Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1562

Edict of St Germain

Jan 17 French regent Catherine de' Medici issues the Edict of St Germain recognizing Huguenots in France

  • Jan 18 3rd sitting of Council of Trent opens, convened by Pope Pius IV
  • Jan 18 The Council of Trent is reopened by Pope Pius IV for its third (and final) session
  • Mar 1 Blood bath at Vassy: Francois de Guise's troops open fire on Huguenot congregation, first event in Wars of Religion
  • Mar 9 Kissing in public banned in Naples (punishable by death)
  • Mar 15 General Francois de Guise enters Paris
  • Apr 30 Jean Ribault and colonists arrive in Florida, the first French colonists in North America

Treaty of Constantinople

Jun 1 Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I and Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent sign treaty

  • Dec 19 Battle at Dreux: Anne de Montmorency & huguenots under Condé captured