Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1651

Coronation of Charles II

Jan 1 Charles II Stuart crowned King of Scotland at Scone Abbey

  • Feb 6 -7] Cardinal Mazarin flees Paris
  • Feb 13 Flemish missionary Joris van Geel departs to Congo
  • Mar 5 South Sea dike in Amsterdam breaks after storm
  • Mar 31 Great earthquake at Cuzco, Peru

Fiumi Fountain

Jun 12 The newly completed Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of the Four Rivers) by Gian Lorenzo Bernini is unveiled in Rome

  • Jun 28 Battle of Beresteczko between Poles and Ukrainians starts.
  • Jun 30 The Deluge: Khmelnytsky Uprising - the Battle of Beresteczko ends with a Polish victory
  • Jul 24 Anthony Johnson, a free African American, receives grant of 250 acres in Virginia

Battle of Worcester

Sep 3 Battle of Worcester: Oliver Cromwell's New Model army destroys English royalist force of mainly Scots in last battle of English Civil War

  • Sep 4 King Charles II of England, on the run from Parliamentarians at White Ladies Priory, disguises himself as a countryman rubbing his hands and face with soot [1]
  • Sep 6 King Charles II of England spends a day hiding in an oak tree during his escape after losing the Battle of Worcester
  • Oct 9 English parliament passes Navigation Act
  • Oct 15 Future King of England Charles II flees England and pursuing Parliamentary forces, sailing from Shoreham, West Sussex to France
  • Oct 27 English troops occupy Limerick, Ireland

Louis XIV Comes of Age

Nov 7 King Louis XIV of France (13) declared of full age

  • Dec 24 Jan van Riebeeck departs for Cape of Good Hope to found 1st permanent European settlement
  • Dec 25 Massachusetts General Court ordered a five shilling fine for "observing any such day as Christmas"