulation of Prussia to Austrian Empire, taking over the leadership of German Confederation

Wedding March

1858-01-25 Felix Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" first played, at wedding of Queen Victoria's daughter Princess Victoria, to crown prince of Prussia

Otto von Bismarck

1862-09-23 Otto von Bismarck appointed Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Prussia by King Wilhelm I

  • 1862-09-30 Minister-President of Prussia Otto von Bismarck delivers his famous "Blood and Iron" speech on the unification of German territories
  • 1864-02-01 Second Schleswig War begins when Prussian and Austrian forces cross into Schleswig challenging Danish control
  • 1864-04-18 Battle of Dybbøl: Denmark is defeated by Prussian and Austrian forces storming Dybbol fort in the deciding battle of the Second Schleswig War
  • 1864-10-30 Treaty of Vienna signed to end the Second Schleswig War - Denmark loses control of Schleswig to Prussia, and of Holstein to Austria
  • 1866-04-08 Italy and Prussia ally against Austria-Hungary.
  • 1866-06-15 Prussia attacks Austria
  • 1866-08-23 Treaty of Prague ends Austro-Prussian war
  • 1870-07-13 King Wilhelm I of Prussia sends the "Emser Depeche (Ems Telegram)" to Otto von Bismarck who publishes an edited version to purposely offend the French government precipitating the Franco-German War
  • 1870-07-19 France declares war on Prussia; Franco-Prussian war begins
  • 1870-08-06 Battle at Spicheren: Prussia beats France
  • 1870-08-18 Battle at Gravelotte Privat: Prussia beat France, 32,000 casualties

Battle of Sedan

1870-09-02 Napoleon III surrenders to Prussian armies at the Battle of Sedan

  • 1870-09-04 The Third French Republic proclaimed as French overthrow Emperor Napoleon III (who ironically was the elected president of the Second French Republic) after his defeat by Prussia at Sedan
  • 1870-09-19 Siege of Paris by Prussian Forces begins (lasts until January 28 1871)
  • 1871-01-28 Paris surrenders to Prussians
  • 1871-05-10 Peace of Frankfurt-am-Main concluded between France & Germany ends Franco-Prussian war
  • 1882-04-13 Anti-Semitic League forms in Prussia
  • 1902-06-13 Prussian Upper house gives 350 million marks to Poland
  • 1906-12-01 German Shoemaker Wilhelm Voigt (Capt of Köpenick) sentenced to 4 years for forgery after posing as Prussian officer
  • 1910-05-27 Reform of Prussian three-class voting system fails
  • 1914-01-13 Industrial Workers of the World leader and songwriter Joe Hill arrested for murder during a robbery
  • 1914-08-02 WWI: Russian troops invade East Prussia
  • 1914-08-07 Russia invades East Prussia
  • 1914-08-12 WWI: Russian troops take East Prussia and occupy Marggrabowa
  • 1914-08-20 Battle at Gumbinnen, East-Prussia: Russians beat Germans
  • 1914-08-22 General Martos' troops occupy Soldau/Neidenburg, East Prussia

Hindenburg Commands Eastern Front

1914-08-22 WW1: Paul von Hindenburg named commander of the German Eighth Army on the Eastern Front against Russia, Erich Ludendorff his Chief of Staff

  • 1914-08-31 German troops reconquer Soldau/Neidenburg East-Prussia

Wilhelm II Abdicates

1918-11-28 Kaiser Wilhelm II of Prussia & Germany abdicates

  • 1920-07-11 East and West Prussia vote in a plebiscite to become part of Germany, though a slice of West Prussia will be handed to Poland to provide a 'Polish Corridor'

Prussia Removes Hitler Ban

1928-09-28 Prussia lifts its ban on Adolf Hitler speaking in public

Prussian Coup d'état

1932-07-20 Franz von Papen launches a coup against the Prussian government

Event of Interest

1933-02-19 Prussian minister Goering bans all Catholic newspapers

Himmler Chief of Police

1934-04-20 Heinrich Himmler appointed chief of all German police including the Prussian secret state police

  • 1944-08-17 Soviet troops arrive at Austria-Prussia border
  • 1945-04-09 World War II: The Battle of Königsberg, East Prussia, ends.
  • 1946-04-07 Part of East Prussia incorporated into Russian SFSR
  • 1947-02-25 Allied Control Council, the governing body of post-World War II occupied Germany and Austria. abolishes the State of Prussia