Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1565

  • Jan 25 Battle at Talikota, India: Deccan sultanate destroys Vijayanagar's army and the last Hindu kingdom of Southern India
  • Mar 1 Portuguese soldier Estácio de Sá founds the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Mar 22 Turkish Armada leaves Constantinople bound for the siege of Malta with about 193 ships
  • Apr 27 First Spanish settlement in the Philippines founded at Cebu City
  • May 18 Turkish Armada arrives to begin the Great Siege of Malta, aiming to establish the island as their gateway for the conquest of Europe
  • Jun 14 Catharina de Medici and Duke of Alva discuss Calvinism
  • Jun 17 Matsunaga Hisahide assassinates the 13th Ashikaga shogun, Ashikaga Yoshiteru
  • Jun 23 Turgut Reis [Dragut], commander of the Ottoman Navy, dies during the Siege of Malta
  • Sep 8 1st permanent European settlement in the US founded at St. Augustine, Florida
  • Sep 8 Turkish siege of Malta broken by Maltese & Knights of St John
  • Sep 20 Spaniards capture Fort Caroline Florida & massacre the French

Letters From the Segovia Woods

Nov 13 King Philip II's "Letters From the Segovia Woods", rejecting requests to abolish ordinances outlawing heresy, reach Brussels

  • Nov 13 Pope Pius IV publishes decree Professi fidei
  • Dec 24 Compromise of the Nobles in Habsburg Netherlands closes against inquisition