Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1540

  • Feb 9 The first recorded race meet in England (Roodee Fields, Chester)

Charles V takes Ghent

Feb 14 Emperor Charles V enters Ghent without resistance, executes rebels

Seven Cities of Gold

Feb 23 Francisco Vázquez de Coronado's expedition sets off from Mexico in search of the Seven Cities of Gold (Cibola)

  • Mar 19 Court of Holland names Amsterdam sheriff John Hubrechtsz a "heretic"
  • Apr 29 Emperor Charles declares all privileges of Ghent ended
  • May 4 Venice and Turkey sign Treaty of Constantinople

Cromwell Arrested

Jun 10 Former chief minister to King Henry VIII, Thomas Cromwell is arrested in Westminster for treason and heresy

Henry VIII Expels Anne of Cleves

Jun 24 English King Henry VIII commands his 4th wife, Anne of Cleves, to leave the court

  • Jun 29 UK parliament passes The Act of Attainder over former Chancellor of the Exchequer of England Thomas Cromwell, indicting him as a heretic
  • Jul 23 Turkey recognizes John Sigismund Zápolya as vassal king of Hungary
  • Aug 15 Arequipa is founded in Peru
  • Aug 25 Explorer Hernando de Alarcon travels up Colorado River
  • Aug 29 Emperor Karel deprives city Gent of its definitive rights and privileges
  • Sep 27 Pope Paul III officially recognizes the Society of Jesus (Jesuit) co-founded by Ignatius of Loyola as a religious order of the Catholic church
  • Oct 2 Venice and Turkey signs peace
  • Oct 11 Emperor Karel names his son Philip, Duke of Milan