Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1500

Milan Reconquered

Jan 5 Duke Ludovico Sforza's troops reconquer Milan

  • Jan 26 Vicente Yáñez Pinzón becomes the first European to set foot in Brazil
  • Feb 17 Battle of Hemmingstedt - German peasant army repels ducal army of Schleswig and Holstein

Cabral Departs Lisbon

Mar 9 Pedro Álvares Cabral departs Lisbon, Portugal at the head of a 13 ship expedition to India that will also claim Brazil for Portugal

  • Jun 25 Pope Alexander VI accept Treaty of Granada
  • Jul 15 Albert III, Duke of Saxony defeats the Friesian rebellion
  • Jul 15 Baglione family massacre at the "Blood Wedding" of Astorre Baglione and Lavinia Colonna in Perugia
  • Aug 10 Portuguese sea captain Diego Diaz is first European to sight Madagascar

De Bobadilla Arrives in Hispaniola

Aug 23 Governor Francisco de Bobadilla arrives in the Indies, soon after arrests and sends former Governor Christopher Columbus back to Spain in chains

  • Sep 13 Predro Álvares Cabral and his Portuguese expedition arrive in Calicut, India

Copernicus Observes Eclipse

Nov 5 -6th Nov astronomer Copernicus observes a lunar eclipse in Rome