Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1630

Arrest of Chonghuan

Jan 13 Chinese Emperor Chongzhen orders the arrest of military general Yuan Chonghuan

  • Jan 13 Letters Patent issued to Plymouth Colony
  • Feb 14 Dutch fleet of 69 ships reaches Pernambuco, Brazil
  • Mar 22 1st colonial legislation prohibiting gambling enacted (Boston)
  • Mar 23 French troops occupy Pinerolo Piedmont
  • May 17 Italian Jesuit Niccolo Zucchi, 1st to see 2 belts on Jupiter surface

History of New England

May 29 John Winthrop begins "History of New England"

  • Jun 25 Fork introduced to American dining by Governor Winthrop
  • Jun 26 Swedish troops under Gustaf II Adolf lands at Peenemunde
  • Jul 3 Emperor Ferdinand II opens German Parliament
  • Jul 6 Swedish troops under Gustaf II Adolf land at Peenemunde
  • Jul 12 New Amsterdam's governor buys Gull Island from Indians for cargo, renames it Oyster Island, later known as Ellis Island
  • Jul 18 Spanish troops occupy Mantua
  • Sep 7 City of Boston, Massachusetts, is founded
  • Sep 16 Massachusetts village of Shawmut changes its name to Boston
  • Oct 19 In Boston the 1st general court is held
  • Nov 5 Spain & England sign peace treaty
  • Nov 10 Failed palace revolution in France against Cardinal Richelieu
  • Nov 30 16,000 inhabitants of Venice died this month of plague