Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1648

  • Jan 20 Cornerstone of Amsterdam townhall laid
  • Jan 24 Lord Baltimore's representative Margaret Brent ejected from the Maryland Council after requesting right to vote

Bossuet's First Thesis

Jan 25 French theologian Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet obtains his first thesis in theology with Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, as a witness

  • Jan 30 Spain & Netherlands sign Peace of Munster, ending the Thirty Years' War

Charles I's Failed Escape

Mar 20 King Charles I of England first tries to escape captivity at Carisbrooke Castle on the Isle of Wight by climbing out a window - but gets stuck [1]

  • Apr 5 Spanish troops and feudal barons strike down people's uprising in Naples
  • Apr 6 Construction of the Red Fort completed at Shahjahanabad, Mughal Empire (now Dehli, India)
  • Apr 12 University of Harderwijk opens in the Netherlands
  • Apr 29 Beginning of 18 day battle of Zhovti Vody in Ukraine - Polish King John II Casimir eventually defeated by Cossacks
  • May 15 Treaty of Munster ratified by Spain & Netherlands
  • May 16 Battle of Zhovti Vody: Ukrainian Cossacks, commanded by Bohdan Khmelnytsky and Crimean Tatars led by Tuhaj Bej, defeat Polish King John II Casimir, after 18 days of battle
  • May 17 Emperor Ferdinand III defeats Maximilian I of Bavaria
  • May 29 King Charles I of England attempts to escape captivity at Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight, for second time by hacksawing through a barred window but caught in the act [1]
  • Jun 10 Moscow's people uprise against regent Boris Morozov
  • Jun 24 Cossacks slaughter 2,000 Jews and 600 Polish Catholics in Ukraine
  • Jun 30 French premier cardinal Mazarin calls Saint Louis Chamber together
  • Jul 22 10,000 Jews of Polannoe murdered in Chmielnick massacre during Khmelnytsky Uprising
  • Aug 17 -20] Battle at Preston, Lancashire: Henry Ireton beats Scottish
  • Aug 20 Battle of Lens: French Duc d'Enghien defeats Spaniards
  • Aug 25 Siege of Deal Castle ends in the surrender of Royalist supporters to Parliamentarians during the Second English Civil War [1]
  • Aug 26 People's uprising against Anna of Austria & Cardinal Mazarin
  • Sep 19 First inn opens in New France, a pastry shop and hostelry in Québec owned by Jacques Boisdon [1]
  • Sep 21 Beginning of the Battle at Pilawce: Bohdan Khmelnytsky's Cossacks defeat the Polish army of John Casimir II (battle ends 23 Sept) [NS]
  • Oct 4 Peter Stuyvesant establishes America's 1st volunteer fire service
  • Oct 18 1st labor organization forms in North American colonies (Boston Shoemakers)
  • Oct 24 Treaty of Westphalia ends The Thirty Years' War in the Holy Roman Empire; Switzerland's independence recognized
  • Nov 2 12,000 Jews massacred by Chmielnicki hordes in Narol Podlia
  • Nov 11 Dutch & French agree to divide St Maarten, Leeward Islands

Peace of Westphalia

Nov 26 Pope Innocent X condemns Peace of Westphalia; the treaty that ended the Thirty Years' War recognising Dutch Republic's Independence and Catholic and Lutherans as equal

  • Dec 6 Pride's Purge: Thomas Pride prevents 96 presbyterians from sitting in English parliament