Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Palestinian History Timeline

Events in Palestinian History

  • 0415-10-17 Jewish autonomy in Palestine ended by the Romans and Raban Gamliel forced from office
  • 0636-07-23 Arabs gain control of most of Palestine from the Byzantine Empire
  • 1165-05-16 Ramjbam & his family reach Acre Palestine

Crusaders Take Acre

1191-07-12 Third Crusade: City of Acre surrenders to English King Richard I the Lionheart and the Crusaders after a siege of nearly two years

  • 1260-09-03 Battle of Ain Jalut: Bahr: Mamluk of Egypt defeat Mongol army led by Kitbuqa in the Levant - often labelled a turning point in world history, saving the Arabic-Islamic civilization from destruction
  • 1291-07-31 Egyptian Mamelukken occupies Akko, crusaders driven out of Palestine
  • 1759-10-31 Earthquake in Safed, Palestine kills hundreds

Siege of Jaffa

1799-03-08 Napoleon Bonaparte's forces capture the city of Jaffa from the Ottoman Empire in Palestine, after a 5 day siege

  • 1809-08-08 70 disciples of Gaon of Vilnius, arrive in Palestine

Alexander I

1818-11-21 Russia's Tsar Alexander I petitions for a Jewish state in Palestine

  • 1834-06-15 Rioters in Safed Palestine kills many Jews
  • 1835-07-25 Ibrahim Pasha's army attacks Jewish settlers of Hebron Palestine
  • 1882-07-06 14 Russian Jews from Bilu arrive in Jaffa, Palestine
  • 1901-09-12 Arabs attack Gedara Palestine
  • 1912-04-11 Cornerstone of Technion laid in Haifa, Palestine
  • 1913-07-23 Arabs attack Jewish community of Rechovot, Palestine
  • 1913-12-12 Hebrew language officially used to teach in Palestinian schools
  • 1915-03-02 Vladmir Jabotinsky forms a Jewish military force to fight in Palestine
  • 1917-01-09 World War I: the Battle of Rafa occurs near the Egyptian border with Palestine.
  • 1917-10-31 World War I: Battle of Beersheba in southern Palestine - "last successful cavalry charge in history" performed by the 4th Australian Light Horse

Balfour Declaration

1917-11-02 Balfour Declaration proclaims support for a Jewish state in Palestine

  • 1917-11-07 British capture Gaza, Palestine, from Turks
  • 1918-02-21 Australians chase Turkish troop out of Jericho, Dutch Palestine
  • 1918-09-01 Battle of Megiddo starts, the final Allied offense during Sinai and Palestine campaign won by the Allies
  • 1919-01-03 The Faisal-Weizmann Agreement, which was a short-lived agreement for the development of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, is signed by the King of Iraq and the President of the World Zionist Organization
  • 1920-04-24 British Mandate over Palestine goes into effect (lasts 28 years)
  • 1920-04-25 San Remo conference establishes three League of Nations mandates: a French mandate for Syria, and British mandates for Mesopotamia and Palestine with effect to the terms of the Balfour Declaration
  • 1920-07-01 Sir Herbert Samuel takes over as high commissioner over Palestine, where Arab resistance to the British mandate continues
  • 1921-06-19 Turks and Christians of Palestine sign a friendship treaty against Jews
  • 1922-09-11 British mandate of Palestine begins

Harding Approves Jewish Homeland

1922-09-21 US President Warren G. Harding signs a joint resolution of approval to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine

  • 1924-06-11 Bene Brak Palestine founded
  • 1924-06-13 Bene Berak, Palestine, founded
  • 1927-07-02 Jericho Earthquake in Palestine kills about 500
  • 1929-08-14 Jewish Agency for Palestine forms
  • 1929-08-24 Palestinians attack orthodox Jews in Jerusalem
  • 1933-07-21 Haifa Harbor in Palestine opens
  • 1934-02-10 1st Jewish immigrant ship to break the English blockade in Palestine
  • 1936-04-19 First day of the Great Uprising in Palestine, anti-Jewish riots break out
  • 1936-04-20 Jews repel an Arab attack in Petach Tikvah Palestine
  • 1937-09-08 Pan Arab conference about Palestine opens
  • 1938-08-26 British leaders & Arabians fight in Palestine
  • 1939-05-23 British parliament plans to make Palestine independent by 1949

Palestine Jews in WWII

1939-08-29 Chaim Weizmann informs England that Palestine Jews will fight in WW II

  • 1940-05-01 140 Palestinian Jews die as German planes bomb their ship

Ben-Gurion Departs

1942-05-12 David Ben-Gurion leaves Jewish state in Palestine

  • 1943-05-01 German plane sinks the British ship SS Erinpura in the Mediterranean with the loss of 799 lives
  • 1945-08-25 Jewish immigrants are permitted to leave Mauritius for Palestine
  • 1946-06-29 Black Sabbath as the British arrest 2,700 Jews in Palestine as alleged terrorists
  • 1946-06-29 British mandatory government of Palestine arrests 100 leaders of Yishnuv
  • 1946-07-22 Militant Zionist organization Irgun bombs the British administrative headquarters for Palestine in southern wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 people of various nationalities injuring 46

Bombing of King David Hotel

1946-07-23 Menachem Begin's Zionist militant group Irgun bombs the King David Hotel, the then British administrative headquarters for Palestine

  • 1946-08-13 Britain diverts illegal emmigrants bound for Palestine to Cyprus
  • 1946-10-06 US President Harry Truman questions Great Britain Jews about Palestine
  • 1947-02-07 The UK announces its intention to end the Mandate for Palestine
  • 1947-07-18 British seize "Exodus 1947" ship of Jewish immigrants to Palestine
  • 1947-11-29 UN General Assembly vote to allow the partition of Palestine between Arabs & Jews
  • 1947-12-29 Ship carrying Jewish immigrants driven away from Palestine
  • 1948-02-01 Palestine Post building in Jerusalem bombed
  • 1948-05-15 End of the British Mandate over Palestine after 28 years
  • 1948-08-23 Earl Bernadotte asks aid for fugitives to Palestine

Bunche Palestine Mediator

1948-09-18 Ralph Bunche confirmed as acting UN mediator in Palestine

  • 1948-10-29 Safsaf massacre, Israeli defence forces attack Palestinian village of Safsaf in the Galilee
  • 1948-12-01 Arabic Congress names Abdullah of Trans Jordan as King of Palestine
  • 1948-12-08 Jordan annexs Arabic Palestine
  • 1951-07-20 King Abdullah I of Jordan is assassinated by a Palestinian while attending Friday prayers in Jerusalem

Nasser's Pledge

1956-01-16 Egyptian President Nasser pledges to reconquer Palestine

  • 1956-07-25 Jordan attacks UN Palestine force
  • 1962-03-09 Egyptian President Nasser declares Gaza belongs to Palestinians
  • 1964-05-28 Palestine National Congress forms the PLO in Jerusalem
  • 1964-09-10 Palestinian Liberation Army (PLA) forms
  • 1965-01-01 Palestinian al-Fatah organization forms
  • 1967-12-11 People's Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) established
  • 1968-07-02 An El Al Israeli airliner is hijacked and diverted to Algeria by three armed members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)

Yasser Arafat PLO Chairman

1969-02-04 The Palestine National Congress appoints Yasser Arafat chairman of the PLO

  • 1969-02-23 Nayif Hawatimah forms Dem People's Front for Liberation of Palestine
  • 1969-04-24 Lebanese army in battle with Palestinians
  • 1970-09-06 Palestinians seize 3 airliners
  • 1970-09-07 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine hijacks 4 planes and forces them to land at Dawson's Field, Jordan
  • 1970-09-08 Black September hijackings begin, three airliners hijacked and blown up by Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
  • 1970-09-12 Palestinian terrorists blow up three hijacked airliners in Jordan, continuing to hold the passengers hostage in various undisclosed locations in Amman.
  • 1970-09-13 Palestine guerillas conquer Irbid Jordania
  • 1972-05-08 Sabena aircraft at Lod International Airport, Tel Aviv, captured by Palestinians
  • 1972-09-05 11 Israeli athletes taken hostage and later killed by Palestinian Black September group at the Munich Olympics
  • 1973-09-28 Palestinian Terrorists hijack Austrian train
  • 1973-11-25 3 Palestinians hijack KLM B747 above Iraq, to Dubai
  • 1973-11-28 Arab League summit in Algiers recognizes Palestine
  • 1974-11-22 UN General Assembly recognizes Palestine right to sovereignty
  • 1975-04-13 Christian Falange kills 27 Palestinians, begins Lebanese civil war
  • 1976-01-12 UN Security Council votes 11-1 to seat Palestine Liberation Organization
  • 1976-03-30 Israel kills 6 Palestinians protesting land confiscation
  • 1976-06-27 Air France A-300B Airbus hijacked from Athens arrives at Entebbe, Uganda; four hijackers, members of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Bader-Meinhof Gang in Germany
  • 1976-07-04 Israel launches hostage rescue mission of 106 Air France crew and passengers held at Entebbe Airport in Uganda by pro-Palestinian hijackers. Three hostages die along with all the hijackers, numerous Ugandan soldiers and Yonatan Netanyahu, an Israeli soldier
  • 1976-08-12 Christian militia conquer Palestinian camp Tell al-Za'tar, 2000 killed
  • 1976-09-04 Palestinians hijack KLM DC-9 to Cyprus
  • 1976-09-29 Syria drives Palestinian guerrillas out of Lebanon
  • 1977-01-11 France releases Abu Daoud, a Palestinian suspected of involvement in massacre of Israeli athletes at 1972 Munich Olympics

Event of Interest

1977-03-16 US President Jimmy Carter pleads for a Palestinian homeland

  • 1978-10-02 Syrian & Palestinians shoot in East Beirut, 1,300 killed
  • 1978-11-29 UN observes "international day of solidarity with Palestinian people," boycotted by US & about 20 other countries
  • 1979-04-16 Failed Palestinian attack on Zaventem Airport, Belgium
  • 1980-07-27 Palestinian throws hand grenade on Jewish children in Antwerp, 1 dead
  • 1982-06-03 Israeli ambassador Shlomo Argov seriously wounded by Palestinians
  • 1982-06-26 US vetos UN Security Council resolution for a limited withdrawal from Beirut of Israeli & Palestine Liberation Organization forces
  • 1982-08-21 Palestinian terrorists are dispersed from Beirut

Israeli History

1982-08-22 Israeli General Ariel Sharon urges Palestinians to discuss peaceful coexistence

  • 1982-09-01 Palestinian Liberation Organization leaves Lebanon
  • 1982-09-16 Massacre of 1000+ Palestinian refugees at Chatila & Sabra begins
  • 1982-09-18 Sabra and Shatila massacres - Christian militia massacre at least 700 Palestinians in retaliation for assassination of Bachir Gemayel
  • 1983-11-24 PLO exchanges 6 Israeli prisoners for 4,500 Palestinians & Lebanese
  • 1985-09-25 Palestinian terrorists kill 3 Israeli sailors at Lanaca Cyprus
  • 1987-12-07 Palestinian uprising against Israel in West Bank
  • 1987-12-08 Occupied Palestinians start "intefadeh" (uprising) against Israel
  • 1987-12-09 Palestine uprising begin in Israeli-occupied West Bank
  • 1988-01-03 Israel orders 9 Palestinian "instigators" deported from W Beirut
  • 1988-12-07 PLO delegation lead by Yasser Arafat proclaims the State of Palestine, recognizing the existence of the State of Israel for the first time
  • 1988-12-14 US agrees to talk to Palestine Liberation Org for the 1st time in 13 yrs
  • 1990-10-08 Israeli police kill 17 Palestinian rioters
  • 1990-12-04 An Iraqi official reports that Iraq will withdraw if it can retain control of the Rumailah field and keep Bubiyan and Werbah islands; also says that demands that the Palestinian issue be treated separately would not be surmountable
  • 1991-10-31 Palestinians attend US mideast peace talks in Madrid
  • 1991-12-20 Missouri court sentences Palestinian militant Zein Isa and his wife Maria to death for the "honor killing" of their teenaged daughter Palestina in St. Louis; he dies of diabetes complications before execution, she dies of natural causes while in prison

Agreement of Interest

1993-09-13 Public unveiling of the Oslo Accords, an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement initiated by Norway, signed by Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Shimon Peres and PLO official Mahmoud Abbas

  • 1994-02-25 Israeli extremist Baruch Goldstein massacres at least 55 Palestinians at Hebron Ibrahimi Mosque, with an assault style rifle
  • 1994-04-06 Palestinian suicide bomber kills 7 Israelis & himself
  • 1994-08-24 Israel & PLO initialed accord giving autonomy to Palestinians in West Bank in education, health, taxation, social welfare & tourism
  • 1994-10-19 Palestinian bomb attack on bus in Tel Aviv, kills 22
  • 1995-01-22 Palestinian bomb attack in Beit Lid Israel, 21-22 killed
  • 1995-10-10 Israel begins West Bank pullback, frees hundreds of Palestinian prisoners
  • 1995-10-26 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Mossad agents assassinate Islamic Jihad leader Fathi Shikaki in his hotel in Malta.

Yitzhak Rabin

1995-11-06 Israel buries Yitzhak Rabin, assassinated by Jewish extremist Yigal Amir who opposed peace with Palestinians

  • 1995-12-21 The city of Bethlehem passes from Israeli to Palestinian control.
  • 1996-01-10 Israel frees hundreds of Palestinian prisoners
  • 1996-03-07 The first democratically elected Palestinian parliament formed
  • 1998-08-11 Palestine Liberation Organization and Palestinian National Authority president, Yasser Arafat, arrives in Cape Town on his first state visit to South Africa at the invitation of President Nelson Mandela
  • 1998-10-23 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Chairman Yasser Arafat agree to the Wye River Memorandum, resuming implementation of the stalled Oslo II Accord which established a level of self-government for Palestine; signed at the White House, In Washington D.C.

Papal Visit

2000-03-20 Pope John Paul II visits Holy Land - Jordan, Israel, Palestine

  • 2002-01-03 The Palestinian freighter Karine A is seized by Israeli forces in the Red Sea
  • 2002-04-02 Israeli forces surround the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem into which armed Palestinians had retreated. A siege ensues.
  • 2002-04-12 Palestinian suicide bomber (female) kills 7 and injures 104 (among them 9 Arabs) at the Mahane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem.
  • 2002-05-09 38-day stand-off in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem comes to an end when Palestinians inside agree to have 13 suspected militants among them deported
  • 2003-04-14 U.S. troops in Baghdad capture Abu Abbas, leader of the Palestinian group that killed an American on the hijacked cruise liner the Achille Lauro in 1985
  • 2004-03-22 Ahmed Yassin, co-founder and leader of the Palestinian Sunni Islamist militant group Hamas, and bodyguards killed in the Gaza Strip by Israeli Air Force AH-64 Apache fired Hellfire missiles
  • 2004-11-11 Yasser Arafat's death through unidentified causes confirmed by Palestine Liberation Organization, Mahmoud Abbas elected PLO chairman minutes later.
  • 2005-01-09 Elections are held to replace Yasser Arafat as head of the Palestine Liberation Organization. He is succeeded by Rawhi Fattouh.
  • 2005-02-08 Leaders of both Palestine and Israel declare a truce in what many hope will be a "new era of peace"
  • 2005-03-16 Israel officially hands over Jericho to Palestinian control.
  • 2009-04-12 President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian National Authority makes a courtesy phone call to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, restarting the Palestinian-Israeli dialogue
  • 2012-05-14 1,500 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons agree to end mass hunger strike
  • 2012-09-02 15 people are killed by a car bomb attack at a refugee camp in Sbeineh, Palestine
  • 2012-11-10 Israeli counter strike on Palestinian militants in Gaza kills 5 and injure 30
  • 2012-11-29 The UN votes to approve Palestine’s status change from an observer to an observer state
  • 2014-06-02 The unity government is sworn into power in Palestine; it agrees to the following: recognition of Israel, compliance to diplomatic agreements, renunciation of violence
  • 2014-07-09 Spokesperson for Medical Aid for Palestinians claims that at least 7 children have been killed by Israeli air strikes
  • 2014-07-11 The UN Security Council calls for a special meeting to discuss the current Israel–Palestinian conflict; Israel continue attacks on Gaza
  • 2014-07-24 Over 10,000 Palestinians protest Israel's operation in Gaza; 2 Palestinians killed after Al-Aqsa Brigades members fire at Israeli forces
  • 2014-07-25 Palestinian officials call for a "Day of Rage" in the West Bank and within Israel against Israel's operation against Gaza; Israeli Defence Force prepares for protests
  • 2014-07-26 While Israel reject long-term ceasefire that does not include destroying the Hamas tunnels, they agree to 12 hour ceasefire; Palestinian death toll in the Gaza Strip now exceeds 1000
  • 2014-08-01 USA and UN announce a 72 hour ceasefire between Israel and Palestine, though it quickly breaks down
  • 2014-08-03 At least 13 Palestinians reported killed in ongoing air raids and tank shelling by Israel
  • 2014-08-10 Israeli and Palestinian officials agree to another 72-hour ceasefire proposed by Egypt
  • 2014-08-13 Israeli and Palestinian cease fire agreed to on August 8 is extended for another 120 hours to provide time for further negotiations
  • 2014-08-19 The 24 hour ceasefire extension renewal between Israel and Palestine is violated as Hamas fire rockets; Israeli Air Force respond, killing 9 Gazans