Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1620

Hungary Makes Peace

Feb 4 Prince Bethlen Gabor of Hungary signs peace with Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II

  • May 17 1st merry-go-round seen at a fair in Philippapolis, Turkey
  • Jun 3 Construction of the oldest stone church in French North America, Notre-Dame-des-Anges, begins at Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
  • Jul 31 Pilgrim Fathers depart Leiden, Netherlands for England on their way to America

Kepler's Mother Arrested

Aug 7 Astronomer Johannes Kepler's mother arrested for witchcraft

Battle at Ponts-the-Ce, Poitou

Aug 7 Battle at Ponts-the-Ce, Poitou: French king Louis XIII defeats his mother Marie de Medici

The Mayflower

Aug 15 Mayflower sets sail from Southampton, England, with 102 Pilgrims

  • Sep 16 The Mayflower departs Plymouth, England, with 102 Pilgrims and about 30 crew for the New World [O.S. Sep 6]

Battle at Jassy

Sep 20 Battle at Jassy: Turks beat king Sigismund III of Poland

  • Nov 3 Great Patent granted to Plymouth Colony
  • Nov 8 Battle of White Mountain, Prague - 1st major victory of the Catholic Habsburgs over the Protestant Alliance in The Thirty Years' War
  • Nov 9 After a month of delays off the English coast and about two months at sea, the Mayflower spots land (Cape Cod)
  • Nov 11 Mayflower Compact signed by Pilgrims at Cape Cod, the 1st framework of government in the territory that is now the USA [N.S. Nov 21]
  • Nov 11 Mayflower Pilgrims make their first landing in America, at Provincetown Harbor, Massachusetts [1]

Exploration of Cape Cod

Nov 15 Myles Standish leads 16 men in a foot exploration of the northern portion of Cape Cod

  • Nov 19 The Mayflower reaches Cape Cod and explores the coast
  • Dec 2 English language newspaper "Namloos" begins publishing in Amsterdam
  • Dec 11 Mayflower Pilgrims come ashore in Plymouth Bay, traditionally thought to be at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts [NS: Dec 21]
  • Dec 16 Myles Standish and a group of 18 settlers are confronted by 30 Native Americans, which became known as the "First Encounter"
  • Dec 21 Mayflower Pilgrims come ashore in Plymouth Bay, traditionally thought to be at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts [OS: Dec 11] [some sources disagree, and OS/NS adds to confusion, could be +/- several days]
  • Dec 25 French Huguenots declare their intention to create a "state within the state" at a gathering in La Rochelle